The Secret to Exiting Skyrim on PC: Revealed

I remember the first time I got lost in the vast, snowy landscapes of Skyrim. I was a fresh-faced adventurer, eager to explore every nook and cranny of this epic world. But as the hours turned into days, I realized I had no idea how to exit the game on my PC. I felt like a novice mage who had accidentally teleported himself into the middle of a dragon’s lair. I knew other gamers must have faced the same predicament, and that’s when I realized a guide like this would be as valuable as a Daedric artifact.

In this guide, we’ll embark on a quest to uncover the secrets of exiting Skyrim. We’ll navigate through the following key topics:

  • The standard way to exit Skyrim on PC, as simple as sheathing your sword after a victorious battle.
  • How to quit the game on PC using a game controller, a task as intricate as picking a master-level lock.
  • What to do when Skyrim freezes and refuses to quit, a situation as tricky as a puzzle in one of Skyrim’s ancient Nordic ruins.

So, grab your trusty controller or keyboard, and let’s dive into the world of Skyrim once more. Because even the most seasoned Dragonborn needs to know when to take a break from their epic quests and dragon slaying. Keep reading, fellow adventurer, and let’s conquer this quest together.

How do I exit Skyrim with Mouse and Keyboard? – Step-by-Step Guide

Exiting Skyrim on your PC is like finding a safe path through a treacherous mountain pass. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate:

  1. Pause the Game: Press the [Esc] key on your keyboard. This will pause the game and open the system menu, just like finding a safe spot to rest during a perilous journey.
  2. Navigate the Menu: In the system menu, you’ll see several options. Navigate through these options using your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard.
  3. Select ‘Quit Game’: Among the options, at the very bottom, you’ll find ‘Quit Game’. Select this option, as if choosing the path that leads you back home. Now, here’s the key point, sometimes this option is hidden, depending on the resolutions you are running the game at. To find the ‘Quite Game’ option, you’ll need to scroll down on the system menu.
  4. Confirm Your Choice: After selecting ‘Quit Game’, a confirmation message will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to quit. Confirm your choice to exit the game.
  5. Save Your Game: Before you confirm your choice, remember to save your game. This is crucial to ensure that all your progress is stored. It’s like marking your path, so you know exactly where to start when you return to your adventure.
  6. Exit the Game: Once you’ve saved your game and confirmed your choice, you’ll successfully exit Skyrim. The game will close, and you’ll return to your desktop.

Remember, every seasoned adventurer knows when to rest and regroup. Exiting Skyrim properly ensures that you can return to your epic quests and dragon slaying whenever you’re ready.

How to Exit Skyrim on PC with a Game Controller – Step-by-Step Guide

Exiting Skyrim with a game controller is like navigating through a dense forest with a trusty map. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find your way:

  1. Pause the Game: Press the ‘Start’ or ‘Options’ button on your controller. This will pause the game and open the system menu, just like finding a safe spot to rest during a perilous journey.
  2. Navigate the Menu: Use the directional pad or the left joystick to navigate through the menu options. It’s like choosing the right path at a crossroads.
  3. Select ‘Quit Game’: Among the options, you’ll find ‘Quit Game’. Select this option by moving the cursor over it and pressing the ‘A’ button (on Xbox controller) or the ‘X’ button (on PlayStation controller). It’s like choosing the path that leads you back home. Often the ‘Quit Game’ option is hidden, depending on the resolution the game is running at. To find the ‘Quite Game’ option, you’ll need to scroll down on the system menu.
  4. Confirm Your Choice: After selecting ‘Quit Game’, a confirmation message will appear, asking if you’re sure you want to quit. Confirm your choice by selecting ‘Yes’ and pressing the ‘A’ button (on Xbox controller) or the ‘X’ button (on PlayStation controller).
  5. Save Your Game: Before you confirm your choice, remember to save your game. This is crucial to ensure that all your progress is stored. It’s like marking your path, so you know exactly where to start when you return to your adventure. To save your game, navigate to the ‘Save’ option in the system menu and follow the prompts.
  6. Exit the Game: Once you’ve saved your game and confirmed your choice, you’ll successfully exit Skyrim. The game will close, and you’ll return to your console’s home screen.

