The Ultimate Guide to FPS Game Testing Careers

Have you ever dreamed of getting paid to play your favorite first-person shooter (FPS) games?

In this ultimate guide to FPS game testing careers, we’ll explore how you can turn that dream into a reality.

FPS game testers play a vital role in ensuring games run smoothly, look amazing, and are as enjoyable as possible.

Keep reading to discover the skills, job requirements, tools, and tips you need to succeed in this exciting field.

FPS Game Testing Skills

Call of Duty is a mega brand that demands on-going and persistent testing.

Technical Expertise

To be an effective FPS game tester, you need a solid understanding of gaming hardware and software, as well as the ability to spot potential issues. You should be familiar with various gaming platforms and devices, such as PC, consoles, and VR. Familiarity with programming languages and game engines can also be a plus, as it helps you better communicate with developers and understand the root causes of bugs.

Attention to Detail

A keen eye for detail is crucial for spotting glitches, bugs, and inconsistencies. FPS game testers need to look beyond the surface and explore every aspect of the game, including hidden corners, character interactions, and game mechanics. A methodical approach to testing can help you identify issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Communication and Teamwork

Game testers must work closely with developers and other team members, so excellent communication skills are essential. You’ll need to clearly and concisely describe the issues you encounter and provide detailed bug reports. Being a team player is also crucial, as you’ll need to collaborate with others to ensure the game meets the highest quality standards.

Game Tester Job Requirements

Educational Background

While there’s no specific degree required to become an FPS game tester, a background in computer science, game design, or a related field can be beneficial. Some companies may also look for candidates with a degree or experience in quality assurance, project management, or software development.

Experience and Qualifications

Most game testing jobs require some level of experience, even for entry-level positions. Gaining experience through internships, volunteering, or freelance projects can help you build your portfolio and increase your chances of landing a job. Some companies may also prefer candidates with specific qualifications, such as certification in software testing or quality assurance.

Personal Traits

Successful game testers are passionate about gaming, detail-oriented, and patient. They should also have strong problem-solving skills, the ability to work under pressure, and a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies and tools.

Video Game Industry Careers

DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal both needed extensive testing to capture the feel of the original DOOM game.

Types of Companies Hiring FPS Game Testers

FPS game testers can find job opportunities in various sectors of the gaming industry, including game development studios, publishers, outsourcing companies, and independent testing firms. Some large companies may also hire in-house game testers for their development teams.

Entry-level vs. Experienced Positions

Entry-level game testing positions usually involve basic testing tasks and bug reporting, while experienced testers may take on more responsibilities, such as test planning, team leadership, or specialized testing roles (e.g., performance, network, or localization testing).

Job Growth and Advancement Opportunities

As you gain experience and demonstrate your skills, you may be able to advance to higher-level positions, such as lead tester, QA manager, or even transition into other roles within the gaming industry, such as game design, programming, or project management.

FPS Game Testing Tools

Bug Tracking Software

Game testers must be familiar with bug tracking software like Jira, Bugzilla, or Mantis. These tools help testers organize, prioritize, and report bugs, making it easier for developers to address them.

Testing Hardware and Peripherals

To ensure games run smoothly on various platforms, game testers need access to a range of hardware, including different consoles, PCs with various specifications, and VR headsets. Familiarity with input devices like controllers, keyboards, and mice is also essential for testing gameplay and controls.

Game Testing Methodologies

FPS game testers should be well-versed in different testing methodologies, such as black-box testing, gray-box testing, and white-box testing. Each method offers unique advantages in identifying bugs and ensuring games meet quality standards.

Game Testing Best Practices

Developing a Testing Plan

A well-structured testing plan helps ensure you cover all aspects of the game, from gameplay mechanics to graphics and audio. It should include a list of specific test cases and scenarios, as well as a schedule for completing tasks.

Reproducing and Documenting Bugs

To effectively report bugs, game testers must be able to reproduce them consistently. This involves identifying the steps leading to the issue and documenting them in detail. Including screenshots or video recordings can also help developers understand and fix the problem.

Time Management and Prioritization

FPS game testers often work under tight deadlines, so time management skills are crucial. Prioritize critical issues and allocate your time wisely to ensure you address the most pressing problems first.

Game Tester Portfolio Building

Showcasing Relevant Projects

Your portfolio should highlight any relevant game testing experience you have, such as internships, freelance projects, or personal projects. Include detailed descriptions of your responsibilities and the outcomes you achieved.

