Can You Play Valorant with a Controller?

I still remember the first time I tried to play Valorant with a controller. It was like trying to pilot a spaceship with a TV remote – it just didn’t seem possible. But as a lifelong console gamer, I was determined to find a way to make it work. After hours of research and countless “git gud” comments from keyboard warriors, I discovered the mystical world of reWASD and its power to transform my controller into a lean, mean, fragging machine.

I realized that there must be other gamers out there, just like you, who could benefit from a comprehensive guide on playing Valorant with a controller. So, buckle up, because we’re going on a journey through:

  • Keyboard & Mouse vs Controller: Why you need to use a mouse to win at Valorant
  • Why play Valorant with a controller?
  • How to use reWASD to play with a controller
  • Can you get banned from playing Valorant for using a controller?

By the end of this adventure, you’ll have all the knowledge and tools you need to conquer the world of Valorant with your trusty controller. So, grab your favorite gaming snacks, and let’s dive right into this epic quest!

Keyboard & Mouse vs Controller: Why You Need to Use a Mouse to Win at Valorant

Alright, let’s get straight to it, fellow gamer. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times: keyboard and mouse are the ultimate weapon combo when it comes to competitive shooters like Valorant. Here’s why:

Advantages of Using a Mouse and Keyboard in Valorant

  • Precision aiming: With a mouse, aiming is like having a sniper rifle with laser sights – super precise and accurate. It’s no secret that FPS games are all about accuracy, and using a mouse gives you that much-needed edge.
  • Faster response time: A keyboard allows you to execute your moves in a flash, like a ninja dashing through the shadows. Quick reflexes are essential in Valorant, and a keyboard gives you that speed advantage.
  • Customizable key bindings: With a keyboard, you can assign specific actions to any key you want, making it easier to access essential functions in the heat of battle. It’s like having a custom-made suit of armor that fits your every move perfectly.

Disadvantages of Using a Controller

  • Less accuracy in aiming: When using a controller, aiming can feel like you’re trying to hit a bullseye with a Nerf gun. It’s doable, but not as precise as using a mouse.
  • Slower movement and response: With a controller, your character’s movements can feel sluggish, like you’re wading through a pool of Jell-O. A keyboard provides more responsive input, making it easier to dodge bullets and outmaneuver your opponents.
  • Limited button mapping options: A controller has fewer buttons than a keyboard, so you might find yourself fumbling around to execute certain actions. It’s like trying to play a complex RPG with a retro NES controller – you can do it, but it’s not ideal.

Why Play Valorant with a Controller?

Alright, now that we’ve covered the pros and cons of keyboard & mouse vs. controller, you might be wondering why on earth you’d even consider playing Valorant with a controller. Well, there are a few reasons:

  • Comfort and familiarity for console gamers: If you’ve spent most of your gaming life on consoles, using a controller might feel like slipping into a cozy onesie. It’s familiar, comfortable, and just feels right.
  • Ergonomic benefits: For some gamers, holding a controller is like cradling a cute little kitten – it’s just more comfortable and easier on the wrists than using a keyboard and mouse setup.
  • Challenges and novelty factor: Playing Valorant with a controller can be a fun and unique challenge, like trying to beat Dark Souls using only a dance pad. It’s a different way to experience the game and can be an enjoyable test of your skills.
  • Casual play and personal preference: If you’re not overly concerned about competitive play and just want to enjoy the game at your own pace, using a controller might be the way to go. Remember, gaming is all about having fun, and if a controller brings you joy, then go for it!

How to Use reWASD to Play with a Controller

So, you’ve decided to take the plunge and try playing Valorant with a controller. The first thing you need to know is that Valorant doesn’t have native controller support (bummer, I know). But don’t worry, there’s a workaround. Enter reWASD – your trusty sidekick in this quest.

What is reWASD?

reWASD is a third-party software that allows you to map controller inputs to keyboard and mouse actions. It’s like a magical translator that lets your controller speak the same language as your PC. It supports a variety of controllers, including Xbox, PlayStation, and even some generic ones.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up reWASD for Valorant

Now, let’s get you set up to play Valorant with a controller using reWASD. Follow these steps, and you’ll be fragging like a pro (or at least, a pro controller user) in no time!

  1. Downloading and installing reWASD: Head over to the reWASD website and download the software. Once it’s downloaded, install it on your computer – just follow the instructions, and you’ll be good to go.
  2. Configuring controller settings: With reWASD installed, open the software and connect your controller to your PC. You should see your controller appear in the reWASD interface. Now it’s time to tweak the settings like a mad scientist. Adjust things like sensitivity, dead zones, and button response times to your liking.
  3. Mapping controller buttons to Valorant actions: This is where the magic happens. In reWASD, you can assign specific controller buttons to perform actions in Valorant, like shooting, reloading, and using abilities. Think of it as creating a custom control scheme tailor-made for your controller.
  4. Testing and optimizing your setup: Once you’ve got your controller mapped to your liking, fire up Valorant and give it a test run. Don’t be afraid to adjust your settings and mappings as needed – it’s all about finding that sweet spot that works for you.

