How to Make Dragon Armor in Skyrim: A Deep Dive into the Ultimate Skyrim Gear

In the chilly, dragon-infested world of Skyrim, I once found myself standing at the foot of the Throat of the World, decked in mismatched armor and facing a rather irate ancient dragon. As its scorching breath seared the ground near me, I couldn’t help but wonder: “Am I wearing the right armor for this showdown?” You see, in the vast realm of Tamriel, every choice matters – from the spells you cast to the gear you sport. And if you’re like me, you’ve probably pondered:

  • How to make Dragon Bone armour, both Dragonplate and Dragonescale.
  • What’s the real deal with Dragonplate armor?
  • How does it stack up against the sleeker Dragonscale armor?
  • What are the pros and cons of each?

I’ve been down that road, scouring every corner of Whiterun, rifling through the pages of the mysterious Elder Scrolls, and bartering with the finest blacksmiths to unravel these mysteries. And I know there are countless Dragonborns out there who’d find a guide like this as essential as a trusty iron dagger in a goblin ambush.

Just imagine, fellow adventurer, being able to confidently stride into battle or stealthily approach your prey, knowing your armor choice was spot on. Ready to embark on this knowledge quest?

Dragonbone armour: An Introduction

Let’s talk about dragon armor, which is, hands down, one of the coolest armors you can get in the game. You’ll feel like a true Dragonborn when you wear it. And considering it’s crafted from dragon bones and scales, it’s got a bit of an epic origin story, too.

There are actually two types of dragon armor in the game – Dragonplate and Dragonscale. If you’re the kind of adventurer who loves to get up close and personal with a massive battleaxe or broadsword, you might lean toward the heavy Dragonplate armor. It’s chunky, protective, and looks like you’ve basically taken a dragon and wrapped it around yourself for maximum defense.

On the other hand, if you’re more of a swift-footed rogue type who relies on dodging and agility, Dragonscale, the light armor variant, is probably more your speed. It’s sleeker, offers more mobility, and still gives off that “I’ve slain a dragon or two in my time” vibe.

Crafting this armor requires you to get your Smithing skill up to 100 and select the “Dragon Armor” perk. But let’s be honest, the grinding and work is worth it. Besides the unmatched style, it’s also among the best armor in the game.

Just one piece of advice: the next time you down a dragon in the land of Skyrim, don’t just leave it there. Collect those bones and scales. Before you know it, you’ll be strutting around Whiterun looking like a total boss in your new dragon armor. And the townsfolk? They’ll be in awe. After all, it’s not every day they see someone wearing a dragon!

How to make Dragonplate armor in Skyrim

Alright, adventurer! So, you’re looking to craft the legendary Dragonplate armor in Skyrim? Get ready to embrace your inner blacksmith and craft something epic. Here’s what you’ll need to know:

  1. Perk & Skill Requirement:
    • First and foremost, your Smithing skill needs to be at level 100. That’s right, the big one-double-oh!
    • You also need to have chosen the “Dragon Armor” perk in the Smithing skill tree, which sits right at the end of the tree.
  2. Materials: Here are the materials required for crafting each piece of Dragonplate armor:
    • Cuirass (Chestpiece): 3 Dragon Bones, 3 Leather Strips, and 2 Dragon Scales.
    • Boots: 2 Dragon Bones, 2 Leather Strips, and 1 Dragon Scale.
    • Gauntlets (Gloves): 2 Dragon Bones, 2 Leather Strips, and 1 Dragon Scale.
    • Helmet: 2 Dragon Bones, 1 Leather Strip, and 1 Dragon Scale.
    • Shield: 2 Dragon Bones, 1 Leather Strip, and 1 Dragon Scale.
    As you can see, you’re going to be hunting quite a few dragons to gather those bones and scales!
  3. Crafting Process:
    • Head to any forge. You’ll usually find these in major towns or settlements, like Whiterun, right next to the local blacksmith.
    • Under the “Dragon” section, you’ll find the options to craft Dragonplate armor, given you have the necessary materials.
  4. Improving the Armor:
    • Once you’ve crafted your Dragonplate armor, don’t forget to improve it at a workbench for increased protection. Using the “Legendary” improvement (which becomes available once you’ve reached 100 in Smithing) will get you the best possible stats on your armor.
    • Additionally, having the “Arcane Blacksmith” perk lets you upgrade enchanted armor, so if you’ve enchanted your Dragonplate, you can still make it stronger.

