How Much are Valorant Points? The Ultimate Guide!

Not long ago, I found myself entranced by the vibrant, high-octane world of Valorant, a multiplayer first-person shooter game by Riot Games. There was a palpable rush as I wove between digital buildings and unloaded rounds into my opponents – a feeling I can only compare to the adrenaline surge of pulling off a last-second win in a nail-biting round of a battle royale. But amidst the exhilaration, I found myself grappling with a pressing query – how much are Valorant Points, and how do they work?

It’s a question as vexing as trying to pull off a perfect headshot from across the map, and I felt like I wasn’t alone in this conundrum. That’s why I decided to create this comprehensive guide to Valorant Points, to help fellow gamers like you navigate this aspect of the game as smoothly as a stealthy ninja sneaking up on an unsuspecting enemy.

In this guide, we’ll be covering:

  • The basics of Valorant Points, from what they are to how you can acquire them
  • The myriad uses of these points in the game, including the customization options they unlock
  • The pricing of Valorant Points, with a focus on the United States and Australia
  • A step-by-step walkthrough of purchasing Valorant Points, because nobody likes to fumble like a newbie at the checkout
  • The impact of Valorant Points on gameplay, explaining how these points can enhance your Valorant experience

So, if you’re ready to dive deeper into the intricacies of Valorant Points like a pro player delving into a complex strategy, keep reading. It’s game time!

Understanding Valorant Points

What are Valorant Points?

Imagine having a treasure chest in Valorant, a magical box that could transform into any cosmetic item you fancy, from the coolest weapon skins to the most flamboyant player cards. That’s essentially what Valorant Points (VP) are – the keys to that treasure chest.

Much like gold coins in an RPG, Valorant Points are the lifeblood of your in-game purchases. They are a form of in-game currency that lets you dip into the vast pool of cosmetic enhancements that Valorant has to offer. So, whether you’re looking to style your weapons or upgrade your battle pass, Valorant Points are your go-to resource.

How to Obtain Valorant Points

Now, before you start dreaming of hoarding Valorant Points like a dragon hoards gold, there’s one key detail to remember – these aren’t your typical in-game collectibles that you find hidden in a dungeon or earn by defeating enemies. Valorant Points are a premium currency, which means they’re bought with your hard-earned real-world cash. It’s a bit like buying a new game for your console, but instead, you’re investing in your Valorant gameplay experience.

Uses of Valorant Points

So, you’ve got your Valorant Points, ready to spend like a kid in a candy store. But what exactly can you buy with them? Well, imagine walking into an arcade with a pocket full of tokens. That’s the kind of excitement you can look forward to with Valorant Points in hand.

You can spend your Valorant Points on a variety of cosmetic items, from weapon skins to player cards, much like you’d spend your tokens on different arcade games. You can also use them to purchase Radianite Points, another form of in-game currency used to upgrade your weapon skins, or to level up your Act Battle Pass, just like using your tokens to go for the big prize in the arcade claw machine.

Valorant Points Pricing

Now, when it comes to understanding how much these Valorant Points cost, it’s a bit like learning the rules of a new game. In the United States, the cost of Valorant Points ranges from $4.99 for 475 VP to $99.99 for a whopping 11,000 VP.

It’s a sliding scale, so the more you spend, the more bonus points you get, kind of like leveling up your character and earning bonus attributes along the way.

Consider this: when you purchase 475 Valorant points for $4.99, you’re essentially spending about 1.05 cents for each point. Doesn’t seem too hefty, right? Now, let’s take it up a notch. If you decide to splurge and get 11,000 Valorant points, the cost per point drops to just about 0.91 cents.

That’s right, you’re getting more bang for your buck, making a significant saving of approximately 13.3%. Quite the bargain if you’re someone who relishes the thrill of spending those Valorant points!

Purchasing Valorant Points

Alright, so now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to dive into the actual process of acquiring Valorant Points, and it’s as easy as buying a new game on your favorite online store.

To kick things off, you’ll need to navigate to the Valorant Store. Think of it as the hub for all your cosmetic needs, the marketplace where you can browse and buy to your heart’s content. You can access the store from the game’s main menu – just look for the “Store” tab at the top of the screen.

Once you’re in the store, you’ll find a variety of different bundles of cosmetics currently available for purchase. Now, here’s where your Valorant Points come into play. If you see something you fancy, and you’ve got enough Valorant Points, it’s as simple as clicking on the item you want to buy and selecting “Purchase”. You’ll be shown a confirmation screen with a breakdown of your Valorant Points after the purchase, and then it’s just a matter of clicking “Unlock” to secure your new item. It’s as satisfying as pulling off a well-coordinated team play in the heat of a match.

If your Valorant Points balance is looking a bit low, don’t worry – buying more is just as easy. You can purchase Valorant Points using real-world currency by clicking on the Valorant Points icon just to the right of the “Store” tab at the top of the main menu. This will bring up the transaction screen, where you can select the bundle of Valorant Points you’d like to purchase, along with your preferred purchase method. It’s a bit like choosing your loadout before a match, only this time, you’re gearing up for some serious shopping.

What Can You Buy With Valorant Points?

