5 Ways to Test the Hardware of Your New or Used PC

Looking for some applications that can help you test your PC’s hardware? You have reached the best place!

When you plan on getting a new PC for yourself, first, we reach out to every store and look for the best deals online. Or even if it’s not new, you tend to get a used one from your contacts. 

It is a fact that people get very excited while buying laptops and pay minimal attention to the system’s specs. 

And they end up disheartened later when their PC starts to deteriorate in terms of performance. They come with warranties, but sending them for servicing is quite a hassle.

Furthermore, a used PC won’t come with a warranty. 

So, if you are concerned about your system’s performance, we have listed vital applications and tools that can help you test its hardware. 

So, read this article to the end and discover how you can test your PC’s hardware. 

Five Ways to Test Your New or Used PC’s Hardware

A blind purchase results in the seller ripping you off. 

So, before you make the purchase, use these five tips to check the hardware of the PC you are planning to buy!

#1 Examine the RAM (Random Access Memory)

RAM is the computer’s component that stores short-term memory. This component stores all your system’s current processes and uses that information to help the PC perform smoothly. 

Now, having bad RAM installed, your PC’s performance will be affected. And you are most likely to encounter frequent crashes, stream of errors, slow performance, and distorted graphics. You should test the RAM before buying a new or used PC. 

To test the RAM, there is a pool of third-party apps. But, strictly avoid using those apps, and use Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. 

Follow the steps to test your RAM –

  1. Press Windows + R to trigger the Run prompt. 
  2. Then type “mdsched.exe” in the space provided and press Enter.
  3. Then select ‘Restart now and check for problems.

Then the system will restart once and boot itself. You will see the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool performing a test run. Once completed, it will restart again. 

Now, it will show you the result, or you can use the Windows Event Viewer. Here is how you can do it –

  1. Click on Start and then head to Event Viewer
  2. Click on Windows Logo, and head to System
  3. On your right-hand pane, click on Find under Actions. 
  4. Then type Memory Diagnostic, and click on Next.

#2 Check the Solid State Drive and Hard Disk Drive

These two drives contain the OS installed on your PC. And if any of these two gets compromised, your system will crash, hang, freeze, and can even fail. So, ensuring they are healthy is of utmost importance. 

To check the health of your HDD, you can use HD Sentinel, a tool solely designed to identify and solve issues related to the HDD. To download, head to its official website, and you will get it. 

You will have to use another tool to test your SSD’s health, SSDLife. You can get it from its official website as well.  

#3 Check CPU and GPU

Both CPU and GPU are vital components of your PC, as because of these two components, you can use Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint, and even play games on your PC. 

To test both the CPU and GPU, you may use Furmark. To test it, set 1280 x 720 to 1920 x 1080 for a high to medium-end PC and 1280 x 720 for a low-end PC. If your screen flickers, then it indicates problems in the GPU. 

To test the CPU, you will launch CPU Burner and start the test. 

Now, if your system shuts off during the test, this is solely because of overheating. In such cases, you must add more fans to keep their temperature low. You can use NZXT’s Cam to monitor their temperature. 

#4 Testing the Keyboard

Now is the time to test your keyboard. Many do not consider the keyboard as an integral part of the computer. But it is, is a part that is used in almost everything. 

To test your keyboard, you can get a lot of keyboard testers online. Or, if you wish to use any third-party app, you can use keyboardtester.io and a virtual keyboard will be open.

All you will do is just press a key. If it is alright, it will go red! Following the same, check all the keys of your keyboard. 

#5 Check Screen and Dead Pixels

It is common knowledge that the screen contains small colored blocks called pixels. Pixels are of three colors: red, green, and Blue.

And sometimes, these pixels do malfunction, which causes them to show only particular color, none at all. 

So, if you wish to determine if you have any bad pixels in your system, you can look at the same online. You will have hundreds of alternatives. You can use Check Pixels or Dead Pixels Test. These tests display a pool of colorful pages, making it easier for you to spot a bad pixel. 

And when you run such tests, make sure you enable full screen. Or just press F11, and this is applicable for all browsers. 

Final Words

So, now that you have this entire article, I hope you know why it is important to conduct these tests. 

It does not matter whether you are getting a high- or low-spec PC. Checking on their hardware is very important. 

Conducting such tests will help you determine if you need to swap out any component or not. Also, conducting these tests ensure that your system is working fine. 

Hence, if you are buying a PC any time soon, do not buy until you perform these tests. 

Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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