The Best Ways to Make Money From Your YouTube Gaming Channel

Making money on YouTube channels is a hot topic right now. Everyone seems to be talking about it, and for a good reason! There are so many people out there making mountains of cash by playing games and streaming their gameplay live. But what if you don’t know how to get started making money on YouTube?

Don’t worry, I’m here to help. As a content marketer, I’ve been helping individuals and companies market their products, grow audiences, and make money on YouTube for years. So, I know a trick or two about this trade.

So whether you’re just starting or you’re looking to take your channel to the next level, keep reading. I’m going to share everything you need to know about making money on your YouTube gaming channel.

How To Make Money On A Youtube Gaming Channel? The easiest and most common way is to monetize your gaming channel through the YouTube Partner Program and earn through ad revenue. In addition, you can also make money through paid sponsorships, marketing, partnerships with popular brands, and selling your own branded merchandise.

You know that making money on a YouTube gaming channel is possible. You’ve seen other people do it, and you know that you have the skills to make it work. But where do you start?

In the following sections, I’ll be looking at:

  • The initial steps you need to take before making money on YouTube.
  • A look at how much money a channel can earn.
  • Multiple monetization techniques explored

I’ll tell you everything you need to know to make money on your gaming channel. So, whether you are just starting a gaming channel or have been growing one for a while, read on to find the least guide you’ll ever need on YouTube Monetization.

How To Make Money On YouTube – The Initial Steps

Gaming channels are becoming more and more popular, and if done right, they can be a great way to make money on YouTube.

You’ve seen the big names and their huge followings, and you know that you have the skills to make it work. But you don’t know where to start. How do you monetize a YouTube gaming channel?

The first thing you need to do is find your niche. What games do you like playing the most? What kinds of content are you interested in making? Once you figure that out, focus on creating great content that viewers will love watching.

Too many wannabe YouTube gamers think they can just dump a few low-quality gameplay videos on their channel, get thousands of views, and start making money immediately.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Creating a gaming channel that gets to the point where it can be monetized takes a huge amount of dedication. You need 1000 subscribers and 4000 watched hours before YouTube will even consider you ready to show ads on your videos.

And 99.9% of people who start a YouTube channel quit before ever hitting those magic numbers.

So, to make money on YouTube, you’ll need to understand what makes a successful YouTube gaming channel. There are a few things to keep in mind.

1: Create videos that people actually want

Many aspiring YouTubers begin their journey with the expectation that recording their FIFA gameplay, uploading it to YouTube, and waiting a few months will lead to fame. However, the reality is starkly different.

A common pitfall for new YouTubers is producing content they personally enjoy or about their own gaming experiences, expecting it to resonate with viewers. While there are instances where this self-centred approach can succeed, it is mostly the exception rather than the rule. In fact, a majority of channels struggle to grow despite having hundreds of videos, barely crossing the threshold of a few thousand subscribers.

On the flip side, some channels skyrocket to over 100,000 subscribers with just a handful of videos in a year. The differentiating factor? These successful channels craft content based on audience demand and necessity rather than personal preference.

Uploading every FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT) match you play isn’t likely to cut it. But if you pivot to creating content that addresses common challenges and questions FIFA players face, you stand a better chance at success.

The key to unlocking what your audience craves is keyword research. YouTube, at its core, is a video search engine, and keyword research is a critical tool for understanding viewer queries and interests. By targeting these keywords, you’re not just chancing upon viral success; you’re systematically addressing the needs of a broad audience.

Skipping keyword research in your YouTube strategy is akin to relying on sheer luck. In contrast, using keyword research as part of a data-driven approach lays a solid foundation for growth.

For those interested in leveraging keyword research without a price tag, my free tutorial provides a step-by-step guide just as effective as the methods I use with my clients. Alternatively, tools like TubeBuddy offer professional solutions to further streamline this process, which I highly recommend investing in once your channel surpasses 1,000 subscribers and starts generating revenue.

Next, we’ll explore the role of consistency in growing your YouTube presence. Stay tuned.

2: Be Consistent

You’ve likely heard it before, but the importance of consistency in uploading to YouTube cannot be overstated. Consistency trumps volume when it comes to growing your channel. Subscribers are more likely to return and stay engaged when they can anticipate new content from you on a regular schedule.

Consider the “Game of Thrones” phenomenon: its success was partly due to the predictability of its airing schedule. Every Tuesday at 9 PM, fans knew exactly when and where to glue themselves to the screen. This reliability allowed viewers to plan their week around the episodes, ensuring they never missed out. The ease of tuning in without the hassle of tracking down the next airing time contributed to its massive following.