For a more in-depth tutorial, check out the fantastic video below:

Tips for using reWASD for Valorant

  1. Customize your controller’s key bindings: To set specific key binds for your controller, you’ll need to configure them in both reWASD and Valorant. This personalized setup will help you achieve optimal gameplay with your controller.
  2. Adjust sensitivity for optimal performance: When starting out in Valorant with a controller, you might notice sensitivity issues. Controllers typically need higher sensitivity in FPS games, so it’s best to tweak this setting within the Valorant client for smoother gameplay.
  3. Configure double-click for activating abilities: In Valorant, abilities are often triggered by a double-click. With reWASD, you can set this up by mapping it to the D-pad and pressing the button twice, or using your designated left-click button and performing a “double-click.”
  4. Optimize stick dead zones for better control: Adjusting the dead zones for your controller’s analog sticks can help you gain more precision and responsiveness. Experiment with different dead zone settings in reWASD to find the sweet spot that works best for you.
  5. Master controller shortcuts for seamless gameplay: To make your controller experience more fluid, familiarize yourself with various shortcuts and button combinations for common actions in Valorant. This will help you perform actions more efficiently and stay competitive in the game.
  6. Practice, practice, practice: As with any new gaming setup, it’ll take time to adapt to playing Valorant with a controller. Spend time in practice mode or casual games to hone your skills and get comfortable with your new control scheme before diving into competitive matches.

Can You Get Banned from Playing Valorant for Using a Controller?

Now, before you jump into Valorant with your controller setup, there’s one crucial question we need to address: Can you get banned for using a controller in Valorant? After all, no one wants to get slapped with a ban hammer just for trying something new, right?

Riot Games’ Stance on Third-Party Software

Riot Games, the developers of Valorant, have been pretty clear about their stance on third-party software. They generally frown upon any modifications or software that give players an unfair advantage, like cheats or hacks. However, they also recognize that some third-party tools can enhance the gaming experience without breaking the rules.

Allowed Modifications and Software

While Riot Games hasn’t explicitly endorsed reWASD, they haven’t banned it either. Many gamers have been using reWASD to play Valorant with a controller without any issues. It’s kind of like skateboarding in a park where it’s not technically allowed, but nobody’s enforcing the rule.

Risk of Bans for Using Unsupported Software

That being said, there’s always a risk when using unsupported software like reWASD. Riot Games could decide to crack down on third-party tools at any time, and that might result in some players getting banned. It’s a gamble, but one that many gamers have been willing to take.

Community Experiences and Anecdotes

From what we’ve seen in the Reddit Valorant Community and other gaming forums, most players who use controllers with reWASD haven’t experienced any bans or other negative consequences. However, it’s essential to be cautious and stay up-to-date on Riot Games’ policies and any changes they might make.

Precautions to Avoid Potential Bans

To minimize the risk of getting banned, make sure you’re only using reWASD for controller support and not for any other modifications or exploits that could give you an unfair advantage. Keep your reWASD usage transparent and in line with Riot Games’ guidelines, and you should be good to go.

Also, pay attention to the Valorant community and Riot Games’ announcements. If there’s any indication that using reWASD or other similar tools could result in a ban, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid using them.


And there you have it, my fellow gamer – the epic tale of how I went from a confused console gamer to a Valorant controller-wielding warrior. By following the tips and advice in this guide, you too can conquer the battlefield using your trusty controller. To recap, we’ve covered:

  • The age-old debate between keyboard & mouse vs controller in Valorant
  • The reasons to play Valorant with a controller for a unique gaming experience
  • The magical power of reWASD to turn your controller into a fully-functional Valorant machine
  • The potential risks of using a controller and how to minimize them
  • Essential tips and tricks for setting up and optimizing your controller gameplay

So, as we close this chapter of our gaming adventure, remember that the world of Valorant awaits you and your controller. It’s time to embrace the challenge and prove that controllers can hold their own in this competitive FPS. Now, get ready to take action and dive into the “What Next?” section for your next steps towards Valorant controller mastery. Good luck, and may the frags be ever in your favor!

What Next?

I always believe that every epic gaming adventure should have a clear next step, so here are some actionable tasks for you to take on after reading this article:

  1. Explore your controller preferences: Grab your controller and spend some time experimenting with different button layouts, sensitivity settings, and stick dead zones. This will help you find the perfect configuration for your unique gaming style.
  2. Download and install reWASD: Head over to the reWASD website and get your hands on this game-changing software. It’s your ticket to Valorant controller gameplay, so make sure it’s installed and ready to roll.
  3. Set up your custom controller profile: Using the tips and tricks from this article, create a custom controller profile in reWASD that’s tailored to your needs. Map your buttons, adjust your sensitivity, and configure your double-click settings for a seamless Valorant experience.
  4. Join the controller community: Connect with other Valorant players who use controllers, either through forums or social media. Share your experiences, tips, and tricks with each other, and build a community of like-minded gamers.
  5. Practice, practice, practice: Once you’ve got your controller setup dialed in, jump into Valorant and put your skills to the test. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t get discouraged if it takes a while to get used to your new control scheme. Keep grinding, and soon you’ll be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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