Remember, every seasoned adventurer knows when to rest and regroup. Exiting Skyrim properly ensures that you can return to your epic quests and dragon slaying whenever you’re ready.

How do I quite skyrim on PC if the game has frozen?

When Skyrim freezes on your PC, the standard way to quite the game will not work. To combat that problem, here’s a detailed step-by-step guide to help you quite Skyrim when it’s frozen:

  1. Summon the Task Manager: If the game is unresponsive, your first line of defense is the Task Manager. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to summon it, much like calling upon a powerful Atronach in the heat of battle. The Task Manager will show you a list of all the applications currently running on your PC. Find Skyrim, right-click on it, and select ‘End Task’.
  2. Set Task Manager to ‘Always On Top’: To ensure that the Task Manager is always ready to assist, navigate to the ‘Options’ tab and select ‘Always On Top’. This will make the Task Manager accessible, even when a game is frozen. This is like equipping a powerful artifact that ensures your victory in any situation.
  3. Try the Alt-Tab Method: If the Task Manager can’t help, try the Alt-Tab method. This keyboard shortcut is like using the Whirlwind Sprint shout, quickly taking you out of the game and onto your desktop. This can sometimes force the game to minimize, allowing you to access other applications.
  4. Close the Game from the Desktop: Once you’re on your desktop, right-click on the Skyrim app and select “Close Window”. This is like using a Disarm shout to end the battle swiftly. If the game is simply minimized and not completely frozen, this should close it.
  5. Use the Alt+F4 Combination: If the game is still frozen, try the Alt+F4 combination. It’s like using the Unrelenting Force shout to break through the frost spell. This command forces the active window to close, which in this case would be Skyrim.
  6. Sign Out of Your PC: If the game remains unresponsive, you might need to sign out of your PC and sign back in. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and select ‘Sign Out’. It’s like using the Clear Skies shout to dissipate the storm and start afresh. This will close all applications and give you a clean slate to start from.
  7. Restart Your PC: If all else fails, you might need to restart your PC. It’s like taking a long rest at an inn, refreshing and resetting everything for a new day of adventuring. Restarting your PC will close all running applications and processes, including Skyrim, and will often resolve any issues causing the game to freeze.

Remember, even the most powerful frost spells can be broken. With these steps, you’ll be able to exit a frozen Skyrim game and return to your epic adventures when you’re ready.


Just like a well-told saga, our journey through the intricacies of exiting Skyrim on PC and with a game controller has reached its end. We’ve navigated through treacherous paths, unlocked hidden secrets, and emerged victorious. Just as we started, feeling like a novice mage in a dragon’s lair, we’ve now become the seasoned Dragonborn, equipped with the knowledge to conquer any challenge. Here’s a quick recap of our epic quest:

  • We learned the standard way to exit Skyrim on PC, a task as simple as sheathing your sword.
  • We discovered how to quit the game using a game controller, a task as intricate as picking a master-level lock.
  • We tackled the tricky situation of a frozen Skyrim game, a challenge as complex as a puzzle in an ancient Nordic ruin.
  • We explored various methods to quit a frozen game, from summoning the Task Manager to restarting the PC.
  • We emphasized the importance of saving the game before exiting, a crucial step in preserving our progress.
  • We highlighted the need to be prepared for any situation, a key trait of any seasoned adventurer.

Now, fellow adventurer, it’s time to put this knowledge to the test. Ready for the “What Next?” section?

What Next?

As a fellow gamer, I always want you to have something actionable to do after reading an article. Here are some tasks you can take on after finishing this guide:

  • Try exiting Skyrim on your PC using the standard method.
  • If you have a game controller, practice quitting the game using the controller.
  • Test the different methods to quit a frozen Skyrim game.
  • Set your Task Manager to ‘Always On Top’ for easy access during gaming sessions.
  • Remember to save your game before exiting Skyrim next time you play.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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