Now, picture if HBO broadcasted “Game of Thrones” sporadically, with episodes airing at unpredictable times each week. This inconsistency would not only confuse viewers but likely cause a rapid decline in viewership, no matter how compelling the content.

But there’s more to consistency than just the timing of your releases. It also means being persistent with your content creation. YouTube’s algorithm favours channels that show a commitment to regular, quality content production. It’s designed to filter out those who might give up too soon.

So, if you find yourself at video number 25 feeling discouraged, remember: you’re at a crucial juncture where many falter. Push through, maintain your schedule, and continue to create content that your audience values. YouTube’s algorithm will take notice, and with time, your consistent efforts are likely to be rewarded with greater visibility and growth. Don’t let the algorithm—or any premature thoughts of defeat—win. Keep playing the long game, and trust that your persistence will pay off.

Once you have these basics down, keep making videos until you get over 1,000 subs and those 4,000 watched hours. Then, you can start monetizing your channel. But before we start talking about monetization techniques, and there are a lot of exciting ones to talk about, what is the earning potential of a YouTube channel?

The figures will, honestly, shock you.

How Much Money Can a Gaming Channel Earn?

If you’re one of the millions of people who enjoy watching gamers play video games and are setting up your own gaming channel, you might be wondering how much money YouTubers make from their channels.

Turns out, it can be a pretty lucrative gig! Some of the top earners make eight figures annually or more. Let me surprise you with some facts and figures.

  • Half of the top 10 YouTube earners have a gaming channel. Gaming is, frankly, huge compared to any other type of YouTube category.
  • YouTube’s most influential gamers earn more than $12 million a year.

Are those numbers too big for you to target? Ok, let’s talk about an achievable goal. On average, YouTube gamers can make about $60,000 per year.

The earning potential on YouTube is a hot topic that often yields surprising figures and, sometimes, staggering revenue reports. Citing FinanceBuzz, the going rate for an average YouTuber is estimated at about $18 for every 1,000 ad views. This means that a viral hit racking up a million views could translate to a cool $18,000 from advertising revenue alone.

And that’s just scratching the surface. When you layer on alternative monetization strategies—such as sponsorships, affiliate marketing, merchandise, and fan funding—the income from that same million-view milestone could realistically double. But why stop there? With a strategic approach to your gaming channel, incorporating business savvy and diversifying income streams, a tenfold increase isn’t just a daydream—it’s an achievable target.

Picture this: a gaming channel that doesn’t just entertain but also rakes in $180,000 for every million views. It may sound like a stretch, but in the realm of digital content, the rules of possibility are rewritten every day. Your presence here signals a readiness to play in these big leagues, to learn the tactics that turn pixelated adventures into profitable ventures.

Ready to unlock the treasure chest of gaming channel revenue? Let’s level up and explore the myriad ways to monetize your gaming content. You’re not just here to play games; you’re here to turn your passion into a thriving empire.

Stay tuned for detailed insights and guidance tailored to help you maximize your earnings and cement your place in the lucrative world of gaming on YouTube.

Ways To Make Money With A YouTube Gaming Channel

With a dedicated approach, creating YouTube content can become more than just a pastime; it can evolve into a substantial income stream. Sharing your passion for gaming with the world offers not just fulfillment but also the potential for financial gain.

It’s important to understand the nuances of YouTube monetization: earning ‘on’ versus ‘with’ your channel. Making money ‘on’ YouTube typically means generating revenue through the platform itself, such as ad earnings directly from your videos. In contrast, making money ‘with’ your channel involves using your platform to create income indirectly, such as driving community support on a Patreon page.

Armed with this knowledge, let’s clear the stage for a rundown of various monetization strategies that can help you capitalize on your gaming YouTube channel. From ad revenue and brand partnerships to merchandise sales and exclusive memberships, each method offers a different path to profit, tailored to the unique dynamics of your viewership and content style.

1. Ad Revenue:

  • YouTube Partner Program (YPP): Once your channel meets the eligibility requirements, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program to start earning money from ads displayed on your videos.

2. Affiliate Marketing:

  • Game Sales: Promote games or gaming merchandise using affiliate links. When someone makes a purchase through your link, you earn a commission.

3. Channel Memberships:

  • Membership Tiers: Offer membership tiers on your channel where subscribers can pay a monthly fee for special perks like badges, emojis, exclusive content, etc.

4. Super Chats and Super Stickers:

  • Live Streaming: During live streams, viewers can pay to have their messages highlighted in the chat through Super Chats or purchase Super Stickers.

