Are the Immortals of Aveum PC Requirements too High?

I’m sitting at my battle station, the glow of my triple monitors casting long shadows in the dim room. I’ve just downloaded Immortals of Aveum, the latest next-gen game that’s been causing quite a stir in the gaming community. I hit ‘play’, and… my screen stutters. My heart sinks. My trusty rig, which has seen me through countless quests and epic battles, is struggling. I’m sure many of you have been in this boat, and it’s a sinking feeling, isn’t it?

That’s why I decided to put together this guide. It’s for all of us who’ve ever wondered, “Are the PC requirements for Immortals of Aveum too high?” or “Could I play this on a lower-end graphics card?” This guide is your treasure map, leading you through the labyrinth of PC specs and gaming jargon.

In this article, we’ll delve into:

  • The minimum and recommended PC specs for Immortals of Aveum
  • Why these specs are so high, including a deep dive into the Unreal Engine 5, Lumen and Nanite technologies
  • The possibility of playing the game on a lower-end graphics card
  • And finally, a discussion on whether the minimum specs are indeed too high

So, grab your controller, or in this case, your mouse, and let’s embark on this quest together. Keep reading, fellow gamer, and let’s conquer the world of Immortals of Aveum.

What are the minimum PC specs for Immortals of Aveum?

Embarking on the epic journey that is Immortals of Aveum requires more than just a gamer’s spirit; it demands a PC that’s up to the task. Just as a seasoned adventurer wouldn’t venture into the unknown without the right gear, gamers need to ensure their PC meets the minimum specifications to handle this next-generation game.

The minimum requirements to play Immortals of Aveum at 1080p@60fps with Low/medium settings are as follows:

  • 64-bit Windows 10 operating system
  • Intel Core i7-9700 or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X processor
  • 16 GB of RAM
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super or Radeon RX 5700XT graphics card
  • 110 GB of available storage space

However, these are just the minimum requirements. They’ll allow you to play the game, but to truly experience Immortals of Aveum in all its high-definition, ray-traced glory, you’ll need a system that meets or exceeds the recommended specifications.

The recommended requirements to play Immortals of Aveum at 1440p@60fps with medium/high settings are:

  • 64-bit Windows 10 operating system
  • Intel Core i7-12700 or AMD Ryzen 7 5700X processor
  • 16 GB of RAM
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080Ti or AMD Radeon RX 6800XT graphics card
  • 110 GB of SSD storage space

Now, these recommended minimum specs might seem daunting, especially for those of us who don’t have the latest hardware. For instance, I only upgraded from an Nvidia GTX 1080ti to a laptop with a 150W Nvidia RTX 3070 last year, which is roughly equivalent to a desktop RTX 2080 Super. So, my laptop just about meets the minimum specs for Immortals.

This raises a couple of questions: Are the minimum requirements for this game too high? And what factors contribute to these high requirements? Let’s delve into these questions in the following sections.

Why are the minimum Specs so high?

Why does Immortals of Aveum demand such high minimum specs? Let’s explore some of the reasons.

One of the first Unreal Engine 5 games

Immortals of Aveum is more than just a game; it’s a trailblazer, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the gaming world. It’s one of the first games to utilize Unreal Engine 5, the latest and most potent game engine from Epic Games.

Unreal Engine 5 is the Formula 1 car of gaming – the epitome of technology and performance. It enables game developers to create incredibly detailed and realistic environments, characters, and effects. However, like a Formula 1 car, it demands a lot of power to run, hence the high minimum specs.

Uses next-generation lighting and geometry technology in Lumen and Nanite

Unreal Engine 5 introduces two groundbreaking technologies – Lumen and Nanite. Lumen is a fully dynamic global illumination solution that reacts instantly to scene and light changes, emulating real-world light behavior. Nanite, on the other hand, is a virtualized geometry technology that allows artists to create as much geometric detail as the eye can see.

These technologies are akin to the warp drive and deflector shields of the Starship Enterprise. They enable Immortals of Aveum to venture where no game has gone before in terms of graphics and realism. However, they also demand a lot of computational power, hence the high minimum specs.

Immortals’ Minimum Requirements Match Fortnite’s Minimum Requirements to Enable Nanite and Lumen Raytracing.

If you’re familiar with Fortnite, another game from Epic Games, you’ll know that it also uses the Unreal Engine and supports Lumen and Nanite. The minimum requirements to run Fortnite with these technologies enabled are quite high, and Immortals of Aveum is no different.

For instance, playing Fortnite with Nanite and Lumen enabled requires a minimum GPU of either an Nvidia RTX 2080 or an AMD RX 5700. These graphics cards closely match the GPUs needed for Immortals. Interestingly, Unreal Engine 5 reportedly runs better on AMD hardware, which is a significant win for Team Red.

The First Truly Next Generation Game

Immortals of Aveum is arguably the first truly next-generation game. It’s not just a game that’s been upgraded to look and play better on next-gen consoles and PCs. It’s a game that’s been built from the ground up with next-gen technologies like ray tracing and high geometry.

Ray tracing is a rendering technique that simulates the physical behavior of light, creating stunningly realistic lighting and reflections. High geometry allows for incredibly detailed and realistic environments and characters. These technologies are the magic spells and epic quests of a fantasy RPG – they make the game more immersive and exciting. However, they also require a powerful wizard, or in this case, a powerful PC to run.

