How Big is Valorant? The Answer Will Shock You!

Ah, man. There I was, a few months back, amped up and ready to dive into the cybernetic world of Valorant. I’d heard the buzz, seen the trailers, and felt that familiar itch in my thumbs. But then…wham…I got hit with a reality check. This game was bigger than a Titan in Destiny, and my laptop was as underprepared as a level 1 newbie in a raid.

Seriously, the sheer size of Valorant had me reeling like I’d just taken a headshot in a deathmatch. I’d underestimated the beast. The download. The installation. The system requirements. My gaming rig was crying out for mercy, and I was left wondering if there was a way I could lighten the load, so to speak.

That’s when it hit me. Like a well-aimed headshot in a clutch play, I realized that there had to be other gamers out there, stuck in the same bind as me. You guys would probably appreciate a detailed guide on the labyrinth that is Valorant’s installation and setup process.

So, saddle up, comrades, because we’re about to embark on an epic quest. In this guide, we’ll explore:

  • The total file size of Valorant, both for download and post-installation.
  • The system requirements for Valorant, with a special focus on storage space.
  • The installation process and any additional space requirements.
  • Possible ways to reduce the game’s size on your system.
  • An estimate of download times, based on an average broadband internet connection of 100 Mbps.
  • The impact of updates on the game’s size and frequency of these updates.

Trust me, this guide is going to be more helpful than a well-placed Sage wall in a close match. Ready to level up your knowledge? Let’s drop into the fray and tackle this beast head-on!

Valorant File Size

So, you’re about to download Valorant, huh? Well, brace yourself, because this game is a behemoth. It’s like trying to fit a Dragonborn into a hobbit hole.

The installer and anti-cheat system alone will carve out 265 MB of your storage. That’s just the appetizer.

The main course is the game itself, currently clocking in at a whopping 31.3 GB. Yeah, you heard that right. Valorant is not just a game; it’s a digital titan, ready to stake a claim on a serious chunk of your hard drive.

2. System Requirements for Valorant

Now, before you go ahead and hit that download button, you need to check if your rig can handle this beast. Think of it like checking your gear before a raid. You don’t want to go in there with a wooden sword and a paper shield, right?

Riot Games, the brains behind Valorant, have set some minimum and recommended system requirements. Here’s what you need to know:

Minimum system requirements (30 FPS):

  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 / AMD Athlon 200GE
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • VRAM: 1 GB
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • GPU: Intel HD 4000 / Radeon R5 200.

These are just the bare minimum specs. If you’re aiming for 60 FPS gameplay, you’ll need to step up your game. The recommended system specs are:

  • CPU: Core i3-4150 / Ryzen 3 1200
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • VRAM: 1 GB
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • GPU: GeForce GT 730 / Radeon R7 240.

And for the high rollers out there aiming for a silky smooth 144 FPS, you’re going to need some serious firepower:

  • CPU: Intel i5 9400F / AMD Ryzen 5 2600x
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • VRAM: 1 GB
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • GPU: GeForce GTX 1050 Ti / Radeon R7 370.

3. The Installation Process

So, you’ve checked your gear, you’ve got the hard drive space, and you’re ready to jump into the Valorant universe. But don’t rush in guns blazing just yet. The installation process is a bit like a tricky puzzle quest. You need to get the installer and anti-cheat system first. Once you’ve got that 265 MB sorted out, you can move on to downloading the game itself.

4. Ways to Reduce the Size of Valorant’s Install

Remember when I said Valorant was a digital titan? Well, there might be a way to put it on a diet. You see, there are a few tricks you can use to try and reduce the game’s size on your system, although it’s like trying to beat a boss fight without a strategy guide.

Clocking in at a hefty 31.3GB, Valorant might feel like a memory-guzzling behemoth taking a large bite out of your hard drive. Sadly, there’s not much wiggle room here if you’re keen on diving into the action-packed world of Valorant. Unlike the PCs of a bygone era, which allowed you to pick and choose install components like language packs and textures, Valorant doesn’t offer such luxuries. It’s all or nothing, like a high-stakes match – you either install the game in its entirety or not at all.

To ensure a smooth installation and gameplay, I’d recommend having at least 35GB of free space. You might be wondering, why 35GB when the game is 31.3GB? It’s because Valorant, like a relentless player, is constantly evolving with regular updates. Each of these updates takes a bit more room on your hard drive, so it’s good to have some extra space for those crucial game-changing patches.

