Diamond Farming in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I’m deep into my latest Zelda: Breath of the Wild adventure, traversing the vast landscapes of Hyrule, battling enemies, and solving puzzles. I’ve got my eyes set on a shiny new weapon, but there’s a catch – it requires diamonds, those elusive, sparkling gems that seem to be as rare as a perfect speedrun. I remember feeling like I was on a never-ending quest, searching high and low, battling formidable foes, and mining countless ore deposits, all in the hopes of finding these precious stones.

I knew I couldn’t be the only one in this predicament. Fellow adventurers like you would surely benefit from a comprehensive guide to diamond farming in BotW. So, I decided to put together this article, a treasure map of sorts, to help you navigate the world of diamond farming in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • A step-by-step guide to diamond farming in BotW
  • The best locations for diamond farming
  • The respawn rate of diamonds in the game
  • The enemies that drop diamonds
  • The uses of diamonds in BotW
  • The cost of diamonds in the game

So, grab your controller, put on your adventuring hat, and join me as we embark on this journey together. Let’s turn this diamond in the rough into a gem of knowledge. Keep reading, fellow gamer, and let’s conquer this quest together!

How to Find and Farm Diamond in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Just like a treasure hunt, diamond farming in Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW) is a thrilling adventure that requires strategy, patience, and a bit of luck. Let’s embark on this journey together, step by step, to unearth these precious gems.

Step 1: Know Your Enemy

The first step to diamond farming is knowing where to find them. In the vast world of Hyrule, diamonds are often dropped by certain enemies. The Stone Talus (Luminous), Stone Talus (Rare), and Frost Talus are your prime targets. These mini-bosses are like the guardians of the diamond mines, and defeating them can yield a diamond reward. It’s like playing a high-stakes game of chess, where the victorious player is rewarded with a precious gem instead of a checkmate.

Step 2: Mining Ore Deposits

Diamonds can also be found in ore deposits scattered across the Hyrule landscape. These deposits are like the game’s natural treasure chests, waiting to be discovered. You’ll need to use your weapons to break these deposits open, but be careful not to use your best weapons as the process can cause them to degrade. It’s like using a key to unlock a door, but the key gets slightly damaged each time you use it.

Step 3: Trade Luminous Stones

In the world of BotW, bartering is a common practice. You can trade ten Luminous Stones for a diamond with Ledo in Zora’s Domain. It’s like trading a handful of bronze coins for a gold one. This method is a bit time-consuming, but it’s a surefire way to get a diamond.

Step 4: Complete Diamond-Related Quests

There are certain quests in the game that reward you with diamonds upon completion. These quests are like the game’s version of a scavenger hunt, where the ultimate prize is a shiny diamond. Keep an eye out for “Rauru’s Blessing”-type shrines, as they often reward diamonds.

Step 5: Buy Diamonds

If you’ve got Rupees to spare, you can buy diamonds from the gem shop in Tarrey Town. Each diamond costs 2000 Rupees. It’s like visiting a high-end jewelry store, where the merchandise is expensive, but the quality is guaranteed.

Now that we’ve covered the step-by-step guide to diamond farming, let’s move on to the best locations for diamond farming in Zelda BotW.

Best Locations for Diamond Farming in Zelda BotW

Finding diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is like embarking on a grand treasure hunt. The world of Hyrule is vast and filled with hidden gems (quite literally). Here are some of the best locations to farm diamonds.

Dracozu Lake

Dracozu Lake is a prime location for farming Luminous Stones, which can be traded for diamonds. It’s like a hidden oasis in the desert, providing a valuable resource for those who know where to look.

Zora’s Domain

Zora’s Domain is not just a beautiful location; it’s also a diamond hotspot. Here, you can trade Luminous Stones with Ledo for diamonds. It’s like a bustling marketplace, where goods are exchanged and deals are made.

