How Much Stamina to Tame Giant Horse in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

I remember the first time I encountered the Giant Horse in “Zelda: Breath of the Wild”. There I was, wandering the vast landscapes of Hyrule, when I spotted this majestic creature.

It was like stumbling upon a legendary boss in the wild – thrilling, intimidating, and utterly captivating. I knew I had to tame it, but boy, was I in for a challenge. My stamina drained faster than a speedrunner on a world record attempt, and I found myself thrown off more times than I’d like to admit. I wished then for a comprehensive guide, a walkthrough to this epic side quest.

And that’s exactly what I’ve created here for you, my fellow Hyrule adventurers.

In this guide, we’ll embark on a quest to tame the Giant Horse, covering topics such as:

  • The exact amount of stamina needed to tame the Giant Horse.
  • Tricks to taming the Giant Horse with less stamina.
  • What happens if you try to tame the Giant Horse without enough stamina.
  • The role of stamina elixirs in taming the Giant Horse.
  • The benefits of taming the Giant Horse.
  • Where to find the Giant Horse in BOTW.

So, grab your Hylian shield, equip your Sheikah Slate, and prepare for an adventure. This is your ultimate guide to taming the Giant Horse in “Zelda: Breath of the Wild”. Ready to conquer this challenge? Then let’s dive in!

What is the exact amount of stamina needed to tame the Giant Horse in Zelda: BOTW?

In the vast, open-world adventure of “Zelda: Breath of the Wild” (BOTW), taming the Giant Horse is a thrilling challenge that requires a significant amount of stamina. According to various sources, including Polygon and GameFAQs, you’ll need a little more than two full stamina wheels to successfully tame this majestic creature.

Understanding Stamina in BOTW

In BOTW, stamina is represented by a green wheel that depletes as Link performs strenuous activities such as running, climbing, and taming wild horses. The stamina wheel can be upgraded by trading in Spirit Orbs obtained from completing Shrines. Each upgrade either adds a new segment to the stamina wheel or increases Link’s heart count.

Stamina and the Giant Horse

The Giant Horse is a unique creature in BOTW. Unlike other horses, it requires a significant amount of stamina to tame. This is a test of endurance, a marathon rather than a sprint. You’ll need to have at least two full stamina wheels, and a little more, to successfully tame the Giant Horse.

Preparing for the Taming Challenge

Before you embark on this quest, it’s advisable to increase your stamina as much as possible. You can do this by completing Shrines and trading in the Spirit Orbs you earn for stamina vessels at any Goddess Statue. Alternatively, you can cook and consume food items that temporarily increase your stamina or replenish it when it’s running low.

In the next section, we’ll explore some tricks to taming the Giant Horse with less stamina. So, grab your controller and let’s dive back into the world of Hyrule!

Are there any tricks to taming the Giant Horse with less stamina?

Taming the Giant Horse in BOTW is a test of endurance, but there are a few tricks that can make the process easier, even if you’re working with less stamina. According to a tip from Mic, you can pause the game just as your stamina is about to run out, open your inventory, and consume something that increases stamina. Repeat these steps until you’ve tamed the beast.

Stamina-Boosting Foods and Elixirs

In BOTW, certain foods and elixirs can temporarily increase your stamina or replenish it when it’s running low. Ingredients like staminoka bass, endura carrots, and tireless frogs can be cooked into stamina-boosting meals and elixirs. Having these on hand can be a game-changer when you’re trying to tame the Giant Horse.

The Art of Soothing

When you mount a wild horse in BOTW, you need to soothe it to lower its resistance. This is done by pressing the L button. The trick is to tap the button rapidly, as this seems to be more effective than holding it down. This technique can help you tame the Giant Horse with less stamina.

The Power of Patience

Taming the Giant Horse isn’t a race against time, but a test of patience. If you’re thrown off, don’t give up. Get back on the horse and continue soothing it until it’s tamed. Remember, every great gamer knows that sometimes, victory comes to those who wait.

In the next section, we’ll discuss what happens if you try to tame the Giant Horse without enough stamina. So, stay tuned!

What happens if I try to tame the Giant Horse without enough stamina?

Taming the Giant Horse in BOTW without enough stamina can be a challenging endeavor. If you attempt to tame the Giant Horse but run out of stamina before it’s fully tamed, you’ll be thrown off. But don’t worry, this isn’t game over. You can get back up, dust yourself off, and try again. However, the horse will likely run away, so you’ll need to approach it again to mount it.

The Consequences of Falling

Falling off the horse doesn’t cause any damage to Link, but it does mean you’ll have to start the taming process from scratch. This can be frustrating, especially if you were close to taming the horse when you ran out of stamina.

Stamina Management

Managing your stamina is crucial when trying to tame the Giant Horse. Keep a close eye on your stamina wheel and use stamina-boosting foods or elixirs when it starts to run low. Remember, it’s better to pause the game and replenish your stamina than to be thrown off the horse.