Remember, wearing a full set of any armor (like Dragonplate) also provides a hidden armor bonus, making you even more resilient. With Dragonplate armor on, you won’t just look the part of a legendary Dragonborn; you’ll truly be a force to be reckoned with in the world of Skyrim. Happy dragon hunting!

How to make Dragonscale armor in Skyrim

Ah, opting for the lighter and sleeker Dragonscale armor, I see! A perfect choice for someone who values mobility without sacrificing too much protection. Let’s dive into how to make it:

  1. Perk & Skill Requirement:
    • Your Smithing skill needs to be at its peak: level 100.
    • Make sure you’ve unlocked the “Dragon Armor” perk within the Smithing skill tree. It’s the top-most perk, letting you craft both Dragonplate and Dragonscale armor.
  2. Materials: Here’s what you need for each piece of the Dragonscale armor:
    • Cuirass (Chestpiece): 3 Dragon Scales, 2 Leather, and 2 Leather Strips.
    • Boots: 2 Dragon Scales, 2 Leather, and 2 Leather Strips.
    • Gauntlets (Gloves): 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Leather, and 2 Leather Strips.
    • Helmet: 2 Dragon Scales, 1 Leather, and 1 Leather Strip.
    Get ready to go dragon hunting, as you’ll need their scales to craft this set!
  3. Crafting Process:
    • Go to any forge in Skyrim. They’re generally found in or near major towns and cities, often alongside a friendly (or sometimes grumpy) blacksmith.
    • Scroll down to the “Dragon” section, and if you have all the required materials and the aforementioned perk, you’ll see the options to craft Dragonscale armor.
  4. Improving the Armor:
    • Once you’ve got your armor set, visit a workbench to enhance its stats. When your Smithing is at 100 and you’ve chosen the right perks, you can upgrade your armor to “Legendary” status, providing maximum protection.
    • If you enchant your Dragonscale armor, you’ll need the “Arcane Blacksmith” perk to further upgrade it.

Dragonscale armor offers excellent protection for its weight, and when you’re decked out in a full set, not only will you be well-protected, but you’ll look stunningly fierce. The bonus? You’ll still be light on your feet, perfect for dodging dragon fire or sneaking up on your foes. Safe travels and may your arrows always find their mark!

What are the pros and cons of Dragonplate armour? ChatGPT

Let’s dive into the world of Dragonplate armor in Skyrim and look at its advantages and drawbacks.

Pros of Dragonplate Armor

  1. High Protection: Dragonplate is among the highest-rated heavy armor in the game. It provides excellent damage resistance, making you considerably harder to kill.
  2. Legendary Appearance: Let’s be honest – wearing armor crafted from dragon bones has a certain cool factor. Adventurers in Skyrim will look the part of a legendary Dragonborn with this intimidating armor set.
  3. Customizable: Like all armors in Skyrim, Dragonplate can be improved at workbenches and can also be enchanted to fit your needs.
  4. Partial Lightness: Despite being categorized as heavy armor, Dragonplate is lighter than some other heavy armors like Daedric. This means less stamina drain when sprinting compared to other heavy sets.
  5. Availability of Materials: Once you start slaying dragons, you’ll accumulate bones and scales. While many other high-tier armors require rare ingredients or more complex methods to obtain, Dragonplate simply requires dragon parts and the necessary smithing skill.

Cons of Dragonplate Armor

  1. Weight: Even though it’s lighter than some heavy armor, it’s still substantially heavier than light armor sets. This can impact your overall carry weight and stamina consumption, especially if you’re not heavily invested in the Heavy Armor skill tree.
  2. Resource Intensive: Each piece requires multiple dragon bones. If you haven’t been hunting many dragons or if you’ve been selling the parts, it can take a while to gather what you need.
  3. High Smithing Requirement: You need a Smithing skill of 100 and the Dragon Armor perk to craft it. This can be a long journey for players not focusing on smithing.
  4. Aesthetic Preference: While many love the look of Dragonplate, aesthetics are subjective. Some players might prefer the sinister appearance of Daedric armor or the sleekness of Ebony.
  5. No Special Abilities: Unlike some unique armors or artifacts in the game, the Dragonplate armor doesn’t come with any intrinsic special abilities or enchantments. You’ll need to add these yourself.

