How Old is Link in Zelda Breath of the Wild? The Answer May Surprise You!

As a lifelong fan of “The Legend of Zelda,” I’ve spent countless hours exploring the vast landscapes of Hyrule, battling monsters, solving puzzles, and immersing myself in the rich lore of the series. But there was one mystery that always intrigued me: How old is Link in “Breath of the Wild?” This question led me on a quest of my own, delving into the game’s narrative, character interactions, and subtle clues scattered throughout the world.

I realized I wasn’t alone in this quest. Many fellow gamers were also curious about Link’s age and how it influenced the game’s storyline, character dynamics, and even gameplay elements. I felt a guide that unraveled this mystery would be a treasure chest for fans of the series, offering insights and sparking discussions.

In this guide, we’ll embark on a journey through the following topics:

  • Unveiling the mystery of Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild”
  • Exploring how Link’s age affects the game’s storyline
  • Comparing Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” to his age in other Zelda games
  • Understanding how Link’s age compares to Princess Zelda’s age in “Breath of the Wild”

So, grab your Master Sword, hop on your Loftwing, and join me on this adventure. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” and uncover the secrets of Link’s age. Keep reading, fellow Hylians, the quest begins now!

How old Is Link In Zelda Breath of the Wild?

The age of Link, the protagonist of the iconic game series “The Legend of Zelda,” has always been a topic of intrigue among fans. In the installment “Breath of the Wild,” the mystery surrounding Link’s age deepens, offering a unique blend of lore and gameplay elements that hinge on this very aspect.

In “Breath of the Wild,” Link’s age is a bit of a puzzle. While there are no explicit statements in the game about his exact age, clues scattered throughout the narrative suggest that Link is around 17 years old biologically. This is based on the fact that he appears more mature and adult-like compared to his depictions in previous games. However, the story of “Breath of the Wild” is not as straightforward as it seems.

Link’s chronological age is a different story. Due to a long slumber lasting a century, Link’s chronological age is much older than he appears. This means that while his body is that of a 17-year-old, he has technically been alive for over 100 years. This dichotomy between Link’s biological and chronological age adds a fascinating layer to his character and the overall narrative of the game.

This information is not just a trivial fact but plays a significant role in the game’s storyline. It affects how other characters perceive and interact with Link, and it influences the player’s understanding of Link’s experiences and the world around him.

As we journey through the vast landscapes of Hyrule, we’ll see how Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” compares to his age in other Zelda games and how it impacts his relationship with Princess Zelda. So, grab your Hylian Shield, and let’s dive deeper into the mystery of Link’s age.

How does Link’s age affect the storyline in Zelda Breath of the Wild?

Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” is not just a number but a crucial element that shapes the game’s narrative. It’s like a hidden heart container, subtly influencing the storyline and the character dynamics.

Firstly, Link’s age plays a significant role in his character development. As a 17-year-old, Link is at the cusp of adulthood, embodying the perfect blend of youthful vigor and mature wisdom. This is reflected in his actions and decisions throughout the game, as he navigates the challenges and trials that come his way.

Secondly, Link’s age impacts his relationships with other characters in the game. As a young adult, Link is seen as a peer by characters around his age, fostering camaraderie and mutual respect. This is particularly evident in his interactions with Princess Zelda, with whom he shares a deep and complex bond.

Moreover, Link’s chronological age adds an intriguing twist to the narrative. Despite his youthful appearance, Link carries the weight of a century on his shoulders. This dichotomy between his physical age and his actual age creates a unique dynamic, adding depth to his character and the story.

In conclusion, Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” is not just a trivial detail but a pivotal aspect that shapes the game’s narrative. It’s like a hidden rupee, subtly enriching the storyline and adding depth to the characters. Now, let’s compare Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” to his age in other Zelda games.

How does Link’s age in Zelda Breath of the Wild compare to his age in other Zelda games?

Link’s age has varied across the different installments of “The Legend of Zelda” series, reflecting the unique narrative and gameplay elements of each game. In “Breath of the Wild,” Link’s age adds a new dimension to his character, setting it apart from other games in the series.