Valorant Points (VP), a form of premium currency that can be purchased with real money, serve as the primary medium of exchange for various cosmetic purchases within the game of Valorant. Here’s a summary of what you can buy with Valorant Points:

  1. Weapon Skins: Valorant offers a wide array of weapon skins that can be purchased with Valorant Points. These skins are purely cosmetic and do not affect gameplay, but they can help you customize the look of your weapons and make them stand out in matches.
  2. Collection Bundles: These are packages of cosmetic items, typically including a set of weapon skins, a gunbuddy, a player card, and a spray. Each item in the bundle shares a common theme. The cost of collection bundles in VP varies.
  3. Night Market: The Night Market is a special event that offers discounts on a selection of weapon skins. These deals are unique to each player and can only be purchased with Valorant Points.
  4. Gunbuddies: Gunbuddies are small charms that you can attach to your weapons. They cost 475 VP per gunbuddy from collection bundles and 975 VP per gunbuddy for all Give Back Collection Bundles.
  5. Player Cards: Player Cards are customizable backgrounds for your player profile. These cost 375 VP per player card from collection bundles and 775 VP per player card for all Give Back Collection Bundles.
  6. Sprays: Sprays are graphical tags that you can place around the game world. They cost 325 VP per spray from collection bundles and 675 VP per spray for all Give Back Collection Bundles.
  7. Player Titles: Player titles are unique descriptors that appear on your player profile. So far, these are only available in the Champions 2021 Collection, costing 200 VP per player title.
  8. Act Battle Pass: The Act Battle Pass is a progression system that rewards players with a variety of cosmetic items as they earn experience and level up. The Battle Pass has a free track, but players can upgrade to a premium track for 1000 VP, which offers more rewards and premium items.
  9. Tier Unlocks: Valorant Points can be used to unlock tiers in the Battle Pass and Agent contracts, which can grant a variety of rewards including cosmetic items and new agents. Tiers in the Battle Pass cost 300 VP per tier up to Tier 50, while tiers in Agent contracts cost 200 VP per tier up to Tier 5.
  10. Radianite Points: Radianite Points (RP) are another form of currency in Valorant, primarily used for upgrading weapon skins to unlock additional visual effects, animations, and finishers. You can purchase RP with Valorant Points, with bundles offering 20 RP for 1600 VP, 40 RP for 2800 VP, and 80 RP for 4800 VP​1​.

Remember, all of these items are purely cosmetic and do not impact gameplay or give any competitive advantages. They simply offer ways for players to customize their in-game appearance and experience.

Impact of Valorant Points on Gameplay

So, you’ve got your Valorant Points, you’ve made your purchases, and you’re all set to jump back into the fray. But what impact do these points actually have on your gameplay? Well, just like a powerful weapon or a game-changing ability, Valorant Points can really shake things up – only in this case, they’re all about enhancing your game aesthetically.

While Valorant Points don’t directly affect gameplay mechanics (you won’t get a damage boost or a health increase), they can certainly make your gaming experience more enjoyable. It’s a bit like driving a car with a custom paint job – it won’t make the car faster, but it sure will make it look cooler. With Valorant Points, you can customize your character and weapons to fit your personal style, making each match a showcase of your unique tastes.

Furthermore, Valorant Points can also impact your progress in the game. You can use them to purchase tiers that would otherwise require XP to unlock. This means that if you want all Valorant Agents unlocked from day one, you can do just that using Valorant Points. It’s like using a cheat code to get ahead, only this time, it’s totally within the rules of the game.


That’s a wrap on our deep dive into Valorant Points, folks! We’ve journeyed through the ins and outs of this premium currency, from our initial curiosity to a comprehensive understanding. Just like that night when we were left puzzled in the middle of the game, we know that this guide will serve as a beacon of clarity for many gamers out there. Let’s quickly recap the key takeaways:

  • Valorant Points (VPs) are the premium in-game currency used in Valorant.
  • VPs can be purchased using real-world money, with prices varying per region.
  • Buying in bulk is the key to savings, offering more VPs per dollar spent.
  • VPs are used to purchase a wide variety of in-game items, including weapon skins, player cards, and more.
  • The Valorant store is accessible from the game’s main menu and offers a plethora of items to enhance your gaming experience.
  • Your purchase history can be tracked through a Riot Support article, enabling you to monitor your spending.

Now that you’re well-versed in the realm of Valorant Points, it’s time to take your knowledge to the battlefield. But wait, there’s more!

What’s Next?

We believe in leaving you with actionable insights after every read. So, what can you do with all this newfound knowledge? Here are some steps to put your learning into action:

  1. Evaluate Your Budget: Take a moment to decide how much you’re willing to spend on Valorant Points. Remember, it’s all fun and games until it takes a toll on your wallet.
  2. Plan Your Purchases: Now that you know the ins and outs of Valorant Points, strategize your purchases. Are you eyeing a particular weapon skin or player card? Plan accordingly.
  3. Buy in Bulk: If you plan on making multiple purchases, consider buying in bulk to save some cash.
  4. Explore the Store: Visit the Valorant Store and familiarize yourself with the various items available for purchase. Remember, knowing is half the battle!
  5. Track Your Spending: Use the Riot Support article to keep an eye on your Valorant Points spending. It’s always good to know where your money’s going.

Now, gear up and dive into the vibrant world of Valorant. Make the most out of those Valorant Points and enhance your gaming experience. Happy gaming, my friend!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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