How to Remove the Custom Destination Map Marker in Skyrim

You’re knee-deep in the snow of Skyrim’s northern reaches, the wind howling around you as you squint at your map. It’s a mess of icons, a sea of markers you’ve placed over countless hours of adventuring. You’re trying to find that one particular spot you marked ages ago, but it’s lost in the clutter. Frustrating, isn’t it? I’ve been there, friend, and I know I’m not the only one. That’s why I decided to put together this guide, a beacon in the blizzard, if you will.

In this guide, we’ll be delving into the following topics:

  • Understanding what the custom destination map marker in Skyrim is, like a bard spinning a tale of ancient lore.
  • A detailed, step-by-step guide on how to remove these markers using a mouse and keyboard, as precise as an expert blacksmith forging a blade.
  • A similar guide for those of you who prefer a controller, as easy to follow as a well-trodden path through the Whiterun plains.
  • And finally, we’ll answer the question that’s as elusive as a Khajiit in the shadows: Can you restore a custom destination in Skyrim after removing it?

So, ready your potions, sharpen your blades, and let’s dive into the arcane art of managing custom destination markers in Skyrim. Trust me, by the end of this, you’ll navigate your map as smoothly as a Thieves Guild member picks a lock. Keep on reading, adventurer, and let’s conquer this quest together.

What is the Custom Destination Map Marker in Skyrim?

Skyrim, the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls series, is a game that thrives on exploration. The vast open world is teeming with quests, dungeons, and secrets waiting to be discovered. One of the features that facilitate this exploration is the custom destination map marker. This is a tool that allows players to mark a specific location on the map that they want to visit or remember. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs in a digital forest, a beacon that guides you back to points of interest.

The custom destination marker is a small, triangular icon that you can place anywhere on your map. It’s a personal waypoint, separate from the game’s pre-set locations and quest markers. Whether it’s a beautiful vista, a tough enemy you want to return to, or just a spot where you dropped some loot, the custom destination marker is your personal reminder, a note scrawled on the map of Skyrim itself.

But what happens when your map starts to look like a pincushion, cluttered with markers from past adventures? That’s where the ability to remove these markers comes in handy. It’s like cleaning up after a quest-filled party, leaving your map fresh and ready for the next adventure.

Detailed Guide to Remove Custom Destination Marker in Skyrim with Mouse and Keyboard

Navigating the vast and intricate world of Skyrim can be a daunting task, but the custom destination marker is a handy tool that makes it a bit easier. However, there comes a time when you might want to declutter your map and remove some of these markers. Here’s a more detailed, step-by-step guide on how to do it using a mouse and keyboard:

  1. Access the Map: Start by pressing the ‘M’ key on your keyboard. This action will bring up the full map of Skyrim, a parchment-like screen filled with various icons representing cities, towns, dungeons, and of course, your custom markers.
  2. Locate the Marker: Scan your map for the custom destination marker you wish to remove. These markers are represented by green, triangular icons, distinct from the other markers on your map. They might be scattered across the map, depending on where you’ve decided to place them during your adventures.
  3. Select the Marker: Move your mouse cursor over the custom destination marker you want to remove and click on it. This action will highlight the marker, and a floating text saying “Custom Destination” will appear, confirming that you’ve selected the right marker.
  4. Remove the Marker: With the custom destination marker selected, press the ‘E’ key on your keyboard. This action will instantly remove the marker from your map, leaving no trace behind.

Just like that, your custom marker is gone. It’s like erasing a small note from your adventurer’s journal, leaving more room for new discoveries and experiences.

Detailed Guide to Remove Custom Destination Marker in Skyrim with a Controller

For those who prefer the tactile feedback of a controller or are playing Skyrim on a console, the process of removing a custom destination marker is slightly different but still straightforward. Here’s a more detailed guide:

  1. Access the Map: Begin by pressing the ‘Options’ button on PlayStation or the ‘Menu’ button on Xbox (Small buttons with 3 horizontal lines next to or on them). This will open your journal. Next navigate to the map, revealing the vast landscape of Skyrim and all the markers you’ve placed.
  2. Locate the Marker: Use the left analog stick to navigate the cursor across the map. Look for the green, triangular icon that represents your custom destination marker. It might be nestled between the symbols of towns, dungeons, or other points of interest.
  3. Select the Marker: Once you’ve found the marker you want to remove, press the ‘A’ button on Xbox or the ‘X’ button on PlayStation. This will highlight the marker, and a floating text saying “Custom Destination” will appear, confirming your selection. You can also press A or X anywhere on the map as if you place a new custom destination marker. If you already have a marker on this will bring up a prompt giving you the option of removing the old marker and placing a new one.
  4. Remove the Marker: With the marker selected, press the ‘Y’ button on Xbox or the ‘Triangle’ button on PlayStation. This action will remove the marker from your map, as if it was never there.

And there you have it! Your custom destination marker has been removed, like a shadow disappearing in the stealthy world of Skyrim. This process helps keep your map clean and organized, ready for your next epic adventure.

Can I Restore a Custom Destination in Skyrim After Removing It?

Now, you might be wondering: what if I change my mind? What if I remove a marker and then realize I need it back? Well, in the world of Skyrim, not everything is set in stone. Unfortunately, once a custom destination marker is removed, it cannot be restored to the exact previous location. It’s like trying to catch an arrow you’ve already fired – once it’s gone, it’s gone.

However, you can always set a new custom destination marker at the same location or anywhere else. It’s as easy as opening your map and clicking or pressing on the spot you want to mark. So while you can’t undo the removal of a marker, you’re never more than a few seconds away from creating a new one.

In the end, the custom destination marker is a tool, and like any tool in Skyrim, it’s up to you how to use it. Whether you’re marking the lair of a dragon, the entrance to a hidden dungeon, or just a beautiful spot for a screenshot, the custom destination marker is there to help you navigate the wide world of Skyrim. And with these steps, you can keep your map clean and organized, ready for whatever adventure comes next.


Navigating the vast world of Skyrim is no small feat, and the custom destination markers are a valuable tool in any adventurer’s arsenal. But like any tool, they need to be managed properly. We’ve journeyed together through the intricacies of these markers, from understanding their purpose to mastering the art of removing them.

Here are the main points we’ve covered:

  • The custom destination map marker in Skyrim is a personal waypoint, a beacon in the digital wilderness.
  • Removing these markers with a mouse and keyboard is a simple process, as easy as clearing a dungeon of draugrs.
  • For those who prefer a controller, the process is slightly different but just as straightforward.
  • Unfortunately, once a marker is removed, it can’t be restored to the exact previous location, much like an arrow that’s been loosed.
  • However, you can always set a new custom destination marker, ready for your next adventure.
  • Managing these markers effectively can make your Skyrim experience more organized and enjoyable.

So, fellow adventurer, it’s time to take up your map and marker, and carve your own path through the world of Skyrim. But before you go, let’s look at what’s next.

What Next?

I always believe in leaving my fellow adventurers with something actionable to do after reading my guides. Here are some tasks you can take on after finishing this article:

  • Open your Skyrim game and take a look at your map. How many custom destination markers do you have?
  • Try removing a marker using the method that corresponds with your preferred gaming setup.
  • If you’ve removed a marker, try placing a new one at a location of your choice.
  • Spend some time exploring the areas around your custom markers. You never know what you might find!
  • Share this guide with your fellow Skyrim players. They might find it helpful too!


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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