5. Patreon or Other Crowdfunding Platforms:

  • Exclusive Content: Offer exclusive content, early access, or other perks to patrons who support you on platforms like Patreon.

6. Merchandise Sales:

  • Branded Merchandise: Design and sell your own merchandise like t-shirts, hats, or other gaming-related products.

7. Collecting donations

  • Use donation platforms such as Buy Me a Coffee or even PayPal to get donations from your adoring fans.

8. Sponsorships and Brand Deals:

  • Sponsored Content: Collaborate with gaming companies or related brands for sponsored videos, and reviews, or feature their products in your content.

9. Online Courses or E-books:

  • Gaming Guides: If you have expertise in certain games, you can create and sell online courses or e-books.

10. Creating and Selling Your Own Games or Apps:

  • Game Development: If you have the skills, create and sell your own games or apps and promote them on your channel.

11. License Your Content:

  • Syndication: License your gaming videos to other platforms or media outlets.

12. Consulting:

  • Gaming Consultation: Offer consulting services on anything from how to grow a gaming YouTube channel to how to design and make games.

13: Coaching

  • 1-2-1 Tutorials: help others improve at the games they love by coaching them from Noob to Pro.

The realm of YouTube monetization is quite the treasure trove, isn’t it?

And guess what? We’re merely scratching the surface here.

In the next few sections, I’ve got a cosy little rundown prepared on each of these moneymaking methods. Every mini guide will introduce you to each money-making method and will run through the Pros and Cons of making money in that way using your YouTube channel.

In the future, I’ll write comprehensive guides for each Gaming CHannel money-making technique in order for you to cash in.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into these mini guides, beginning with the simplest yet impactful monetization method for your gaming YouTube channel: Advertisements.

1: Monetizing Your YouTube Gaming Channel with ads

Monetization on YouTube using ads is the process where you earn money from your uploaded videos by allowing YouTube to place ads in them. As a gamer, this means that the content you create—be it let’s plays, walkthroughs, speedruns, reviews, or live streams—can generate revenue each time a viewer watches or clicks on an ad shown on your video.

But it’s not just a matter of turning on a monetization feature; it’s about building a business. You’ll need to qualify for the YouTube Partner Program, which requires 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. Once you’re in, you’ll need to adhere to YouTube’s monetization policies, making sure your content is advertiser-friendly—meaning no excessive violence, strong language, or controversial subject matter.

Ads are often the first way most gamers and channel creators think of to make money with YouTube. However, from my time helping clients. Ads can offer a variety of hurdles that need to be surmounted. Even some things as simple as verifying your address for an Adsense account can take weeks. From my experience, these little issues can very quickly put a dampener on the delight a fledgling YouTube may feel on first hitting the ad payment threshold.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that Monetizing with ads is a powerful way to make your gaming channel profitable. When done right, you can turn your gaming hobby into a thriving business, creating content that you love and that, in turn, supports you financially. It’s a game where strategy, patience, and creativity pay off with real-world rewards.

If you’d like an in-depth guide to how to set up Adsense monetization on Your gaming YouTube channel, please check back for the guide I’ll be writing soon.

In the meantime, please check out this YouTube video by Mike Vestil. It’s a crack of a video. Once you are done watching the video, we’ll be taking a look at a monetization method that any channel of any size, even if it has only one subscriber, can use right now to start earning cash: Affiliate marketing.

2: Affiliate Marketing

Each time you play and showcase a new game, accessory or piece of hardware on your YouTube channel, there’s an opportunity to earn not just through ads but also through products or services you recommend in your videos. That’s where affiliate marketing comes into play—a commission-based earning strategy that complements traditional ad revenue.

As someone who has guided numerous gaming enthusiasts on their journey to profitability, I’ve seen firsthand how affiliate marketing can enable even the smallest channels to start earning money from their channel views. Money that can be reinvested into tools nad services that can accelerate your channels growth.

Affiliate marketing starts by joining affiliate programs for products or services that resonate with your gaming niche. Whether it’s gaming gear, the latest software, or even subscription services, you can find affiliate opportunities that align with your content and audience’s interests.

What does this entail? Well, once you’re an affiliate, you’ll integrate these product links into your video descriptions, mention them during your videos, or even create dedicated content like reviews or unboxings. Each time someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a percentage of that sale.

It’s not just a plug-and-play approach; it involves strategy. You’ll need to disclose your affiliate relationships to maintain transparency with your viewers, which builds trust. You also want to keep your content genuine, recommending only products you believe in so that your endorsements have more weight.

