The Perfect Order to Conquer Divine Beasts in BOTW

You’ve just stepped into the vast, open world of Hyrule in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The sense of freedom is exhilarating, but also a bit overwhelming. You’ve heard tales of the four Divine Beasts, ancient mechanical creatures that hold the key to saving Hyrule. But where do you start? Which Beast do you tackle first? And how does your choice affect your journey?

I remember feeling like a lost Korok, unsure of which path to take. I wished for a Sheikah Slate with a guide, a roadmap to navigate the challenges of the Divine Beasts. And I knew I wasn’t alone. Many fellow adventurers, I’m sure, have felt the same way.

That’s why I’ve put together this comprehensive guide. In it, we’ll explore:

  • The lore and characteristics of the Divine Beasts in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
  • The optimal order to tackle the Divine Beasts and why it matters.
  • How this order impacts the game’s difficulty curve and your overall gameplay experience.

Think of this guide as your personal Sheikah Slate, filled with wisdom to help you navigate the trials of the Divine Beasts. So, grab your Joy-Con, fellow adventurer, and let’s embark on this journey together. Keep on reading, and let’s conquer these Divine Beasts, one by one!

What are Divine Beasts in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

The Divine Beasts in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are a central part of the game’s narrative and gameplay. These titanic mechanical creatures were constructed by the ancient Sheikah tribe to aid the princess and the hero in sealing away the calamitous entity known as Ganon, approximately 10,000 years before the events of Breath of the Wild.

The History of Divine Beasts

The Sheikah built four Divine Beasts, each resembling a different animal and embodying a unique element. These include:

  • Ruta, the elephant, representing water
  • Rudania, the salamander, embodying fire
  • Medoh, the eagle, symbolizing wind
  • Naboris, the camel, signifying thunder

These Divine Beasts were piloted by four Champions from across the land, who used their power to pave the way for victory against Ganon. However, after their initial success, the king of Hyrule, fearing the immense power of these technologies, had all further research and development abolished. The Divine Beasts were buried beneath the ground, and their existence passed into legend.

Over a century ago, due to rising fears of Ganon’s return, the Royal Family of Hyrule ordered that the Divine Beasts be unearthed and readied for another battle. This time, each Divine Beast was piloted by a new champion: Ruta by the Zora princess Mipha, Rudania by the Goron Daruk, Medoh by the Rito warrior Revali, and Naboris by the Gerudo chief Urbosa.

Unfortunately, their mission failed when Ganon, now aware of the threat that the Divine Beasts posed to him, sent the four Blight Ganons to wrest control of each Beast. The pilots of each Divine Beast were killed, and Ganon took control of the four Beasts. However, following Zelda’s containment of Ganon at Hyrule Castle, the Divine Beasts and all of the Guardians under his control fell dormant, giving the survivors of the Great Calamity time to recover.

When Link awoke from the Shrine of Resurrection, he set out to free the Divine Beasts from Ganon’s control. He entered each Divine Beast and defeated the Blight Ganons controlling them, freeing the spirits of their pilots in the process. At Link’s confrontation with Calamity Ganon, the Divine Beasts unleashed their power to weaken Ganon, just as they did 10,000 years prior.

Characteristics of Divine Beasts

Each Divine Beast has unique characteristics and abilities that reflect their animalistic design and elemental alignment. For instance, Ruta, resembling an elephant, can spew an infinite amount of water from its trunk. Rudania, the salamander, can climb vertically and rotate its interior by 90 degrees. Medoh, the eagle, uses a force shield maintained by four generators for protection. Naboris, the camel, generates powerful lightning from its humps.

In addition to these four, Link can acquire a Divine Beast of his own, the Master Cycle Zero, a horse-like motorcycle, through completing the trials given by Monk Maz Koshia.

Now that we’ve taken a deep dive into the history and characteristics of the Divine Beasts, let’s explore the optimal order to tackle these mechanical behemoths in the game.

What is the Best Order to Tackle the Divine Beasts in Breath of the Wild?

In the vast, open world of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the game’s non-linear nature allows players to approach the Divine Beasts in any order they choose. However, for the sake of simplicity and progression, some paths are considered more optimal than others. Here, we’ll discuss a recommended order for tackling the Divine Beasts, which is designed to provide a smooth difficulty curve and a coherent narrative flow.