The fact that Immortals is the first game to incorporate both Unreal Engine 5 technologies into its design is a testament to the developer’s desire to push PC gaming graphics forward.

Even with low settings, Immortals of Aveum will still offer real-time lighting, reflections, and shadows with detailed geometry from the Nanite technology. This means that even if a player does not have a high-end PC, they can still experience the game’s advanced graphics and enjoy the immersive gameplay.

The Minimum Specs are actually quite reasonable

While the RTX 2080 Super might initially strike you as a high-end requirement, it’s important to put this into perspective. This graphics card, now four years old, was among the pioneers in ray-tracing technology. However, in the rapidly advancing world of gaming tech, it’s beginning to show signs of age, especially when faced with the demands of next-gen ray tracing technologies.

To illustrate the pace of progress and underscore that the minimum specs aren’t as daunting as they might seem, consider this: the RTX 2080’s power is now matched by the newer RTX 4060 8GB. This modern equivalent can be acquired for a modest sum of around $300. Similarly, the AMD RX 5700 finds its contemporary counterpart in the RX 6600, a card that’s available for well under $250.

In essence, Immortals of Aveum is not demanding the latest and greatest in graphics hardware. Instead, it’s targeting the more accessible end of the modern graphics card spectrum. Achieving 1080p at 60 fps with a mix of low and medium graphics settings is quite a reasonable expectation. This becomes even more impressive when you consider that Immortals of Aveum comes with built-in Ray Tracing, powered by Lumen and Nanite technologies. These features are integral to the game and cannot be completely disabled. Given these factors, it’s remarkable that the minimum specs remain as accessible as they are.

Could the game be played on an even lower-end graphics card?

Can you play Immortals of Aveum on an even lower-end graphics card? The answer is yes, but with a few caveats.

The minimum specifications target low to medium settings at 1080p and 60fps. It’s akin to aiming to run a marathon in under four hours, a challenging yet achievable goal for most people. However, if you’re willing to run the game with lower settings, such as 30fps, at a lower resolution, say 900p, you could run it on a much lower-end graphics card. You would need to accept that the game won’t look as stunning, but it would still be playable.

Moreover, you could use image reconstruction technologies to boost performance. For instance, you could use Ultra Performance mode DLSS on Nvidia Cards or the AMD equivalent to increase frame rates if available.

For example, my RX 3070 Laptop has a 1080p screen. I can play Control with DLSS set to performance mode, which renders only one-fourth of the pixels and then uses AI to upscale. The game still looks phenomenal, yet I get nearly double the frame rate. This enables me to play with all Ray-Tracing graphical effects turned on to the max.

Are the min specs too high?

Finally, let’s address the burning question – are the minimum specs for Immortals of Aveum too high? In my opinion, no, they’re not. Considering all the factors we’ve discussed, the minimum specs are as expected.

Immortals of Aveum is a trailblazer. It’s pushing the technological envelope forward in the PC space. This game will be vastly beyond, graphically, anything available on console, and probably anything we’ve seen on PC up to this point. Yes, it’s painful if you don’t have a powerful enough graphics card. But progress and pain go hand in hand.

If we want to see game graphics move forward, we need games like this to force it forward, to force the adoption of better graphics cards. It’s reminiscent of Crysis back in the day. Just like Crysis, Immortals of Aveum is setting a new benchmark for PC gaming. It’s a game that’s not just about playing, but about experiencing the future of gaming. And for that, I believe the high minimum specs are a small price to pay.


So, we’ve journeyed through the realm of Immortals of Aveum, delving into its demanding PC requirements and the reasons behind them. It’s been quite the quest, hasn’t it? We’ve battled with high specs, navigated through the labyrinth of gaming technologies, and emerged victorious, armed with the knowledge to conquer this next-gen game.

To recap, here are the main points we’ve covered:

  • Immortals of Aveum requires a powerful PC, with minimum specs including an Intel Core i7-9700 or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X processor and an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super or Radeon RX 5700XT graphics card.
  • The game’s high requirements are due to its use of Unreal Engine 5, and groundbreaking technologies like Lumen and Nanite.
  • The minimum requirements are similar to those needed to run Fortnite with Nanite and Lumen enabled.
  • Immortals of Aveum is a truly next-gen game, built from the ground up with advanced technologies.
  • The game can be played on a lower-end graphics card, but with some compromises on settings and performance.
  • The minimum specs, while high, are not unreasonable considering the game’s advanced features and graphics.

Now, it’s time to gear up and prepare for the next stage of our adventure. Ready for the “What Next?” section?

What Next?

I always believe in leaving my fellow gamers with something actionable to do after reading an article. So, here are some specific tasks you can take on after finishing this article:

  • Check your current PC specs and compare them with the minimum and recommended specs for Immortals of Aveum.
  • Research on Unreal Engine 5, Lumen, and Nanite technologies to understand their impact on gaming.
  • If your current graphics card falls short, consider upgrading to a newer model that meets the game’s requirements.
  • Explore options for playing the game on lower settings if you have a lower-end graphics card.
  • Join online gaming communities and forums to discuss and learn more about Immortals of Aveum and its PC requirements.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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