I’ve helped clients pick the right affiliate offers, place them strategically in their videos, and use calls-to-action that don’t disrupt their content’s flow. The key is to provide value to your audience—show them how these products enhance your gaming experience, and in turn, how they might enhance theirs.

I have consistently endorsed the Affiliate Program to my clients, and for good reason. It boasts an inclusive acceptance policy; nearly everyone who applies is approved, regardless of their online presence or audience size. The application process is straightforward—simply submit your information, and typically within a day, you receive acceptance. This swift approval process allows you to quickly begin using affiliate links to generate income.

This is obviously fantastic because it means your channel can and will start earning money before you hit the YouTube ads threshold. If you sign up for Amazon’s affiliate program right now, you could literally be earning your first dollar in the next hour.

But, from my experience, the key to successful affiliate marketing is balance and transparency. Creators who treat their affiliate endeavours as an extension of their gaming passion—sharing products that they’re genuinely excited about and that add value to their content—tend to see the best results. It’s about enriching your viewers’ gaming lives, not just selling to them. When done correctly, affiliate marketing not only bolsters your revenue but also solidifies your reputation as a trusted voice in the gaming community.

Save this page and check back to catch my full guide on using affiliate marketing for your channel, coming soon. Or, for instant updates, visit my Patreon page and sign up. You’ll get the news on new articles right away!

3. Channel Memberships

Channel memberships are an exciting avenue for monetization on YouTube, especially for gaming channels. From my experience helping gamers evolve into content creation entrepreneurs, memberships stand out as a powerful tool to build a stable income.

Here’s how it works: Channel memberships allow your viewers to become paying members of your channel, providing them with exclusive perks such as badges, emojis, and access to members-only content. It’s like having a VIP club for your most dedicated fans, who are willing to pay a monthly fee to support your channel and enjoy the benefits that come with membership.

Setting up channel memberships requires you to meet certain eligibility criteria, including having over 30,000 subscribers and abiding by YouTube’s partnership policies. Once you’re eligible, you can activate the feature and start offering tiered memberships.

I do know what you are thinking, “30,000 subs! I can nearly hit 1000 subs!”. But I can say with the confidence that comes from experience that if you follow all the tips, tactics, strategies, processes, guides, and templates are create, hitting 30,000 subs is just a matter of time.

The beauty of channel memberships is the direct connection you build with your audience. Unlike ad revenue, which is dependent on algorithms and ad rates, memberships rely on the strength of your community and the value you provide to them. As a gaming channel, you can offer exclusive playthroughs, early access to your streams, or even gaming advice sessions as part of your membership perks.

From the trenches of content creation, I can tell you that managing a membership program also means added responsibility. You’ll need to maintain a schedule of exclusive content and ensure that your paying members feel valued. It’s a balancing act between growing your free-to-view audience and nurturing your member-exclusive community.

While channel memberships can significantly increase your monthly revenue, they also require a dedicated effort to keep members engaged. You’re not just playing games and creating content; you’re creating an exclusive experience that viewers find worth paying for. This form of monetization transforms your channel from a mere platform for gaming videos into a thriving, interactive community. It’s a step towards turning your gaming hobby into a full-fledged business empire.

In my work with clients, I’ve always emphasized that channel memberships can be a game-changer, but they’re not a ‘set it and forget it’ income source. It’s a hands-on monetization method that requires ongoing attention and innovation. Creators who excel at this are those who not only produce engaging content but also excel at cultivating a unique relationship with their audience. For gamers looking to transform their channel into a content business, memberships offer a lucrative, if demanding, path to success.

If you’d like to learn more about channel membership and how to incorporate it into your gaming channel, keep an eye out for an in-depth, step-by-step guide on YouTube gaming channel memberships.

In the meantime, I think we should skip forward a little bit and take a look at the next big monetization tactics that gamers can leverage: Superchats and Super stickers.

4. Super Chats and Super Stickers

Oh, the colourful, buzzing world of Super Chats and Super Stickers! They’re like the confetti and applause from your audience while you’re live on stage, except in the virtual gaming arena of YouTube.

When you’re live streaming your game, viewers can purchase Super Chats to highlight their messages or Super Stickers to pop a fun, animated icon in the chat. It’s their way of showing some love and grabbing a moment under the spotlight in your chat box, while you get a monetary tip for the entertainment you’re providing.

YouTube Super Chat allows viewers to pay $1-$500 to display their chats at the top of the chat feed. They have a chance to be seen by others, especially if it’s on a channel where many people are typing away at once.

The only drawback? YouTube takes 30% off all transactions, which leaves 70% for the streamer. But I would still deem this percentage good enough.

