The Ultimate Guide to Pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

I was deep in the heart of Hyrule, the sun setting on the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape. I had been playing Zelda: Breath of the Wild for hours, completely engrossed in the game’s rich world. Suddenly, I spotted a curious object – a pinwheel. I approached it, intrigued, but I had no idea what to do with it. I tried interacting with it, but nothing happened. I felt like a noob who had just picked up their first controller.

I knew I couldn’t be the only one who had stumbled upon these mysterious pinwheels and felt like they had hit a brick wall. That’s when I decided to dive deep into the world of Hyrule and unravel the mystery of the pinwheels. I knew a guide like this would be a game-changer for fellow gamers.

In this article, we’ll embark on an epic quest to uncover:

  • The role and purpose of pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • The steps to activate these pinwheels and trigger the hidden puzzles
  • The sweet loot that awaits you when you complete these puzzles

So, grab your controller, put on your gaming headset, and get ready to level up your Zelda: Breath of the Wild experience. Let’s dive into the magical world of Hyrule and unlock the secrets of the pinwheels. Keep reading, fellow gamer, an epic adventure awaits!

What are the Pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

Imagine you’re exploring the vast and beautiful landscape of Hyrule, the wind gently rustling through the trees, when you spot a curious object – a pinwheel. These aren’t your average garden decorations, but intricate parts of the world of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

The Purpose of Pinwheels

In the game, pinwheels serve as markers for Archery puzzles. These puzzles are part of the Korok Seed challenges scattered throughout the game. When you approach a pinwheel and interact with it, it triggers a puzzle that involves shooting targets, usually in the form of balloons or fruits. Successfully completing these puzzles reveals a Korok, a small forest spirit, who rewards you with a Korok Seed.

The Significance of Pinwheels

Pinwheels, like many elements in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, add depth to the game’s exploration aspect. They are not just static decorations but interactive elements that engage players in skill-based challenges. They are like hidden gems, waiting to be discovered, adding an extra layer of excitement to the exploration of Hyrule.

The Variety of Pinwheel Puzzles

The pinwheel puzzles in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are not all the same. Some require you to shoot balloons, while others involve shooting fruits. The variety keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging, ensuring that each discovery of a pinwheel brings with it a sense of anticipation and excitement.

The Role of Pinwheels in the Game’s Narrative

While pinwheels may seem like a small detail in the grand scheme of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, they play a significant role in the game’s narrative. They are a testament to the game’s attention to detail and the depth of its world-building. Each pinwheel puzzle solved is a step closer to uncovering the secrets of Hyrule and progressing in the game’s story.

In conclusion, pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are more than just decorative objects. They are interactive elements that trigger engaging puzzles and contribute to the game’s narrative. Now that we’ve uncovered the mystery of the pinwheels, let’s dive into how to activate them.

How Do You Activate the Pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

Activating the pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild is like unlocking a secret level in a classic arcade game. It requires a keen eye, a steady hand, and a bit of gaming intuition.

Spotting the Pinwheels

The first step in activating a pinwheel is finding one. Pinwheels are scattered throughout Hyrule, often tucked away in hard-to-reach places or hidden in plain sight. Keep your eyes peeled for these colorful objects as you explore the game’s vast landscape.

Approaching the Pinwheels

Once you’ve spotted a pinwheel, the next step is to approach it. This might involve climbing a tree, scaling a cliff, or navigating through a dense forest. The journey to the pinwheel is often a mini-adventure in itself, adding to the thrill of the game.

Interacting with the Pinwheels

To activate a pinwheel, you need to stand close to it and interact with it. This will trigger the Archery puzzle associated with the pinwheel. You might need to shoot balloons or fruits, depending on the puzzle.

Completing the Puzzle

The final step in activating a pinwheel is completing the puzzle. This requires a bit of skill and precision, as you’ll need to shoot the targets within a certain time limit. Successfully completing the puzzle will reveal a Korok, who will reward you with a Korok Seed.

In conclusion, activating the pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild involves finding a pinwheel, approaching it, interacting with it, and completing the associated puzzle. It’s a fun and engaging process that adds an extra layer of depth to the game’s exploration aspect. Now that we know how to activate the pinwheels, let’s explore the rewards that come with completing the pinwheel puzzles.

Are There Any Special Rewards for Completing the Pinwheel Puzzles in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

In the world of gaming, rewards are the treasure chests at the end of a challenging quest, the power-ups that give you an edge over your enemies, the hidden bonuses that make the journey worthwhile. In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, completing the pinwheel puzzles comes with its own set of rewards.

Korok Seeds

The primary reward for completing a pinwheel puzzle is a Korok Seed. These seeds are given to you by the Koroks, small forest spirits that appear when you successfully complete a puzzle. Korok Seeds are valuable items that can be used to increase your inventory space, allowing you to carry more weapons, bows, and shields.

Skill Improvement

While not a tangible reward, completing the pinwheel puzzles also helps improve your skills, particularly your archery skills. The puzzles often require precision and timing, helping you hone your abilities as you progress through the game.

Exploration and Discovery

Another reward that comes with completing the pinwheel puzzles is the joy of exploration and discovery. Each pinwheel puzzle is a mini-adventure, leading you to explore new areas of Hyrule and discover hidden secrets. The thrill of finding a pinwheel and the satisfaction of completing the puzzle are rewards in themselves.

In conclusion, the rewards for completing the pinwheel puzzles in Zelda: Breath of the Wild include Korok Seeds, skill improvement, and the joy of exploration and discovery. These rewards add depth to the gameplay, making the discovery and activation of pinwheels a worthwhile endeavor. So, the next time you spot a pinwheel in the game, don’t hesitate to approach it and unlock the rewards that await.


And so, our journey through the world of Hyrule, exploring the mystery of the pinwheels, comes to an end. We’ve navigated through the vast landscapes, activated the elusive pinwheels, and reaped the rewards of our efforts. It’s been an adventure, much like the game itself, filled with discovery, challenges, and triumphs.

To recap, here are the main points we’ve covered:

  • Pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild are markers for Archery puzzles that lead to Korok Seeds.
  • Activating a pinwheel involves finding it, approaching it, interacting with it, and completing the associated puzzle.
  • Completing pinwheel puzzles improves your archery skills and leads to the discovery of new areas in Hyrule.
  • The rewards for completing these puzzles include Korok Seeds, skill improvement, and the joy of exploration and discovery.
  • Each pinwheel puzzle is a mini-adventure, adding depth to the game’s exploration aspect.
  • The thrill of finding a pinwheel and the satisfaction of completing the puzzle are rewards in themselves.

Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, it’s time to head back into the game and put it to use. But before you do, let’s look at what’s next.

What Next?

I always believe in leaving you with something actionable to do after reading an article. So, here are some tasks you can take on after finishing this article:

  • Go on a pinwheel hunt: Now that you know what to do with them, seek out pinwheels in the game and activate them.
  • Practice your archery skills: The better your skills, the easier it will be to complete the pinwheel puzzles.
  • Explore new areas: Use the pinwheel puzzles as an excuse to explore new areas of Hyrule.
  • Increase your inventory: Use the Korok Seeds you earn from the puzzles to increase your inventory space.
  • Share your knowledge: Help other gamers by sharing what you’ve learned about pinwheels in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Now, it’s time to grab your controller and dive back into the magical world of Hyrule. Happy gaming!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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