In the next section, we’ll explore whether you can use stamina elixirs to help tame the Giant Horse. So, keep reading!

Can I use stamina elixirs to help tame the Giant Horse?

The answer is a resounding yes! Stamina elixirs can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to tame the Giant Horse in BOTW. According to IGN, you’ll need a significant amount of stamina – 2-1/2 wheels or a lot of Stamina Elixir.

Crafting Stamina Elixirs

Stamina elixirs can be crafted by cooking certain ingredients together. For example, combining a monster part with a critter that has stamina-restoring properties, like the tireless frog, will result in a stamina elixir. These elixirs can fully restore your stamina and even grant you extra stamina wheels temporarily.

Using Stamina Elixirs

When you’re in the process of taming the Giant Horse and your stamina is running low, you can pause the game, open your inventory, and consume a stamina elixir to instantly replenish your stamina. This can give you the extra boost you need to complete the taming process.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the benefits of taming the Giant Horse in BOTW. So, saddle up and let’s continue our journey!

What are the benefits of taming the Giant Horse in Zelda: BOTW?

Taming the Giant Horse in BOTW is not just a thrilling challenge, but it also comes with several benefits. According to Zelda Wiki and Polygon, the Giant Horse is one of the strongest steeds available in the game.

Strength and Stamina

While the Giant Horse cannot gallop and its speed is ranked poorly, it compensates with its strength. It’s a powerhouse, capable of dealing more damage to enemies during mounted combat compared to other horses. Plus, once you get it going, you won’t need to manage its speed, as it doesn’t have a stamina rating.

Completing Side Quests

Taming the Giant Horse is also necessary to complete the side quest “Hunt for the Giant Horse”. According to Zelda Dungeon, Link must tame this beast and ride it back to the Mounted Archery Camp to complete the quest. So, not only do you get a powerful new steed, but you also get the satisfaction of completing a challenging side quest.

A Unique Mount

The Giant Horse is a unique mount in BOTW. It towers over Link and other horses in height, making it a sight to behold. Riding this majestic creature across the landscapes of Hyrule is an experience like no other.

In the next section, we’ll discuss where you can find the Giant Horse in BOTW. So, grab your map and let’s set off on a new adventure!

Where can I find the Giant Horse in Zelda: BOTW?

The Giant Horse in BOTW is a rare creature that can be found in a specific location in the game. According to Polygon and Game Rant, the Giant Horse can be found within the Taobab Grassland, just south of Mount Hylia and the Owa Daim shrine atop of the Great Plateau.

Locating the Taobab Grassland

The Taobab Grassland is located in the Lake Tower Region, south of the Great Plateau. It’s a vast, open area where a herd of horses can often be seen grazing. Among these horses, you’ll find the Giant Horse. It stands out due to its size, so it’s hard to miss.

Approaching the Giant Horse

When you locate the Giant Horse, approach it slowly and quietly to avoid startling it. Once you’re close enough, mount it and begin the taming process. Remember to manage your stamina and use stamina-boosting foods or elixirs as needed.

Finding and taming the Giant Horse in BOTW is a rewarding challenge that offers several benefits. So, whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, why not give it a try? Happy gaming!


And there you have it, fellow adventurers – your comprehensive guide to taming the Giant Horse in “Zelda: Breath of the Wild”. Just like my own journey in Hyrule, we’ve navigated the challenges, discovered the tricks, and emerged victorious. It’s been quite the quest, hasn’t it?

To recap, here are the main points we’ve covered:

  • Taming the Giant Horse requires a little more than two full stamina wheels.
  • You can use tricks like consuming stamina-boosting foods and elixirs to tame the Giant Horse with less stamina.
  • If you run out of stamina while taming the Giant Horse, you’ll be thrown off, but you can try again.
  • Stamina elixirs can be a lifesaver when taming the Giant Horse.
  • Taming the Giant Horse comes with several benefits, including its strength and the completion of a side quest.
  • The Giant Horse can be found in the Taobab Grassland, south of Mount Hylia.

Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, it’s time to set off on your own adventure in Hyrule. Ready to take on the challenge? Then saddle up and ride on!

What Next?

I always believe in leaving you with something actionable to do after reading an article. So, here are some specific tasks you can take on after finishing this guide:

  • Start by increasing your stamina in the game. Complete more shrines and trade in Spirit Orbs for stamina vessels.
  • Gather ingredients for stamina-boosting foods and elixirs. Look for staminoka bass, endura carrots, and tireless frogs.
  • Practice your soothing technique. Remember, rapidly tapping the L button is more effective than holding it down.
  • Head to the Taobab Grassland and locate the Giant Horse. Remember to approach it slowly and quietly.
  • Try taming the Giant Horse. Use your stamina wisely and don’t forget to consume stamina-boosting foods or elixirs when needed.

Remember, every great adventure starts with a single step. So, why not take that step today? Happy gaming!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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