There are certain requirements before you can enable this feature on your YouTube channel.

  • Be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program
  • Be 18+ of age.
  • The Super Chat feature should be available in your country

Drawing from my own experience in assisting clients, Super Chats and Super Stickers can be an exciting way to engage with your audience and supplement your income from gaming content. However, it’s vital to balance this interaction with consistent and high-quality content delivery. Your strategy should include regular live streaming schedules, offering a mix of open interaction and focused gameplay. Also, always remember to acknowledge your audience’s contributions, as their support is an integral part of your channel’s growth. As with any business venture, diversification is key, and while Super Chats and Super Stickers can be lucrative, they should be part of a broader monetization strategy.

If you’d like a more in-depth guide to enabling super chats on your YouTube gaming channel, you are in luck. I have an article coming soon. So, bookmark this page and keep checking in. Alternatively, you could sign up to my Patreon for free to get updates on all my content.

But while you wait, why not check out the next section: Patreon and other crowdfunding methods? Seriously, this is one you do not want to miss. And it’s what I’ve used on several occasions, including with CareerGamers.

5. Patreon and Other Crowdfunding Platforms

Monetizing a YouTube gaming channel isn’t just about ad revenue or platform-specific features like Super Chats—it’s also about leveraging the power of crowdfunding platforms like Patreon. My experience with helping creators has taught me that these platforms can be a game-changer for those looking to make a serious business out of their gaming content.

Patreon, for instance, is a membership platform that enables your fans to become active patrons of your work. Instead of one-off donations, Patreon is about cultivating a community of supporters who provide a recurring income in exchange for exclusive access to your content and experiences. This model is perfect for gamers who can offer a range of rewards, from early video access to private gaming sessions or bespoke digital content.

Here’s a walkthrough of what this involves:

  • Setting Up Tiers: You’ll create different support levels or ‘tiers’ with corresponding rewards. This could be anything from exclusive game mods to a monthly “gaming loot box” with physical or digital goodies.
  • Exclusive Content: Patreon thrives on exclusivity. You might create videos, behind-the-scenes content, or game guides just for patrons.
  • Community Engagement: Platforms like Patreon often have integrated community tools, allowing you to communicate directly with your patrons, gather feedback, and build a fanbase that’s invested in your success.
  • Transparency and Trust: Crowdfunding is built on the trust between you and your audience. Regular updates and transparency about where funds are going can reinforce this relationship.
  • Flexibility: Unlike YouTube, Patreon isn’t subject to sudden changes in algorithm or monetization policies, giving you more control over your content and income.

My clients have found that this approach not only diversifies their income but also stabilizes it, making it less susceptible to the ebbs and flows of advertising rates and viewer count volatility. It also lets them explore the full breadth of their creative freedom without being bound by advertiser-friendly content restrictions.

However, it’s not without its challenges. Patron expectations can mount high, and the pressure to deliver on promises can be significant. There’s also a need to constantly innovate and keep the rewards appealing to retain supporters. Plus, you’ll be managing an additional community on top of your YouTube responsibilities.

Through my work, I’ve helped creators find the right balance by crafting a membership program that complements their YouTube content, ensuring they can deliver value without overextending themselves. It’s crucial to have a clear, sustainable plan for what you offer through crowdfunding platforms and communicate that value to your potential patrons. It’s about building a long-term relationship with your fans where they are part of your channel’s journey, and their support is vital to your growth as a creator.

In guiding creators, I stress that while the allure of a more controlled and direct revenue stream is strong, the commitment shouldn’t be underestimated. The most successful creators are those who manage to blend their Patreon offerings with their YouTube content seamlessly, creating a harmonious ecosystem that supports their broader business goals.

If you’d like to learn more about building a Patreon following, I’ll be writing a comprehensive guide soon.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at the next big money-making method: Merch.

6: Merchandise

YouTube’s merch shelf is a great way to showcase and sell your branded merchandise. When you have an active following, consider creating items for your viewers. The shelf of your merch will be available in your store tab on the channel homepage. There’s no need to show it in each and every video.

Your merch shelf can have up to 12 items. And you can source them from some retailers like:

  • Crowd made
  • Creator Ink
  • Design by Humans
  • Fanjoy
  • Juniper

Once you have partnered with any of these vendors and retailers, you can turn on your shelf from the monetization tab of your channel. There are some requirements that have to be fulfilled if you want to be eligible for Merch Shelf.

  • The channel should be approved for monetization
  • Be a part of the YouTube Partner Program
  • Your gaming channel has to have more than 10,000 subscribers
  • Your channel’s audience should not be set as Made for Kids
  • Should not have received any hate-speech community guideline strikes.