Divine Beast Vah Ruta

The first Divine Beast many players choose to tackle is Vah Ruta, located in Zora’s Domain in the Lanayru region. This is largely due to the game’s initial narrative push towards this area, as well as the relatively manageable difficulty of the associated quests and boss fight.

To start the Divine Beast Vah Ruta quest, you’ll need to meet the Zora prince, Sidon, at Zora’s Domain. From Kakariko Village, there are several routes you can take to reach Zora’s Domain, but the easiest way is to head north past Ta’loh Naeg Shrine towards the Lanayru Tower.

Divine Beast Vah Rudania

Next on the list is Vah Rudania, found on Death Mountain in the Eldin region. The road to the Gorons is just north of Lanayru Tower. As you pass Trilby Valley, beware of a wandering Ice Wizzrobe among some ruins on the right. When you reach a fork in the road, take the left path that leads to the Maw of Death Mountain.

The journey to Goron City is a hot one, so you’ll need to be prepared with Fireproof Elixirs or Flamebreaker Armor to protect yourself from the intense heat. Once you reach Goron City, speak to the Goron Boss, Bludo, to begin the quest for Divine Beast Vah Rudania.

Divine Beast Vah Medoh

The third Divine Beast, Vah Medoh, resides in the Hebra Mountains, home to the Rito tribe. To start the Divine Beast Vah Medoh quest, you’ll need to meet the Rito Elder at Rito Village.

From the West side of Central Hyrule, the best way to reach the Rito is by traveling the roads north that take you through Outskirt Stable. As you cross Jeddo Bridge, you should spy the Divine Beast soaring in the skies ahead, as well as Ridgeland Tower further north.

Divine Beast Vah Naboris

The final Divine Beast, Vah Naboris, is located in the Gerudo Desert. To kickstart the Divine Beast Vah Naboris quest, you’ll need to meet the right folks at Gerudo Town.

To find the reclusive Gerudo in their desert, take off from the West side of the Great Plateau, riding south from the Outskirt Stable across the Digdogg Suspension Bridge into the mouth of the canyon leading to Gerudo territory. Once you reach Gerudo Town, you’ll need to figure out a way to gain entry, as the town is not friendly towards males.

This order of tackling the Divine Beasts provides a balanced progression in terms of difficulty and narrative flow. However, the beauty of Breath of the Wild is in its flexibility, allowing you to carve your own path through the game. Now that we’ve discussed the optimal order for tackling the Divine Beasts, let’s delve into why this order is important.

Why is the Order of Divine Beasts Important in BOTW?

In the grand adventure that is Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the order in which you tackle the Divine Beasts may seem like a minor detail. After all, the game’s open-world nature allows you to approach these challenges in any order you wish. However, the order can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience, affecting everything from the difficulty of battles to the unfolding of the narrative.

Difficulty Progression

One of the main reasons the order of Divine Beasts is important is due to the game’s difficulty progression. Each Divine Beast and its associated region present unique challenges and enemies. For instance, the path to Vah Ruta in Zora’s Domain is relatively straightforward, making it an ideal first choice for many players. On the other hand, the journey to Vah Naboris in the Gerudo Desert involves navigating harsh weather conditions and a challenging boss fight, making it a fitting final challenge.

By following the suggested order of Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh, and Vah Naboris, you can experience a smooth difficulty curve. This order allows you to gradually build up your skills, equipment, and confidence as you progress through the game.

Narrative Flow

The order of Divine Beasts also affects the game’s narrative flow. Each Divine Beast quest involves interacting with different tribes and characters, uncovering their histories, and helping them overcome their struggles. By tackling the Divine Beasts in the suggested order, you can enjoy a coherent and engaging storyline that gradually reveals the rich lore of Hyrule.

Unique Abilities

Another factor to consider is the unique abilities you gain from freeing each Divine Beast. These abilities, known as Champion’s Powers, can be incredibly helpful in your journey. For example, Mipha’s Grace, which you receive after freeing Vah Ruta, can resurrect you upon death with extra hearts, providing a safety net for future challenges. By tackling the Divine Beasts in a strategic order, you can acquire these powers in a way that best supports your gameplay style and strategy.

