How to Get Viewers On Twitch: Instant Results!

If you are disheartened because of your slow growth on Twitch and wandering around with a question that how to get viewers on Twitch then we have got you covered. In this article, I’ll guide you with different methods that will help you grow organically. I have also included the best and quick method to get viewers on Twitch instantly. Continue reading to find out all the answers.

Building and growing a community on Twitch is a vital factor that motivates you to get better and better for your audience. The competition on the platform is indeed huge but if you’re focused to achieve your goal, no matter what obstacles come your way. You can achieve whatever you believe.

Getting thousands of views on your Twitch channel overnight is not possible unless you purchase authentic viewers. However, if you execute with a smart approach and the right strategies then you hold great potential to grow exponentially with organic viewers. Below I have compiled a list of 10 proven methods that have helped hundreds of our readers grow quickly on Twitch. So, without waiting any further. Let’s dive into it!

How to Get Viewers on Twitch [Fast and Quick Method]

If you are not motivated enough to start your journey from 0 viewers then we have got you covered with this. You can kickstart your Twitch journey by purchasing authentic and real Twitch viewers that are 100% legal and safe and will help you uplift your Twitch channel on the platform’s algorithm which gives your channel a boost and attracts more viewers to your broadcasts as they find your content in their recommendations.

To Buy Twitch viewers, I recommend GrowthMount as they are the best in the market. When you purchase their Twitch viewers’ services they send real human beings to your broadcast which means you do not violate any Twitch terms and conditions.

GrowthMount’s 24/7 customer support along with market-competitive prices are what makes them stand out in the market. You can check out their packages section and choose what suits your need and start your Twitch streaming journey now.

How to Get Viewers on Twitch [10 Proven Methods]

In this current age of AI, you do not only require hard work to succeed. It is the smart work plus your effort that takes you to places. Having said this, below I have added a list of 10 proven strategies that will definitely help you get viewers on Twitch.

1. Decide your Niche and Stick to it

You must have decided on your content genre even before you made your Twitch channel. Once you have your mind clear, you must stick to your content niche and start working on it until you have made a loyal fan base that will stick to your content no matter what.

For example, if you are a first-person shooter games lover then just find the 2-3 games you’d never get tired of and start getting better in those. Broadcast your gameplay live consistently and it will help you make a difference in your viewership as the right viewers will find you soon.

2. Connect With Your Audience

Streaming on Twitch is all about building up your community and that does not come only with just sharing your screen with them. You gotta talk to them, share your interests, ask them about theirs and make the giving the whole environment friendly for everyone.

Many new streamers do this mistake where they just start sharing their screen and do not talk to anyone and just keep playing their game. No, this is not what you do to attract more viewers to your stream.

Even if you have got 0 viewers on your live stream you still gotta talk. Just discuss your whereabouts in the game, give your opinions about the match you’re currently in. Talk about your mistakes and your team could have done better to win the last round.

This behavior attracts your viewers to your content and they develop an urge to give their opinion as well. Thus, this is very crucial to attract more viewers to your live broadcasts.

3. Maintain Your Social Media Accounts

Your ultimate goal should not be streaming only but make a brand out of yourself and that does not come without showing social media presence. Properly handling your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is key to building your communities 10 times quicker.

It is human nature that when you start liking and consuming someone’s content you get more interested in their personal life as well. Hence, to build up a stronger connection with your audience you can always share your social media handles with your audience.

You can arrange “Ask Questions” sessions on your social media accounts occasionally that will help you strengthen your bond with your audience. You can also share behind-the-scenes footages of your live stream with your community via social media stories.

In a nutshell, it is a great way to expand your audience across different social media platforms. It helps you grow faster and attracts more people to your content and lifestyle.

4. Collab With Other Streamers

Arranging a duo or trio collaboration with other streamers helps you to expand your community on Twitch. You can always write a proposal to other struggling content creators that are working in the same niche as you. You can ask them to join your squad and play together, it will help both of you as both of your communities will see you guys playing together.