You can also pin the merch items during live streams so that more of your viewers can notice and buy them.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? That’s because merch is. You can make a significant amount of money from selling your own branded gear.

From my experience advising content creators, success in selling merchandise often hinges on having a strong and loyal fan base that’s enthusiastic about supporting the channel. You need to invest time in market research, design, and promotion while also ensuring that your merch aligns with the identity and values of your channel.

Creators also need to decide whether to handle fulfillment in-house or outsource to third-party services. Services like Teespring or Spreadshop integrate directly with YouTube, simplifying the process but also reducing your profit margins due to their fees.

In conclusion, selling merchandise can be a rewarding way to deepen your brand’s impact and provide a tangible connection to your audience. However, it’s not just about slapping a logo on a t-shirt; it’s about creating merchandise that captures the essence of your gaming channel and offers real value to your viewers. With the right approach, merchandise sales can become a staple of your channel’s income, complementing other monetization methods like ad revenue, memberships, and crowdfunding.

Wow, that was a big section on merch. Let’s change direction and take a look at 3rd party donations.

7. Donations

In the quest to turn your gaming hobby into a profitable venture, donation platforms like ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ and PayPal offer a straightforward and personal way to monetize your YouTube channel. These platforms facilitate direct financial support from your audience, allowing them to contribute to your gaming endeavors as a token of appreciation for the content you produce.

Here’s how they work and what they entail:

Buy Me a Coffee is a user-friendly platform designed for one-off and membership-style support. It’s akin to a virtual tip jar where your fans can ‘buy you a coffee’ as a simple way to say thanks. The platform can also be used for providing exclusive content to supporters, much like Patreon, but with a more casual and spontaneous vibe. It’s a breeze to set up, and you can share your ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ page link in your video descriptions, pinned comments, or channel banner.

PayPal, on the other hand, is a widely recognized and trusted payment system. You can create a ‘‘ link, which you can then share with your viewers. It’s a straightforward approach for those who prefer to make direct contributions without the need for a middle-man service. PayPal can be particularly effective when live streaming, as viewers may feel compelled to donate in real-time as they enjoy your gaming content.

Both these platforms offer:

  • Low Barrier to Entry: They are easy to set up with minimal technical know-how required, making them accessible even for those just starting out.
  • Flexibility in Donations: Viewers can choose how much they want to donate, allowing them to contribute according to their capability and the value they perceive from your content.
  • Immediate Payouts: Unlike ad revenue which often has a threshold for payout, donations can be withdrawn as soon as they are received.
  • Personal Connection: They foster a direct relationship between you and your supporters. A donation is often accompanied by a message, creating a personal touch that can deepen viewer loyalty.
  • No Pressure on Viewers: Donations are purely voluntary, so there’s no pressure on viewers to pay to access content.

It’s important to handle donations with care. There are many pitfalls ready to swallow up the naive and unaware.

However, in my work with other YouTube channels, I’ve seen donations significantly boost the morale and financial health of content creators. It can be especially impactful when you’ve formed a strong bond with your audience, and they want to support your gaming journey. However, it’s important to balance the encouragement for donations with content that keeps viewers coming back for more without feeling pressured to pay.

Creators often find the best success with donations by integrating the option naturally into their content and community engagement strategies. For example, acknowledging contributors in videos or live streams can incentivize donations without making them a requirement for enjoying the content. When done thoughtfully, donations can complement ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales, contributing to a diversified and robust business model for your gaming channel.

If you’d like to learn more about how to set up donation platforms for your gaming channel, you’re in luck as as I’m currently working on a comprehensive guide. Be the first to know by signing up for FREE on my Patron.

Next up, I’ll be looking at one of the most exciting monetization methods YouTube affords gaming channels: Sponsorships and brand deals. Yes, I mean free products sent to you to review and keep.

8. Sponsorships and Brand Deals

Out of all the different ways of making money on YouTube, I would say that sponsorships and brand deals are the methods that generate the most excitement.

The idea of big brands like Nvidia sending out top-tier products such as the RTX 4090 for free, for you to review, is the number one reason why many gamers step into the world of YouTube.

I will fully admit that in my younger days, before diving into the vast creative realm of content marketing and YouTube channels, I too dreamed of receiving grand gaming gear from the greatest brands in gaming.

But what exactly are sponsorships and brand deals? When I started this process, I honestly had no clue what they were.