Gaining Experience through Internships or Volunteering

If you’re just starting, consider internships or volunteering with game development studios or testing firms. These opportunities can help you gain valuable experience and demonstrate your commitment to the industry.

Tips for Creating an Appealing Portfolio

Make your portfolio visually appealing and easy to navigate, with clear headings and concise descriptions. Include links to any online profiles, such as LinkedIn, GitHub, or a personal website, where potential employers can learn more about you.

Quality Assurance in Gaming

Halo Infinite is a good example of an FPS game that probably needed more testing. It was released with basic features missing, much to the annoyance of Halo’s vocal fanbase.

The Role of QA in Game Development

Quality assurance (QA) is a crucial part of game development, ensuring that games are free of bugs, glitches, and performance issues. FPS game testers are an essential part of the QA process, working closely with developers to identify and fix problems before the game reaches players.

Different Types of Game Testing

FPS game testers may specialize in different types of testing, such as functionality testing, compatibility testing, performance testing, or localization testing. Each type focuses on a specific aspect of the game, ensuring a polished final product.

Balancing Quality and Release Timelines

In the fast-paced gaming industry, balancing quality and release timelines can be challenging. FPS game testers must prioritize issues and work efficiently to ensure games are released on time while maintaining high quality standards.

FPS Game Tester Interview Tips

Preparing for Common Questions

Before your interview, research common game tester interview questions and practice your responses. Be prepared to discuss your experience, skills, and passion for gaming in depth.

Highlighting Relevant Experience and Skills

During the interview, emphasize your relevant experience and skills, such as your technical expertise, attention to detail, and communication abilities. Share examples of projects you’ve worked on and the results you achieved.

Effective Follow-up After the Interview

After the interview, send a thank-you email to the interviewer, expressing your appreciation for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the position. This can help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your professionalism.

Game Testing Certifications

Industry-recognized Certifications

Certifications, such as the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) certification or the Certified Associate in Software Testing (CAST), can help validate your skills and increase your chances of landing a job in game testing.

Benefits of Obtaining Certifications

Certifications can demonstrate your commitment to the industry, enhance your professional credibility, and help you stand out from other candidates. They can also provide a foundation for understanding best practices in software testing and quality assurance.

How to Prepare for Certification Exams

To prepare for certification exams, review the exam objectives and study materials provided by the certification organization. Online courses, workshops, and self-study materials can help you build your knowledge and skills in preparation for the exam.

Game Tester Networking Opportunities

Far Cry 5 is a good example of an open-world FPS with little to no bugs: a testament to the game testers at Ubisoft.

Industry Events and Conferences

Attending gaming industry events, such as game development conferences, expos, or workshops, can help you expand your network, learn about the latest trends, and discover job opportunities. Some popular events include the Game Developers Conference (GDC), E3, and PAX.

Online Forums and Social Media Groups

Joining online forums or social media groups dedicated to game testing, game development, or the gaming industry in general can help you connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from others. Sites like Reddit, LinkedIn, and Facebook host various groups where you can find valuable advice and job postings.

Building Connections for Future Opportunities

Networking is crucial for finding job opportunities and advancing your career in the gaming industry. Be proactive in building connections with professionals in the field, attending events, and participating in online discussions. These relationships can lead to job referrals, collaborations, or mentorship opportunities.


FPS game testing careers can be both challenging and rewarding, offering the chance to work on exciting projects and contribute to the quality of the games you love. By developing your skills, gaining experience, and networking with others in the industry, you can embark on a successful career as an FPS game tester. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey in the gaming industry today!

  1. FPS game testing careers offer the opportunity to work on exciting projects and contribute to the quality of your favorite games.
  2. Essential skills for game testers include technical expertise, attention to detail, and strong communication abilities.
  3. A background in computer science, game design, or a related field can be beneficial, but specific degrees are not always required.
  4. Gaining experience through internships, volunteering, or freelance projects can help build a strong portfolio and increase your chances of landing a job.
  5. Familiarity with bug tracking software, testing hardware, and various testing methodologies is crucial for effective FPS game testing.
  6. A well-structured testing plan and efficient time management are essential for ensuring games meet high-quality standards within tight deadlines.
  7. Quality assurance in gaming involves various types of testing, such as functionality, compatibility, and performance testing.
  8. Preparing for interviews by researching common questions and highlighting relevant experience can help you stand out from other candidates.
  9. Obtaining industry-recognized certifications, such as ISTQB or CAST, can enhance your professional credibility and increase your chances of landing a job.
  10. Networking through industry events, online forums, and social media groups can help you discover job opportunities and build valuable connections in the gaming industry.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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