It does not only help you to get more viewers to your stream but also helps you develop better connections with other like-minded people who are trying their best to achieve the same goal as you. You might end up making a friend for a lifetime.

5. Post Your Gameplay Highlights on Youtube and Instagram

We all have those days when our aim gets cracked and we destroy every single player in our game. Use such days to expand your community out of Twitch. You can always cut the deadliest clips from your Twitch stream and make a montage out of them and post them on YouTube and other social media platforms.

Make sure the clips you are using have some craziest plays only which will help you gain anyone’s attention once they play your clip. This technique intrigues people to know more about you and they will ultimately end up watching your next stream on Twitch.

6. Arrange Giveaways For Your Audience

Setting up days for giveaways is always a smart way to attract more viewers to your stream. You could give away your audience anything you’d like such as digital subscription codes and your brand merch etc. 

You can use your social media accounts to announce the giveaways and also apply conditions to join your giveaways such as making your audience tag five of their friends and ask them to follow you to participate. This strategy helps you increase your reach. You can try doing this every week or twice a month depending on your affordability.

7. Stream During Golden Hours and On Weekends

Twitch’s peak viewership time is between 11 AM to 2 PM (PST) and these hours are also called golden hours. You must play smart and stream in between these hours to get the maximum viewership.

If you are not a full-time streamer and are busy at this time period, you can also opt for evening streams because at that time everyone comes back home from work and college and they are mostly free scrolling on the internet.

Apart from this, you must consistently stream on weekends for every few hours to get the maximum recognition on the platform as Twitch has more people active on weekends compared to weekdays.

8. Get Better Gear

Your microphone and camera quality play an important role in live broadcasts. Make sure you stream with the camera on to maximize your interaction with your audience. People would love to stick to someone’s stream who has a better quality microphone and clear visuals compared to someone with lots of buzz sounds from their microphone. Check out my review of, MAONO PD200X Microphone Review.

Another factor that you must consider is good lighting along with a cool background that matches your stream’s content. Better camera quality attracts people to stay and chat with you whereas a cool background improves the overall vibe of your content and your channel.

9. Create a Discord Server

Creating a discord server allows you to notify your community about any change or announcement you’d like to share with your audience. You can also set up different rooms for your audience where they can sit and have fun with their friends. It is just another tactic to attract more people to your community.

You can also set up going live alerts on your discord server which will automatically notify every individual on your discord server that you have started broadcasting on your Twitch channel.

10. Look For Your Competitors

It is always a great idea to look out at the content of other famous Twitch streamers who are working on your Niche. Try joining their stream often to read the audience’s behaviors. Find out what excites them the most. Do your research and find out what is making them have those millions of viewers.

This practice will help you get more ideas from their streams which you can implement in your own content later on. Apart from that, make them a source of motivation for you to get better because if anyone else can do it, then you can also do it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is it hard to get viewers on Twitch?

A: Getting viewers on Twitch requires focus, dedication, and consistency. It is not something you can achieve in a day or two but it requires months of planning, focus, and hard work.

Q: How do you grow 20 viewers on Twitch?

A: You can get instant viewership on your broadcast from GrowthMount. Visit their site now and buy their legitimate viewers’ packages now.

Q: How do you get 3 average viewers on Twitch fast?

A: You can either purchase viewers to get them quickly on your stream or simply share your stream’s link with your friends and family and ask them to join in.

Q: How to get more viewers on Twitch using Reddit?

A: Engage with communities that share the same interests and genre of your content on Reddit. You can do that by interacting on active subreddits. This is a great way to find potential viewers for your live streams using Reddit.


In a nutshell, it is true that achieving tons of viewers overnight seems impossible but implementing correct strategies can help you get closer to your ultimate goal.

Consistency is always the key—make sure you set up a daily streaming schedule that allows you to land a loyal audience.

By following the methods mentioned above, I guarantee you a significant increase in your daily viewership on Twitch. Stay motivated, and keep running towards your goal because you are just one step away from achieving it!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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