Thanks for joining me for the CareerGamers Update for October 2022. In this update, I want to cover all the happenings and changes that have occurred since the last update. I also want to throw...
Category: Opinion
Hi. Thanks for joining me for the CareerGamers Q3 2022 Update. This is the first - because I'm lazy - quarterly update here on CareerGamers. You're probably wondering why I'm writing an...
Quick Answer: Learn a skill that you can deliver digitally.Become an expert at it.Join freelance websites.Start applying for work to get clients.Earn money. You can't really "learn...
The following article is solely my own opinion. I have no evidence to back up my claims other than my own experience and research that I have performed. I also want to make it clear that I...
Why Sony Should’ve Made The PS4 Controller 100% Compatible With The PS5 Console (Opinion)
Sony just released more details about the PS5, and one major detail is that the PlayStation 4 controller will not work with all of the games on the PS5 console. Yes, okay, the PS4 controller...