So here’s a quick intro:

Sponsorships and brand deals on YouTube are collaborative agreements where brands pay creators to promote products or services through their content. In the gaming sector, which is part of a multi-billion dollar industry, such collaborations are particularly lucrative. Gamers with YouTube channels can leverage their influence and reach to enter into these deals, which are often based on the creator’s ability to deliver a return on investment (ROI) for the brand.

The process typically involves a brand partnering with a YouTube creator to feature their offerings within the creator’s videos. This can take many forms, such as direct product placements, brand mentions, dedicated videos, or indirect promotions through gameplay. Gaming channels that can cultivate a strong, engaged community and present a professional brand persona are more likely to attract sponsorships. The key to a successful partnership is aligning the brand’s needs with the channel’s content and audience, ensuring that the promotion feels authentic and adds value to the viewer’s experience.

Platforms like Powerspike assist in the matchmaking process between brands and creators by using channel analytics to find suitable matches based on target demographics and budget constraints. For creators, establishing a loyal community and demonstrating strong viewer engagement are critical factors that brands consider when deciding on sponsorships and deals. As the gaming industry continues to expand, the opportunities for YouTube gaming channels to secure such deals are also growing, providing a viable revenue stream for gamers looking to monetize their passion.

If you’d like to learn more about sponsorships and brand deals, including their pros and cons, as well as how to start reaching out to sponsors to get cool gear, check out my complete guide to brand sponsorships (article coming soon).

In the meantime, let me introduce you to another awesome way to make money from your gaming audience: online courses and e-books. Let’s get into it!

9. Online Courses or E-books

Do you have extensive knowledge about a specific online game or a particular topic in gaming? Are you a top Fortnite gamer? Are you skilled at building large water-cooled gaming PCs? Do you have an uncanny ability to explain how to perform difficult tricks in EA Sports FC?

If so, then creating courses and e-books might be the right path for you.

When I first started CareerGamers, I struggled to understand the perspective of gamers. I initially believed that real gamers wouldn’t purchase guides and courses to improve their gaming skills.

However, I was mistaken. People buy courses and e-books not just for the information (which is mostly available for free on the internet), but because they want to buy from you. They appreciate your explanation and trust the promises you made.

Selling e-books and courses can be profitable, but you need an audience to succeed. Simply creating a one-hour course and attempting to sell it will only result in your course being consigned to the desert of content that lives unfound on the internet. A single grain of sand lost among trillions.

Courses and e-books can take various forms. For example, you could sell a short 10-page PDF with the top 10 tricks on Konami’s Efootball for a small price on GumRoad. Alternatively, you could create a 10-hour course on going from Noob to Pro on F1 2023 and sell it for $15 Udemy. You could even offer a complete package on creating realistic racing simulation rigs with hydraulic actuators for $300 as part of your own e-commerce store.

Regardless of what you want to teach, remember that a small percentage of gamers will be willing to pay for premium information, even if that information is available for free. They just want that information from you.

If you want to learn more about creating courses and e-books, including the pros and cons and how to create and sell them, keep an eye out for my ultimate guide to creating digital products, which will be live on CareerGamers soon.

In the meantime, let’s move on to the next way of making money with a YouTube gaming channel.

10. Creating and Selling Your Own Games or Apps

Are you ready to level up from passionate player to game-creating mogul? Let’s face it – we’ve all dreamt of not just playing games but making them, transforming our love for gaming into a goldmine. And guess what? There’s no better time than now to turn that dream into reality.

Imagine creating your own game without shelling out a fortune. Back when I stepped out of university and started Chaos Trend, game development tools were a luxury few could afford. We’re talking big bucks here! Unity was the only tool within reach, and let’s be real – it was pretty basic compared to today’s standards. We even tried building our own engine, which was a Herculean task and, looking back, not our brightest moment. But we did it – against all odds.

Fast forward to today, and you’ve got a treasure trove of tools at your fingertips, all for free. Unreal Engine 5 is a game-changer, literally. It’s free to use, with the potential to design games that can turn a hefty profit. YouTube and blog tutorials are your free pass to master class lessons in game development. And if you want to go the extra mile, online courses are waiting for you at prices that are less than the cost of a new game.

The real game begins in your mind. The barriers to game development are not in the tools or resources – they’re in the mindset. The creators who succeed are those who believe they can create. They start, they learn, they iterate, and they conquer – no matter how many ‘game over’ screens they face.

The era of free resources, from powerful engines to in-depth tutorials, is here, making game creation more accessible than ever. And for those of you who’ve built a gaming community, I’m cooking up the ultimate guide to monetizing your channel through game development. Stay tuned for that!

But for now, let’s dive into the realms of consulting. Ready to play?

