Why Is Ganon Evil in Zelda: Breath of the Wild?

Hey there, fellow Hyrule adventurer! Remember the first time you encountered Ganon in Zelda: Breath of the Wild? That chilling moment when you realized you were up against a villain so powerful, so malevolent, it felt like trying to take down a Lynel with a tree branch (No, wait, that would be easier!). I remember feeling a mix of awe and curiosity, wondering what could have turned this character into such a formidable force of evil.

I bet you’ve wondered the same thing. After all, Ganon isn’t just another boss to defeat; he’s a complex character with a rich backstory that’s as intricate as the Lost Woods. That’s why I decided to put together this guide, to delve into the depths of Ganon’s character and understand why he’s the embodiment of evil in this epic game.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • Ganon’s character and role in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, like understanding the mechanics of a new weapon
  • His backstory and transformation, as mysterious as a Sheikah Shrine puzzle
  • The impact of his evilness on the gameplay and storyline, as influential as the weather in the wild
  • How other characters and players perceive Ganon, a perspective as diverse as the inhabitants of Hyrule
  • And finally, we’ll dissect his evil acts and their significance in the game, as revealing as a completed Korok seed puzzle

So, grab your Joy-Con, and let’s embark on this journey together. Keep reading, and let’s uncover the secrets of Ganon’s evil in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Understanding Ganon’s Character in Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Just like how every game of Zelda starts with Link waking up, let’s start our journey by waking up to the reality of Ganon’s character in Breath of the Wild. Ganon isn’t just a boss to defeat; he’s a complex character that’s as intricate as the Lost Woods.

Ganon’s Role in the Game

Ganon, also known as Calamity Ganon, is the main antagonist in the game. He’s not just a villain; he’s a force of nature, a disaster waiting to happen. His presence is like a constant thunderstorm, threatening to strike at any moment. He’s the embodiment of malice, hatred, and destruction, a character so powerful that it feels like trying to take down a Lynel with a tree branch.

Ganon’s Character Traits

Ganon’s character traits are as dark as the inside of a Shrine at night. He’s ruthless, relentless, and filled with a burning desire for power and control. His actions are driven by a deep-seated hatred for Hyrule and its inhabitants. He’s not just evil for the sake of being evil; his malevolence is a part of his identity, as integral to him as the Master Sword is to Link.

Ganon’s Actions

Ganon’s actions throughout the game are a testament to his evil nature. From his attempt to destroy Hyrule to his manipulation of the Divine Beasts, Ganon’s actions are as destructive as a Guardian’s laser beam. He’s not just a threat to Link; he’s a threat to the entire world of Hyrule.

In conclusion, understanding Ganon’s character is like understanding the mechanics of a new weapon. It’s not just about knowing what he does, but why he does it. Now that we’ve got a grip on Ganon’s character, let’s delve deeper into his backstory and transformation.

Ganon’s Backstory and Transformation

Ganon’s backstory and transformation are as mysterious as a Sheikah Shrine puzzle. To understand why Ganon is evil, we need to understand his past and the events that led to his transformation into the embodiment of evil.

Ganon’s Backstory

Ganon was once known as Ganondorf, the king of the Gerudo tribe. However, his lust for power led him to seek the Triforce, a powerful artifact that grants the wishes of its holder. His desire for power was so strong, it was like a Bokoblin’s desire for meat. However, his wish to rule the world turned him into a beast, marking the beginning of his transformation into Ganon.

Ganon’s Transformation

Ganon’s transformation into an evil character is a result of his own actions and decisions. His lust for power and control, combined with his hatred for Hyrule, led him down a path of darkness. His transformation is a reminder that power without control is as dangerous as a bomb arrow without a bow.

Ganon in Other Zelda Games

Ganon’s character in Breath of the Wild is a stark contrast to his portrayals in other Zelda games. In previous games, Ganon was portrayed as a cunning and strategic villain. However, in Breath of the Wild, he’s a force of nature, a disaster waiting to happen.

In conclusion, Ganon’s backstory and transformation provide a deeper understanding of his character. They reveal why he’s the embodiment of evil in Breath of the Wild. Now that we’ve unraveled the mystery of Ganon’s past, let’s examine the impact of his evilness on the gameplay and storyline.

