How to successfully port a video game to a new platform?

Video game porting refers to the process of adapting a game from one platform to another. This can involve anything from minor tweaks to the game’s code to a complete overhaul of its graphics and controls. Porting video games to new platforms is important for several reasons. It allows developers to reach new audiences and expand their player base. It also helps to extend the lifespan of a game by making it available on newer platforms.

In this article, we will explore the steps involved in successfully porting a video game to a new platform. We will discuss the technical challenges that developers face and the strategies they use to overcome them. We will also look at some real-world examples of successful game ports and what made them stand out.

By the way, did you know that some of the most popular games of all time, such as Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto V, have been ported to multiple platforms? This has helped them to reach millions of new players and generate billions of dollars in revenue.

According to statistics, Grand Theft Auto V has generated more than $6 billion in revenue since its release in 2013. Minecraft, on the other hand, generated $415 million in revenue worldwide in 2020 alone and has accumulated a total revenue of $3,125 million over the last 10 years.

Research and Planning

When planning to port a video game to a new platform, it’s essential to start with thorough research and planning. This section will outline the key steps involved in this process.

  1. Researching the new platform’s technical specifications: The first step is to gather information about the new platform’s technical specifications, including its hardware capabilities, operating system, input methods, and display resolution. This information will help developers understand the new platform’s limitations and capabilities, and how the game needs to be adapted to run on it.
  2. Identifying potential challenges and limitations: Once developers have a clear understanding of the new platform’s technical specifications, they need to identify potential challenges and limitations that may arise during the porting process. For example, if the new platform has different hardware capabilities, such as a weaker processor or less memory than the original platform, this could impact the game’s performance.
  3. Planning the development process, including timelines and resources: Developers need to create a detailed plan for porting the game to the new platform, including timelines and resources required. This includes identifying which members of the development team will be responsible for which tasks, and what tools and resources they will need. It’s also essential to set realistic timelines for each stage of the development process, from adapting the game’s code and assets to testing and quality assurance.

Adapting the Game’s Code and Assets

Once developers have completed their research and planning, they can begin the process of adapting the game’s code and assets for the new platform. This section will outline the key steps involved in this process.

  1. Examining the original game’s code and assets: The first step is to examine the original game’s code and assets to identify which parts need to be modified or adjusted to run on the new platform. This includes examining the game’s graphics, audio, and other assets, as well as its programming code.
  2. Identifying necessary modifications and adjustments: Based on their examination of the original game’s code and assets, developers need to identify which modifications and adjustments are necessary to ensure the game runs smoothly on the new platform. This may involve rewriting parts of the game’s code, adjusting graphics or audio settings, or optimizing performance for the new platform’s hardware capabilities.
  3. Optimizing the game’s performance for the new platform: Developers must optimize the game’s performance to ensure it runs smoothly on the new platform. This may include optimizing graphics and audio settings to work with the new platform’s capabilities, as well as reducing the game’s memory usage and processing requirements.

By carefully examining the original game’s code and assets, identifying necessary modifications and adjustments, and optimizing the game’s performance for the new platform, developers can ensure that the game runs smoothly and is optimized for the new platform’s hardware capabilities.

Testing and Quality Assurance

After adapting the game’s code and assets, the next step in successfully porting a video game to a new platform is testing and quality assurance. This section will cover the key steps involved in this process.

  1. Creating a testing plan and identifying potential issues: Developers need to create a testing plan that covers all aspects of the game on the new platform, including game mechanics, graphics, audio, and user interface elements. The testing plan should also include identifying potential issues that may arise during testing, such as compatibility issues with the new platform’s hardware or software.
  2. Conducting thorough testing of the game on the new platform: Once the testing plan is in place, developers can conduct thorough testing of the game on the new platform. This may involve using emulators or testing on actual hardware to ensure that the game is functioning as intended. Developers should also test the game on different devices with different specifications to ensure that it works across a wide range of hardware configurations.
  3. Ensuring the game is fully functional and meets performance standards: During testing, developers need to ensure that the game is fully functional and meets performance standards on the new platform. This includes verifying that the game runs smoothly and without any crashes, that all game mechanics and features work as intended, and that graphics and audio are of high quality.

By creating a testing plan, conducting thorough testing of the game on the new platform, and ensuring that the game is fully functional and meets performance standards, developers can ensure a successful game port that provides a seamless and enjoyable experience for players.

Marketing and Launch

The final step in successfully porting a video game to a new platform is marketing and launch. This section will cover the key steps involved in this process.

  1. Developing a marketing strategy for the new platform: Developers need to develop a marketing strategy that targets the new platform’s audience and highlights the game’s unique features and benefits. This may involve identifying key influencers or reviewers to promote the game, creating social media campaigns, or using targeted advertising.
  2. Preparing promotional materials and assets: Once the marketing strategy is in place, developers need to prepare promotional materials and assets that showcase the game’s new features and benefits on the new platform. This may include screenshots, gameplay trailers, or promotional artwork. These materials should be optimized for the new platform and targeted towards the platform’s audience.
  3. Launching the game on the new platform and monitoring its performance: Once the promotional materials and assets are ready, developers can launch the game on the new platform. It’s essential to monitor the game’s performance on the new platform closely, gathering feedback from players and monitoring sales figures. This information can be used to make any necessary adjustments to the game and marketing strategy to ensure continued success on the new platform.

Post-Launch Support

The final step in successfully porting a video game to a new platform is post-launch support. This section will cover the key steps involved in this process.

  1. Addressing any issues or bugs that arise after launch: After the game is launched on the new platform, developers need to monitor it closely for any issues or bugs that arise. This may involve working with the platform’s support team to identify and resolve any technical issues that players encounter.
  2. Providing ongoing support for the game on the new platform: Developers need to provide ongoing support for the game on the new platform, including responding to player inquiries and providing regular updates to the game. This can help to build a loyal player base and improve the game’s overall performance on the platform.
  3. Gathering feedback and making necessary updates and improvements: To ensure the game’s continued success on the new platform, developers need to gather feedback from players and make necessary updates and improvements to the game. This may involve adding new content, optimizing performance, or improving the user interface based on player feedback.

By addressing any issues or bugs that arise after launch, providing ongoing support for the game on the new platform, and gathering feedback to make necessary updates and improvements, developers can ensure a successful game port that continues to provide an enjoyable gaming experience for players on the new platform.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, successfully porting a video game to a new platform requires careful planning, thorough testing, and ongoing support. Developers must take the time to understand the technical requirements of the new platform and make any necessary changes to the game’s code. They must also thoroughly test the game on the new platform to ensure that it runs smoothly and provides a seamless gaming experience.

Once the game has been ported, developers must continue to provide support in the form of bug fixes and updates. This will help to ensure that players on the new platform have a positive experience and continue to play the game.

By following these steps and paying close attention to detail, developers can successfully port their games to new platforms and reach new audiences. This can help to extend the lifespan of their games and generate additional revenue.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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