Collaborate with CareerGamers


Thanks for showing an interest in collaborating with me at I really appreciate it.

Below are some of the ways you can contribute to CareerGamers and get your product/business the attention it needs.

  • Guest Post: $150 per guest post. (negotiable depending on content quality)
  • Backlink: $50 per link
  • Physical Product Reviews: You send me your product, and I’ll review it.
  • Digital product/service: I require lifetime access to your digital product and or service.
  • Game reviews: I will require unrestricted access to the game in order to review it.

Below are my Content editorial guidelines for sponsored posts:

  • Content must target a topic in the gaming niche.
  • My target audience is gamers who want help succeeding as content creators. Your content’s topic must fall within the following buckets:
    • Mind: Discuss the soft skills needed to succeed as a content creators
    • Businesses: Discuss the business skills and knowledge need to succeed as a content creator.
    • Creative: Discuss the creative aspects of succeeding as a content creator.
    • Products: Discuss the hardware or software products needed to succeed as a content creator.
  • Provide me with the topic, and keyword you intend on targeting, plus the volume of the keyword.
  • Content must be 1000 words long, minimum.
  • The article must confirm to Google EEAT and demonstrate, Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust
  • The author of the article must have experience and expertise in the topic.
  • Provide 2-3 original images/screenshots that are verified as original for the content and format them to be no more than 950px wide.
  • Link to at least 1 supporting YouTube video.
  • Content must be formatted correctly, H1, H2, H3 tags ex.
  • All links must be relevant to my CaeerGamers audience.

My terms and conditions are as follows:

  • Content will not be marked as sponsored.
  • All links would be do-follow
  • The average time to publish an article is between 2 hours and 72 hours. But usually on the shorter side.
  • I DO NOT guarantee the content’s existence for the lifetime of the website. Content is constantly reviewed on CareerGamers, with poor-performing content culled.
  • I DO NOT accept gambling, casino, CBD, or adult-themed Links.
  • I DO NOT accept gambling, casino, CBD, or adult-themed content.
  • All content you write for CareerGamers becomes the property of website owner Nick Sinclair and, therefore, can be altered to better my brand and audience needs.
  • Payment will be expected within 48 hours of publication of the article.
  • I can update my terms and conditions at any time without having to consult or update you on the change to my terms and conditions. All terms and conditions changes will retroactively apply to all past content content.

By contacting me, you hereby accept all of the above.

Let me know what you think. If you are happy to continue, you can reach out to me here:

NPS2310 (at)

All the very best, and stay safe.