In the original “The Legend of Zelda,” Link was depicted as a young boy, around 10 years old. This was a common theme in the early games, with Link often portrayed as a child embarking on a grand adventure. However, as the series evolved, so did Link’s age.

In “Ocarina of Time,” for instance, Link’s age is a central aspect of the game’s narrative. Link starts the game as a child of around 9 years old and then ages seven years during his journey, becoming a 16-year-old adult. This shift in age is not just a narrative device but also influences the gameplay, with certain tasks and areas accessible only to adult Link.

In “Breath of the Wild,” Link’s age takes on a different significance. As a 17-year-old, Link is portrayed as more mature and capable, reflecting the game’s more challenging and open-ended nature. However, his chronological age of over 100 years adds a layer of complexity to his character, setting him apart from his previous incarnations.

In conclusion, Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” is a unique aspect of his character, distinguishing him from his depictions in other Zelda games. It’s like a unique piece of equipment, enhancing the gameplay and enriching the narrative. Now, let’s explore how Link’s age compares to Princess Zelda’s age in “Breath of the Wild.”

How old is Linked compared to Princess Zelda in Zelda Breath of the wild?

In “Breath of the Wild,” Link and Princess Zelda share a deep and complex bond, shaped by their shared experiences and challenges. Their ages, interestingly, are quite closely matched, adding another layer to their relationship.

Like Link, Princess Zelda is around 17 years old in “Breath of the Wild.” This is suggested by several cutscenes and story elements in the game. However, just like Link, Zelda’s chronological age is much older due to the events of the game. Technically, Zelda is 117 years old in “Breath of the Wild,” but with the appearance and physiology of a 17-year-old girl.

This close match in age fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding between Link and Zelda. As peers, they navigate the challenges and trials of their journey together, strengthening their bond. This is reflected in their interactions throughout the game, adding depth to their relationship.

In conclusion, Link and Zelda’s ages in “Breath of the Wild” are not just numbers but crucial aspects of their characters and their relationship. They’re like two pieces of a Triforce, closely connected and influencing each other. As we continue to explore the vast world of Hyrule, we’ll uncover more mysteries and secrets, deepening our understanding of these iconic characters.


Our journey through the world of “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” has been a thrilling adventure, filled with discoveries and insights. We’ve delved into the mystery of Link’s age, explored its impact on the game’s storyline, compared it to his age in other Zelda games, and examined how it relates to Princess Zelda’s age. Just like a successful dungeon run, we’ve uncovered treasures of knowledge and gained a deeper understanding of this beloved game.

Here’s a quick recap of our adventure:

  • Link’s biological age in “Breath of the Wild” is around 17, but his chronological age is over 100 due to a century-long slumber.
  • Link’s age significantly impacts the game’s storyline, character development, and gameplay elements.
  • Link’s age in “Breath of the Wild” is unique compared to his age in other Zelda games, adding a new dimension to his character.
  • Princess Zelda is also around 17 years old in “Breath of the Wild,” fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding between her and Link.
  • The close match in age between Link and Zelda influences their relationship and adds depth to their characters.
  • The mystery of Link’s age is a pivotal aspect of “Breath of the Wild,” enriching the narrative and enhancing the gameplay.

Now that we’ve unraveled the mystery of Link’s age, it’s time to embark on the next stage of our adventure. So, grab your Sheikah Slate and let’s dive into the “What Next?” section!

What Next?

I always believe that the best way to truly appreciate a game is to actively engage with it. So, here are some actionable tasks you can take after reading this article:

  • Replay “Breath of the Wild” with a focus on Link’s age and see how it influences your understanding of the game.
  • Compare Link’s character in “Breath of the Wild” to his depictions in other Zelda games.
  • Engage in discussions with fellow gamers about Link’s age and its impact on the game’s storyline and character dynamics.
  • Look for subtle clues about Link and Zelda’s ages in the game’s cutscenes and dialogues.
  • Explore other aspects of “Breath of the Wild” that you’re curious about and share your findings with the gaming community.

Remember, every game is a new adventure waiting to be explored. So, keep playing, keep discovering, and keep sharing your insights with fellow gamers. Happy gaming!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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