FREE Get Into The Games Industry Email Course

Sign up for my FREE course now, and you’ll get access to my 12-step roadmap to fast-track your entry into the game industry. The course includes:

  • Day 1: Welcome: Course Overview
  • Day 2: How to pick the right games industry job for you
  • Day 3: Finding the skills you’ll need for the job
  • Day 4: How to effectively learn the skills you’ll need for your chosen job
  • Day 5: How to get experience using your new skills
  • Day 6: How to demonstrate results with your new skills
  • Day 7: Building a portfolio and content
  • Day 8: Building a modular CV and cover letter
  • Day 9: The new way to network
  • Day 10: Applying for Jobs
  • Day 11: The interview
  • Day 12: What next?

Not only that, but each day will include a number of FREE downloadable worksheets, tools, and templates to make your quest to get the gaming job you crave as quick, painless, and easy as possible.

Get the FREE Course Now

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