12. Consulting

Consulting is a profession I know intimately, as I offer my expertise as a content strategist and consultant to numerous companies globally. When I consult with organizations, I primarily spend my time auditing their current operations, establishing objectives, and making strategic recommendations for improvement. My role extends to enhancing staff capabilities, implementing new processes, systems, and resources, among other things.

A consultant serves as an impartial expert, bringing a skill set that allows for an unbiased perspective, which is critical for providing clear and actionable feedback.

For a gaming content creator, this translates into opportunities for consulting across various facets of the gaming industry. Whether as a consultant for content creation, game design, or gaming hardware, the skills honed through content production are valuable. Companies are always on the lookout for talented individuals who can help them refine their processes, designs, and skill sets.

Once you’ve cultivated a following for your gaming channel, leveraging that audience into a consulting business could be a strategic next step. Here’s how to kickstart this journey:

First, craft a compelling profile on freelancing platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, showcasing your expertise and services. LinkedIn is also an excellent place to establish your professional brand as a gaming consultant. The key is to market yourself effectively to your existing audience, letting them know you’re open for business.

Admittedly, there’s more to consulting than meets the eye. Beyond the basic idea, consulting requires in-depth knowledge, consistent effort, and resilience. It’s not just about giving advice and reaping rewards; it’s about meeting high expectations and solving complex problems.

For those intrigued by consulting, I’m working on the ultimate guide to monetizing a gaming channel through consulting—stay tuned for this resource!

Meanwhile, I’m excited to cover another lucrative avenue: Coaching. Whether it’s gameplay tactics, content creation strategies, or personal branding, coaching can be rewarding both financially and professionally.

Catch you after the jump to the next section, where we’ll dive into the ins and outs of coaching in the gaming world.

13: Coaching

Bringing up the rear in our exploration of gaming monetization, but certainly not falling short in potential, is coaching.

My personal foray into gaming coaching may not be vast — I’ll be the first to concede that my gaming skills aren’t exactly leaderboard material. Despite decades spent wrestling with controllers, my reaction times might generously be described as “methodical.” High-speed tactical shooters are not my forte.

However, my coaching expertise extends beyond the controller. I’ve successfully coached individuals and businesses in content creation, management, and strategy, finding it to be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable ways to earn income.

The essence of coaching lies in knowledge translation. Suppose you’re an expert in a subject; your goal is to distill that expertise into a structured program. Consider segmenting your program into progressive tiers, such as beginner, intermediate, advanced, and master levels.

Plan your lessons so that each tier builds upon the last, seamlessly leading learners to the next stage. This structure not only encourages continued learning but also offers natural progression for upselling.

The beauty of this process is its iterative nature. Each coaching session provides insights, allowing you to refine your program. For instance, if you notice the “Ultimate Team Meta-tactics” in EA Sports FC overwhelms newbies, you can tweak the curriculum to introduce complex strategies at a more advanced stage. This not only enhances the learning experience for all students but also justifies premium pricing as your coaching services evolve.

Flexibility is key in coaching. You may expand or condense your program based on what works best. What’s more, you can repurpose your coaching content into courses or ebooks, opening up additional revenue streams.

For a deeper dive into how coaching can complement your gaming channel’s revenue, keep an eye out for my forthcoming guide on coaching monetization — it’s shaping up to be a game-changer.

Thank you for sticking with this extensive guide. Stay tuned for a concise wrap-up of what we’ve covered and actionable steps forward. In the meantime, if you’re eager to transform your gaming passion into a thriving content business, consider subscribing to my Patreon for a 7-day sneak peek into my full range of offerings.

Now, on to our conclusion.


In conclusion, there are various ways to monetize your YouTube gaming channel and turn your passion into a profitable venture. We explored methods such as crowdfunding, merchandise sales, donations, sponsorships and brand deals, creating and selling your own games or apps, online courses and e-books, consulting, and coaching.

Each method has its pros and cons, and the key to success lies in understanding your audience, providing value, and building a strong and engaged community. It’s important to diversify your income streams and find a balance between different monetization methods to ensure a stable and sustainable revenue model.

Remember, monetizing your gaming channel requires dedication, effort, and continuous innovation. It’s not an overnight process, but with the right strategies and a clear understanding of your audience, you can create a thriving content business.

If you’re ready to take your gaming channel to the next level, I encourage you to explore the comprehensive guides that I’ll be sharing soon on each monetization method. Additionally, consider joining my Patreon for exclusive access to my full range of offerings and a 7-day sneak peek into the wealth of knowledge and resources available to you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I wish you the best of luck in turning your YouTube gaming channel into a successful and fulfilling content creation business!



Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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