About Me

White male (Nick Sinclair) with blond hair and glasses, kissing brown sproker spaniel.
PS. I’m the handsome devil on the left. 😉

Hi there! Thank you so much for joining me on my About page. We’ve got a lot to talk about. 🙂

First of all, I better introduce myself. I’m Nick Sinclair, and like you, I’m a huge gamer. When I’m not eating, sleeping, working, or kidding myself in the gym (where I feel like the only thing that grows when I’m lifting weights is my waist), I’m sat down playing strategy games, roguelites, simulation games, and management games.

Games have been a central, formative figure in my life since I can remember. And they likely will be until the day I depart this mortal coil and head off into the real Starfield.

So I’ve always known I didn’t just want to play games; I wanted to be part of games, part of the industry, part of the culture. As a content manager and digital marketer, I’ve had the privilege of working in the games industry on several occasions. That’s why I thought I’d use all my knowledge of content creation, digital marketing, e-commerce, and online business to create CareerGamers, a brand that’s dedicated to helping gaming content creators like you succeed.

Below, you can discover my mission for CareerGamers and how I’ll be helping you on your road to success.

My Mission

My mission for CareerGamers is simple: I want to help gaming content creators like you thrive by focusing on creating outstanding content in three key areas:

  • Mind – Learn the soft skills needed to start, run, and grow a successful content business.
  • Business – Acquire the business skills and knowledge you’ll need to move from 1 to 1000 to 1 million subscribers, and beyond.
  • Creation – Learn the creative skills needed to produce content that grabs attention and captivates audiences.

For each area, I will be creating deep, engaging, video-first content that focuses on the processes and templates essential for business success. These are processes and templates that I’ve used myself countless times with my own and clients’ businesses.

Focusing on this pillar trifecta will ensure you learn every key aspect needed to build the content creation business of your dreams.

In the next section, you’ll learn why I have the experience and skills to help you succeed.

Why you should listen to me

Let’s be honest, there are loads of gurus out there claiming to perform miracles for content creators. They say they can send you a PDF of suggestions and that your content brand will magically transform into a multiple million subscriber, money-making machine.

Now, of course, I’d claim to be different. And I like to think I am because I’ve worked as a content marketing director for several companies and grown my own online brands. I’ve got the evidence of success that’s needed to succeed.

For example, I’ve:

  • Helped businesses improve profits by 700% with content marketing.
  • Grown CareerGamers into a six-figure marketing channel.
  • Assisted multiple businesses in growing their business with multi-channel content.
  • Helped Chaos Trend (my gaming company) market its games using content marketing to achieve over 1 million downloads on iOS and Android.

So, I like to think I have the experience and successes to help you succeed. Not only that, but I’ve also lived through my fair share of dips, hiccups, and mishaps. I’m not one of the 1-in-a-million lucky ones who grew a million-subscriber channel in 12 months.

I’ve grown my brand through hard work, determination, constant education, and above all, riding the huge waves of disappointment that washed over me every time yet another hurdle tried to trip me and keep me down for good.

From this very website being hacked and offline for 40 days to Google’s seemingly random updates slashing SEO gains, I’ve always found a way to drag my frankly, beaten and broken body, back on the horse.

And I can help you do the same.

If my mission to help content creators thrive resonates with you, you can reach me by taking a look at My Collaborate with CareerGamers page. Or If you just want to reach out and say Hi, head to the same page.

Speak soon, and all the very best.

Nick Sinclair