In conclusion, whether Dragonplate armor is right for your character really depends on your playstyle and preferences. If you favor protection, are working on your heavy armor skills, and like the idea of donning the remains of your dragon foes, it’s an excellent choice. If you’re looking for something lighter or with a different aesthetic, you might lean towards other options. Either way, happy adventuring in Skyrim!

What are the pros and cons of Dragonscale armour?

Ah, Dragonscale armor – the epitome of elegance and strength for those who prefer a lighter touch. Here are the pros and cons of this beautiful light armor crafted from dragon materials:

Pros of Dragonscale Armor

  1. Top-Tier Protection for Light Armor: Dragonscale offers the highest base protection among all light armors in Skyrim. This means that you can be nimble while still having solid defense.
  2. Stylish Appearance: Dragonscale armor looks fantastic. You can show off the scales of the dragons you’ve slain, and the design is both sleek and detailed.
  3. Less Weight: Being a light armor, Dragonscale weighs less than its Dragonplate counterpart. This means it won’t eat up your carrying capacity as much, and stamina drain from running or sprinting is reduced.
  4. Customizable: Like other armor sets, Dragonscale can be upgraded at workbenches and enchanted to better suit your needs.
  5. Enhances Stealth: Light armor is less noisy than heavy armor. If you’re playing a stealth-based character, like a thief or assassin, Dragonscale is more conducive to sneaking around.
  6. Availability of Materials: If you’ve been on a dragon-slaying spree, you’re likely to have a good collection of dragon scales. The main components for crafting Dragonscale are these scales, making it relatively straightforward to gather materials once you’re at a certain point in the game.

Cons of Dragonscale Armor

  1. Protection vs. Heavy Armor: While it’s the best in the light armor category, Dragonscale still offers less protection than the highest-tier heavy armors like Dragonplate or Daedric.
  2. Resource Intensive: Crafting a full set will require a significant number of dragon scales. If you’ve sold them or haven’t hunted many dragons, it might take some time to gather the needed materials.
  3. High Smithing Requirement: Just like Dragonplate, you need your Smithing skill at 100 and the Dragon Armor perk to craft Dragonscale armor. This might be a steep requirement if you haven’t been leveling your smithing.
  4. Aesthetic Specificity: While many adore the design of Dragonscale, aesthetics are subjective. Some players might prefer the rugged look of other light armors or the intricacies of unique armors.
  5. No Intrinsic Abilities: Dragonscale armor doesn’t come with any built-in abilities or enchantments. You have to manually enchant it if you want those special bonuses.

In essence, Dragonscale armor is a top choice for adventurers who want the best light armor in Skyrim. It combines aesthetics with functionality, especially for those who rely on speed, agility, and stealth. Whether you’re an archer picking off enemies from the shadows or a swift-footed warrior, Dragonscale might just be your go-to choice. But, as with all things in Skyrim, your choices should align with how you wish to experience the game. Safe dragon hunting!

Final Words and Summary

Ah, fellow Dragonborn, our journey through the vast landscapes of armor in Skyrim has been an exhilarating one, reminiscent of that chilly day at the Throat of the World. Let’s recall the treasures of knowledge we’ve unearthed:

  • Dragonplate Armor: The heavyweight champion of dragon armors, providing formidable protection.
  • Dragonscale Armor: A lightweight contender, offering top-tier protection for the agile warrior.
  • Pros and Cons of Dragonplate: Weighing the strengths and vulnerabilities of this revered armor.
  • Pros and Cons of Dragonscale: Assessing the merits and limitations of this elegant protective gear.
  • Crafting Insights: The essential know-how of forging these iconic armors.
  • Aesthetic Choices: The visual appeal and style considerations of both armors.

Now, as every story must find its closing chapter, it’s time to turn the page to our next adventure. Hungry for more insights? Dive into the “What Next?” section below!

What Next?

I always believe in giving my fellow adventurers something tangible to grasp, a clear path to follow as you continue your journey. Here’s a handful of actionable steps to embrace after soaking up all that armor wisdom:

  • Armor Trial: Spend a week in Skyrim testing both Dragonplate and Dragonscale armors in various situations.
  • Crafting Marathon: Set out to craft both armors from scratch, immersing yourself in the blacksmithing process.
  • Skill Tree Exploration: Delve deeper into the Smithing skill tree, discovering other crafting perks that pique your interest.
  • Aesthetic Play: Customize your armor with enchantments and different color tones to see which resonates with your personal style.
  • Feedback Loop: Join a Skyrim forum and share your experiences, seeking input and different perspectives on armor choices.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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