Ore Deposits Across Hyrule

Ore deposits are scattered across the landscape of Hyrule. These deposits are like nature’s own treasure chests, waiting to be opened. Some of the best places to find these deposits include the rocky caves, hills, and mountains of Hyrule.

Tarrey Town

Tarrey Town is home to a gem shop where you can buy diamonds. While this method requires Rupees, it’s a guaranteed way to get a diamond. It’s like a reliable store in a shopping mall, always there when you need it.


Certain shrines, like those offering “Rauru’s Blessing”, reward diamonds upon completion. These shrines are like the end of a rainbow, offering a precious reward for those who can reach them.

Now that we’ve covered the best locations for diamond farming, let’s delve into the respawn rate of diamonds in Zelda BotW.

How Often Do Diamonds Respawn in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

In the world of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the cycle of life and death is governed by the Blood Moon. Just as the moon waxes and wanes in our world, so too do the resources in Hyrule. Let’s delve into the mystery of diamond respawn rates in the game.

The Blood Moon Phenomenon

In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the Blood Moon is a recurring event that happens every seven in-game days. During this event, defeated enemies respawn, and the world of Hyrule is replenished. It’s like the game’s version of a reset button, bringing back defeated foes and restoring depleted resources.

Diamond Respawn Rates

When it comes to diamonds, however, the respawn rate is a bit different. Diamonds don’t necessarily respawn with every Blood Moon. Instead, ore deposits, which can contain diamonds, have a 1% chance to reappear for every minute of real-world time. It’s like a lottery draw, where the winning numbers are drawn at regular intervals, but the jackpot (in this case, the diamonds) doesn’t always come up.

This means that diamond farming in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a game of patience and persistence. You’ll need to regularly check ore deposit locations and defeat the right enemies to maximize your chances of finding diamonds. It’s like a marathon, where the key to success is not speed, but endurance.

The Role of Time

Time plays a crucial role in the respawn rate of diamonds. As mentioned earlier, ore deposits have a 1% chance to respawn every minute. This means that the more time you spend in the game, the higher your chances of finding diamonds. It’s like a treasure hunt that never ends, where the passage of time brings new opportunities to find hidden gems.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild don’t have a fixed respawn rate. Instead, their availability is tied to the respawn rate of ore deposits and certain enemies. While the Blood Moon event does replenish resources, it doesn’t guarantee the reappearance of diamonds. So, keep your eyes peeled, your weapons ready, and your spirit of adventure alive as you hunt for these precious gems.

Now that we’ve unraveled the mystery of diamond respawn rates, let’s move on to the enemies that drop diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

What Enemies Drop Diamonds in Zelda BotW?

In the world of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, not all enemies are created equal. Some are more rewarding to defeat than others, especially when it comes to diamond farming. Let’s take a closer look at the enemies that drop diamonds in the game.

Stone Talus (Luminous, Rare, and Frost)

The Stone Talus enemies are like the gatekeepers of the diamond mines. These mini-bosses, including the Luminous, Rare, and Frost variants, often drop diamonds when defeated. It’s like a high-stakes game of tag, where tagging (or in this case, defeating) the “it” rewards you with a precious diamond.

Silver and Gold Enemies

Silver and Gold enemies in the game also have a chance to drop diamonds. These enemies are like the elite guards of the diamond treasury, and defeating them can yield a diamond reward. It’s like a game of capture the flag, where capturing the flag (or in this case, defeating the enemy) can earn you a shiny diamond.

Lynel, Hinox, and Molduga

Other mini-bosses, such as Lynel, Hinox, and Molduga, also drop diamonds. These enemies are like the bosses in a video game, where defeating the boss rewards you with a valuable prize. In this case, the prize is a diamond.

