Complete Guide to Sooga in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

You’re deep in the throes of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, controller gripped tight, eyes glued to the screen. Suddenly, you’re face-to-face with Sooga, Master Kohga’s right-hand man. His dual swords glint menacingly, his movements are swift and deadly. You’re in for a boss fight, and it’s a tough one. I’ve been there, and let me tell you, it’s like being thrown into a final boss battle without a strategy guide. But what if you had that guide? What if you could turn the tide of battle in your favor?

In this article, we’re going to do just that. We’ll delve into the heart of the battle, breaking down Sooga’s attack patterns, and revealing the best strategies to defeat him. We’ll cover:

  • Understanding Sooga’s Attack Patterns: Like deciphering the code of a complex video game, we’ll learn to anticipate his moves.
  • Utilizing Flurry Rush: It’s like finding a cheat code that gives you a significant advantage.
  • Exploiting Weak Point Smashes: Think of it as finding a hidden power-up, a chance to deal massive damage.
  • Using Runes Effectively: It’s like unlocking a special move in a fighting game, a game-changer in the heat of battle.

But that’s not all. Once we’ve conquered Sooga, we’ll unlock him as a playable character, adding a new dimension to your gameplay. So, ready your controller, fellow gamer. Let’s dive into this epic guide and turn you into a Hyrule Warrior. Keep reading, the game’s just getting started.

How to Defeat Sooga in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Sooga, the right-hand man of Master Kohga, is a formidable opponent in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. With his dual swords and swift movements, he can be a real challenge to defeat. However, like any boss in the game, understanding his attack patterns and knowing when to strike can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Let’s dive into the heart of the battle and learn how to defeat Sooga.

Understanding Sooga’s Attack Patterns

Sooga’s attack patterns are like a dance of blades, swift and deadly. He primarily uses his dual swords to perform a variety of attacks, including a spinning attack that can hit multiple times and a powerful slam that can deal significant damage. It’s crucial to observe his movements and anticipate his attacks. Just like a game of chess, predicting your opponent’s moves can give you the upper hand.

Utilizing Flurry Rush

One of the most effective strategies against Sooga is to perform Flurry Rushes. Before Sooga attacks, he will hold both of his swords, signaling his intent to strike. Use this as a cue to dodge his attack perfectly, triggering a Flurry Rush. This mechanic slows down time, allowing you to unleash a barrage of attacks on Sooga without any retaliation. It’s like having a cheat code in a tough level, giving you a significant advantage.

Exploiting Weak Point Smashes

After dodging and countering Sooga’s attacks, you’ll notice a Weak Point Gauge appearing above his head. This is your golden opportunity to deal massive damage. Once the gauge is depleted, you can perform a Weak Point Smash, dealing a significant amount of damage and temporarily stunning Sooga. It’s like finding a hidden power-up in a game, giving you a momentary advantage to press your attack.

Using Runes Effectively

In your arsenal of abilities, Runes are your special tools that can turn the tide of battle. When Sooga prepares a powerful attack, a Rune prompt will appear. Use the corresponding Rune to interrupt his attack and expose his Weak Point Gauge. It’s like using a special move in a fighting game, turning the tide of battle in your favor.


Defeating Sooga in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is like completing a challenging level in a game. It requires understanding his attack patterns, utilizing Flurry Rushes, exploiting Weak Point Smashes, and using Runes effectively. With these strategies, you’ll be able to defeat Sooga and progress further in your adventure.

Now that we’ve conquered the challenge of defeating Sooga, let’s move on to another exciting part of the game: unlocking Sooga as a playable character.

How to Unlock Sooga as a Playable Character in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity DLC #2

Unlocking new characters in a game is like opening a surprise gift. It adds a new dimension to the gameplay and offers a fresh perspective on the game’s world. In Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity DLC #2, you can unlock Sooga as a playable character. Let’s embark on this exciting quest to unlock Sooga.

Downloading the Second Wave of DLC

The first step to unlocking Sooga is to download the second wave of DLC for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. It’s like purchasing a ticket to an exclusive event, granting you access to new content and characters.

Playing Through Memory Quests

Once you have the DLC, you need to play through a few Memory Quests until you unlock EX The Yiga Clan’s Defeat. It’s like going through a series of challenges in a game, each one bringing you closer to your ultimate goal.

Completing EX The Yiga Clan’s Defeat

In this mission, you need to defeat all enemies and keep all allies safe. None of them can flee, not even the Blademaster who stays behind to guard the gate. This may seem daunting, especially when the gate-keeping Yiga Blademaster locks the gate behind him.

However, when the Hollow enemies make their appearance on the battlefield, you can approach the gate, prompting Master Kohga to order its opening. This allows you to enter and eliminate the formidable enemies before they can overwhelm the solitary Yiga Blademaster.

Unlocking Sooga

By keeping all allies safe until the end of the battle, you will complete the ??? Memory Quest. This will unlock Sooga as a playable character. It’s like achieving a high score in a game, rewarding you with a new character to play.

Unlocking Sooga as a playable character in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity DLC #2 is like completing a challenging quest in a game. It requires downloading the DLC, playing through Memory Quests, and completing a specific mission. With Sooga unlocked, you’ll have a new character to explore and master in the game.


We’ve come a long way from that initial boss fight with Sooga, haven’t we? From deciphering his swift and deadly attack patterns to mastering the art of Flurry Rushes, we’ve turned the tide of battle in our favor. We’ve learned to:

  • Understand Sooga’s attack patterns, turning the dance of blades into a predictable rhythm.
  • Utilize Flurry Rushes, our cheat code to slow down time and unleash a barrage of attacks.
  • Exploit Weak Point Smashes, our hidden power-up to deal massive damage and stun Sooga.
  • Use Runes effectively, our special move to interrupt Sooga’s attacks and expose his Weak Point Gauge.

But the game didn’t stop there. We embarked on an exciting quest to unlock Sooga as a playable character, adding a new dimension to our gameplay. Now, it’s time to take these strategies and apply them in your own game. Ready to level up? Let’s move on to the “What Next?” section.

What Next?

I always believe in leaving you with something actionable to do after reading an article. So, here are some tasks you can take on after finishing this article:

  • Revisit your game and apply the strategies we’ve discussed to defeat Sooga.
  • Download the second wave of DLC for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity if you haven’t already.
  • Play through the Memory Quests to unlock EX The Yiga Clan’s Defeat.
  • Try to complete the mission while keeping all allies safe.
  • Once you’ve unlocked Sooga, explore his abilities and see how they can enhance your gameplay.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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