5. Download Speeds: What to Expect

Ever tried to run through molasses? Yeah, that’s what downloading Valorant can feel like if you don’t have a solid internet connection. With an average broadband connection of 100 Mbps, you’re looking at a decent amount of time to download the full game.

Keep in mind, though, I’ll calculate the estimated download time for a file size of 31.3 GB with a download speed of 100 Mbps.

Here’s the math for anybody who wants’s a detailed breakdown:

31.3GB X 1024 = 32,051MB (This gives us the size of the game in megabytes)

100Mbs is in Megabits. A Megabit is 8 times smaller than a MegaByte. So we need to divide the 100Mbs speed by 8 to get a download speed in Megabytes.

100Mbs/8 = 12.5MBs

Now we can work out how long the game would take in seconds to download.

32,051 / 12.5 = 2,564 seconds.

2,564 / 60 = 42.7 minutes.

So, as a rule of thumb, a 100Mbs connection should take, if the connection is consistent, just under 43 minutes to download Valorant.

From this, you can extrapolate for other internet speeds:

Internet SpeedAprox Time to Download
8Mbs533.75 minutes (Nearly 9 hours)
32Mbs133.4 minutes (2 hours, 13.4 minutes)
50Mbs85.4 minutes (1 hour, 25.4 minutes)
100Mbs42.7 minutes
250MBs17 minutes
500Mbs9 minutes
1000Mbs4.3 minutes
2500Mbs1.7 minutes (WOW!)

Valorant: The Post-Download Reality

So, you’ve got the game installed, and you’re ready to jump into the action. But remember, Valorant is a game that keeps on growing. With every update, with every patch, and with every new feature, the game will continue to take up more space on your system. It’s like a digital hydra – cut off one head, and two more shall take its place.

But don’t let that deter you. Valorant is a brilliant game with a massive global community. It’s worth every megabyte. And if storage space is a concern, just remember – there’s always room for one more epic adventure in the gaming universe. Keep your system clean, keep your files organized, and keep making room for Valorant. It’s a big game, but it’s also a big world. So go out there and claim your victory.

Remember, Valorant isn’t just a static entity; it’s an ever-evolving beast that keeps growing. At launch, the game had a modest footprint of around 21GB, but fast forward to 2023, and it’s bulked up to a substantial 31.3GB. That’s like leveling up your character, gaining a hefty 3.4GB per year in its 3-year lifespan, as of the time of writing. It’s a testament to the game’s constant evolution and growth. So, think of your hard drive as the game’s training ground – you’ll want to reserve ample space for Valorant to flex its muscles with those yearly power-ups.


Well, there you have it, fellow gamer. We’ve embarked on this journey together, unpacking the hefty luggage that is Valorant, and now we’ve got a clearer view of the terrain. It’s been quite the quest, hasn’t it? From the moment we realised just how much room Valorant was going to commandeer on our hard drives, to exploring ways to manage and optimize that space. Here’s a quick recap of our odyssey:

  • Valorant’s install size currently stands at 31.3GB, a decent chunk of hard drive real estate.
  • You’ll need to reserve about 35GB of space on your drive to accommodate future updates.
  • The game’s file size has steadily increased at a rate of around 3.4GB per year.
  • Internet speed significantly affects download time, with a 100Mbps connection clocking in at around 45 minutes.
  • Valorant does not offer options for partial installation – it’s an all-or-nothing deal.
  • Regular maintenance of your hard drive, such as clearing temporary files and uninstalling unused programs, can free up extra space.

Now, as we wrap up our journey, don’t forget to keep your equipment – your PC – in tip-top shape for Valorant’s future updates. Now, get out there and show ’em what you’ve got! And if you’re hungry for more, be sure to read on to the ‘What Next?’ section.

What Next?

I always believe in leaving you with actionable steps that you can take right away. Knowledge is power, but it’s the application of knowledge that really levels up your game. So, here are five things you can do after you’re done reading:

  • Check your current hard drive space and see if you have enough for Valorant and its future updates.
  • Test your internet speed to estimate how long the Valorant download might take.
  • Do a clean-up of your hard drive, getting rid of files and applications you no longer need.
  • If your hard drive is nearly full, consider getting a new drive or even upgrading to a larger one.
  • Finally, download Valorant and start enjoying the game! Remember, preparation is half the battle won.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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