The Role of Luck

It’s important to note that while these enemies can drop diamonds, it’s not a guaranteed drop. The chance of a diamond drop is like a roll of the dice, where the outcome is determined by luck. However, by targeting these specific enemies, you can increase your chances of finding diamonds.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, if you’re looking to farm diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, targeting specific enemies such as the Stone Talus (Luminous, Rare, and Frost), Silver and Gold enemies, and other mini-bosses like Lynel, Hinox, and Molduga can increase your chances of finding diamonds. It’s like a strategic game of chess, where knowing your opponent can give you an advantage.

Now that we’ve identified the enemies that drop diamonds, let’s explore the uses of diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

What are the Uses of Diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, diamonds are more than just shiny baubles. These precious gems have a variety of uses that can enhance your gameplay experience. Let’s delve into the many uses of diamonds in the game.

Weapon Recovery

Diamonds have the unique characteristic of being used for weapon recovery. It’s like having a magic potion that can restore your favorite weapon to its former glory. This is particularly useful for high-value weapons that you don’t want to lose.

Crafting Unique Weapon Replacements

Diamonds can also be used to craft unique weapon replacements. It’s like having a master blacksmith at your disposal, ready to forge a new weapon from a diamond. This can be done by talking to certain NPCs around each of the four major towns in the game.

Upgrading Armor and Accessories

Diamonds can be used to upgrade specific armor and accessories, such as the diamond circlet. It’s like adding a layer of diamond armor to your gear, enhancing its protective qualities.

Trading for Ammunition

Diamonds can be traded for the best ammunition in the game. Each diamond you collect can be exchanged for high-quality ammunition, giving you an edge in combat. It’s like trading a gold coin for a quiver of arrows.

Selling for Rupees

If you’re in need of Rupees, diamonds can be sold for a hefty price. Each diamond sells for 500 Rupees, making them a valuable source of income. It’s like finding a gold nugget that you can exchange for cash.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, diamonds in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are a versatile resource. They can be used for weapon recovery, crafting unique weapon replacements, upgrading armor and accessories, trading for ammunition, and selling for Rupees. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife in your inventory, ready to be used in a variety of ways.


And so, our journey through the world of diamond farming in Zelda: Breath of the Wild comes to an end. We’ve traversed the vast landscapes of Hyrule, battled formidable foes, and unearthed the secrets of diamond farming. Just like in our gaming adventures, we’ve learned that the quest for knowledge can be just as thrilling as the quest for diamonds.

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve covered:

  • We’ve outlined a step-by-step guide to diamond farming in BotW, turning the daunting task into a manageable quest.
  • We’ve identified the best locations for diamond farming, providing you with a treasure map to the diamond hotspots in Hyrule.
  • We’ve delved into the respawn rate of diamonds, shedding light on the cyclical nature of resources in the game.
  • We’ve highlighted the enemies that drop diamonds, giving you a hit list of foes to target in your diamond farming quest.
  • We’ve explored the uses of diamonds in BotW, showcasing the versatility of these precious gems.
  • We’ve discussed the cost of diamonds in the game, giving you a clear idea of the value of these sparkling treasures.

As we conclude this guide, remember that the quest for diamonds is a marathon, not a sprint. So, keep your eyes on the prize, your spirit of adventure alive, and your gaming skills sharp. Now, let’s move on to the “What Next?” section of this guide.

What Next?

As a fellow gamer, I understand the importance of having actionable tasks to take away after reading a guide. It’s like having a quest log in a game, providing you with clear objectives to complete. Here are some tasks you can undertake after reading this article:

  • Start your diamond farming quest by targeting the enemies we’ve identified in the guide.
  • Visit the locations we’ve highlighted for diamond farming and start mining those ore deposits.
  • Keep track of the in-game time to anticipate the Blood Moon and the replenishment of resources.
  • Experiment with using diamonds for weapon recovery and crafting unique weapon replacements.
  • Try trading diamonds for ammunition or selling them for Rupees to gauge their value in your gameplay.

Remember, every gaming adventure is unique, and your diamond farming quest in Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be no different. So, go forth, fellow gamer, and may your quest be filled with thrilling battles, valuable finds, and countless diamonds!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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