In conclusion, while the order of Divine Beasts is not set in stone, choosing a strategic sequence can enhance your gameplay experience in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Now that we’ve explored the importance of this order, let’s delve into how it affects the game’s difficulty curve.

How Does the Order of Divine Beasts Affect the Game’s Difficulty Curve in Zelda?

In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the game’s difficulty curve is largely determined by the player’s actions and choices. One of these choices is the order in which you tackle the Divine Beasts. This order can significantly impact the game’s difficulty curve, shaping your overall gameplay experience.

Gradual Increase in Difficulty

The most direct impact of the Divine Beasts order on the game’s difficulty curve is the gradual increase in challenge. Each Divine Beast and its associated region present unique obstacles and enemies, with some being more challenging than others.

For instance, the journey to Vah Ruta in Zora’s Domain, which many players choose as their first Divine Beast, involves navigating through a relatively straightforward path and battling a manageable boss. This provides a gentle introduction to the mechanics of Divine Beast quests.

On the other hand, the path to Vah Naboris in the Gerudo Desert, often left for last, involves navigating harsh weather conditions and a challenging boss fight. This presents a fitting final challenge, testing all the skills and knowledge you’ve accumulated throughout the game.

By tackling the Divine Beasts in this order, you can experience a smooth difficulty curve that gradually ramps up, providing a balanced and satisfying gameplay experience.

Acquisition of Abilities and Equipment

Another way the order of Divine Beasts affects the game’s difficulty curve is through the acquisition of abilities and equipment. Each Divine Beast quest rewards you with a unique ability, known as a Champion’s Power, which can be incredibly helpful in your journey.

For example, completing the Divine Beast Vah Ruta quest rewards you with Mipha’s Grace, an ability that can resurrect you upon death with extra hearts. This can provide a significant advantage in your subsequent quests, making them more manageable.

Moreover, each region associated with a Divine Beast offers opportunities to acquire new equipment and enhance your abilities. For instance, the journey to Vah Rudania in the Eldin region allows you to acquire the Flamebreaker Armor, which protects you from extreme heat. This can be particularly helpful in your later quests in hot environments.

In conclusion, the order in which you tackle the Divine Beasts can significantly shape the game’s difficulty curve, affecting everything from the challenges you face to the abilities and equipment you acquire. By choosing a strategic order, you can ensure a balanced and satisfying gameplay experience in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


And so, we’ve journeyed through the lore of the Divine Beasts, navigated the optimal order to tackle them, and explored how this order shapes our adventure in the magical world of Hyrule. Just like Link, we’ve faced the unknown, armed with nothing but our courage and the wisdom we’ve gathered along the way.

To recap, here are the main points we’ve covered:

  • The Divine Beasts are ancient mechanical creatures built by the Sheikah tribe to aid in the battle against Ganon.
  • The recommended order to tackle the Divine Beasts is Vah Ruta, Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh, and Vah Naboris.
  • This order provides a balanced difficulty curve and a coherent narrative flow.
  • Each Divine Beast quest rewards you with a unique Champion’s Power, which can significantly impact your gameplay experience.
  • The order of Divine Beasts also influences the acquisition of abilities and equipment.
  • The game’s open-world nature allows flexibility, enabling you to carve your own path through the game.

Now that we’ve conquered the Divine Beasts together, it’s time to take the next step in our adventure. So, ready your weapons, fellow adventurer, and let’s dive into the “What Next?” section!

What Next?

As a fellow gamer, I know how important it is to have actionable tasks to take away after reading an article. So, here are some specific steps you can take to enhance your gameplay experience in Zelda: Breath of the Wild:

  • Start your journey to the Divine Beasts by heading to Zora’s Domain and tackling Vah Ruta first.
  • Equip yourself with Fireproof Elixirs or Flamebreaker Armor before venturing to Death Mountain to face Vah Rudania.
  • Remember to acquire new equipment and enhance your abilities as you progress through each region.
  • Use the Champion’s Powers you gain from each Divine Beast to your advantage in subsequent quests.
  • Finally, embrace the flexibility of the game and don’t be afraid to carve your own path. Your adventure in Hyrule is yours to shape!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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