The Impact of Ganon’s Evilness on Gameplay and Storyline

Ganon’s evilness affects the gameplay and storyline of Breath of the Wild as much as the weather affects your journey in the wild. His presence shapes the game’s narrative and challenges, making him more than just a final boss.

Impact on Gameplay

Ganon’s evilness presents a constant challenge to the player. His influence can be felt in every corner of Hyrule, from the corrupted Divine Beasts to the Guardians that roam the land. Facing Ganon is like facing a Lynel; it’s a test of your skills, strategy, and courage.

Impact on Storyline

Ganon’s evilness is the driving force behind the game’s storyline. His desire to destroy Hyrule sets the stage for Link’s journey. The story of Breath of the Wild is a story of resistance against Ganon’s evil, a tale as epic as a battle against a Hinox.

In conclusion, Ganon’s evilness is a key element of Breath of the Wild. It shapes the gameplay and storyline, making the game a thrilling and challenging adventure. Now that we’ve explored the impact of Ganon’s evilness, let’s take a look at how other characters and players perceive him.

Character Reactions and Player Perceptions of Ganon

Just as every inhabitant of Hyrule has a unique perspective, so do players when it comes to Ganon. Let’s explore these diverse views, as varied as the flora in the Korok Forest.

Character Reactions to Ganon

The characters in Breath of the Wild react to Ganon’s evilness in different ways. Some, like the Champions, stand against him, while others, like the Yiga Clan, serve him. These reactions reflect the impact of Ganon’s evil on the world of Hyrule.

Player Perceptions of Ganon

Players also have diverse perceptions of Ganon. Some view him as a formidable antagonist, while others see him as a tragic character corrupted by power. These perceptions are as varied as the ways to cook a hearty meal in the game.

In conclusion, the reactions and perceptions of Ganon highlight his complexity as a character. They show that Ganon is more than just an evil villain; he’s a character that elicits a range of emotions and thoughts. Now, let’s dissect his evil acts and their significance in the game.

Ganon’s Evil Acts and Their Significance

Ganon’s evil acts are as revealing as a completed Korok seed puzzle. They provide insight into his character and his role in the game.

Ganon’s Evil Acts

Ganon’s evil acts range from corrupting the Divine Beasts, spreading malice across Hyrule, and calling forth all the monsters that will attack the Link and the inhabitants of the lands. These acts are as destructive as a Guardian’s laser beam, causing chaos and despair throughout the land.

Significance of Ganon’s Acts

The significance of Ganon’s acts lies in their impact on the world of Hyrule and its inhabitants. They serve as a reminder of Ganon’s power and malice, shaping the game’s narrative and challenges.


And so, fellow adventurer, we’ve journeyed through the depths of Ganon’s character, much like a daring exploration through the vast landscapes of Hyrule. We’ve discovered that Ganon’s evil is not just a simple character trait, but a complex web of backstory, transformation, and impact on the world of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

To recap, we’ve learned that:

  • Ganon’s character is as intricate as the Lost Woods, with traits and actions that define his evilness.
  • His backstory and transformation into evil are as mysterious as a Sheikah Shrine puzzle, revealing a lust for power and control.
  • Ganon’s evilness impacts the gameplay and storyline, shaping the narrative and challenges of the game.
  • The reactions and perceptions of other characters and players towards Ganon are as diverse as the inhabitants of Hyrule.
  • Ganon’s evil acts and their significance provide insight into his character and his role in the game.

Now that we’ve uncovered the secrets of Ganon’s evil, it’s time to take on the final boss. So, grab your Master Sword and let’s prepare for the battle ahead!

What Next?

As a fellow gamer, I always believe in having something actionable to do after gaining new insights. So, here are some tasks you can take on after finishing this article:

  • Revisit Zelda: Breath of the Wild with a fresh perspective on Ganon’s character. See if you can spot the nuances we’ve discussed.
  • Engage in discussions with other players about Ganon’s character. Share your insights and learn from others.
  • Try to empathize with Ganon’s character. Understanding a villain’s motivations can add depth to your gaming experience.
  • Write a character analysis of Ganon. Use your newfound knowledge to delve deeper into his character.
  • Finally, consider how understanding Ganon’s character can enhance your overall gaming experience. Apply these insights to other games and characters.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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