If You’re a Nature-Loving Gamer, You Have to Play These Games

1. Beyond Blue (PC, Xbox, PS, Switch)

Beyond Blue is a visually stunning underwater game that teaches players about marine life and the problems that industrialization and climate change are causing in the oceans. Mirai, a teenage marine researcher, is tracking a pod of whales in the game.

Beyond Blue was developed in collaboration with the BBC and marine experts, so players can learn about the ocean while playing. But Beyond Blue is much more than simply educational entertainment. It has an excellent narrative, and players may return to earlier ecosystems to spend as much time as they like plunging into the digital ocean and swimming with dolphins, sharks, whales, and other sea creatures.

2. A Short Hike (PC, Xbox, PS, Switch)

A Short Hike, universally praised by critics and gamers alike, introduces players to the fictitious Hawk Peak Provincial Park. There, players may transform into birds and fly, swim, play volleyball, trek, fish, and even hunt for buried treasure. The game’s only major narrative goal is to reach the mountain’s summit, but the true enjoyment is getting to know the park’s other guests and participating in the numerous jobs and challenges they provide. 

In this game, you will be able to find dozens of unknown plants. If you want to delve into the essence of the game, you can use the plant identifying app, which will help you find out what you see in front of you.

Look for the new samples. Adding dozens of additional plants to your collection is simple. For searches, simply enter their names. Lily will assist you with this and deliver accurate findings based on the inquiries that the app receives from you.

A Short Hike is a nice, charming, and extremely welcome experience that will make gamers wish to be a youngster at summer camp once more. When completed, the game is really rather short, making it ideal for gamers looking for a game they can finish in a short amount of time. Fortunately, even if they win, players can continue to enjoy Hawk Peak for as long as they like.

3. Haven Park (PC, Switch)

Many perceive Haven Park to be a “clone” of Short Hike, which it most certainly is. In fact, Fabien Weibel, the game’s inventor, freely and enthusiastically loves A Short Hike and confesses that Haven Park was substantially inspired by it.

Unlike A Short Hike, which puts players in visitors’ shoes, Haven Park puts them in charge of the park, tasked with gathering resources and erecting campsites to keep tourists happy. There’s also plenty of exploration and adventure, including a visit to a secret mine. It’s a fantastic game for A Short Hike lovers who want more.

4. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U, Switch)

Donkey Kong Country has always had a strong link to nature and even ecology. The levels are vibrantly colored and situated in exotic locations like rainforests, alpine mountaintops, and even under the sea. It’s no wonder, therefore, that the series’ most recent edition, Tropical Freeze, would carry on the heritage.

This time, the DK team must defend their home from frigid invaders attempting to take over DK Island. Tropical Freeze is one of several fantastic Wii U games translated to the Switch, and it has a bonus mode and new features.

5. Lake (PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch)

Lake is a must-play for gamers who wish to enjoy nature and the pleasures of a tiny town. The game is set in 1986 and follows Meredith Weiss, who quits her work in the big city to return to her hometown of Providence Oaks, which is situated up in the mountains close to a beautiful lake. She gets a job as a postman and starts rekindling her friendships with the locals.

It’s a lovely and peaceful game in which players may drive along calm streets, see the magnificent towering pine trees, and take in the stunning splendor of a welcoming neighborhood.

6. Abzu (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Amazon Luna)

Swimming through stunning, colorful underwater landscapes, and encountering orcas, whale sharks, and dolphins, as well as aliens and dinosaurs, is part of Abzu. It’s a difficult game to define, and each player will most likely discover their own meaning inside the story.

But one thing is certain: the game is breathtakingly magnificent and, with the exception of a few stages containing aliens, is a calm and zenlike experience. The game has no actual goal; players merely swim around, admiring the beauty of the water while solving a few little puzzles. The narrative will spontaneously reveal itself as the player investigates.

7. Minecraft (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Sure, Minecraft is a 64-bit game made to seem like an 8-bit game from the NES era…but there are very few other games that allow players to become lost in nature the way Minecraft does. The sceneries in Minecraft are truly breathtaking, despite being a rather boxed representation of nature. The game’s adaptability is another distinguishing quality that few other games have.

Players can construct a tiny farmstead on the plains or a jungle treehouse. If a player truly wanted to, they could live off the land, taking on the role of a hunter-gatherer who builds fires at night, hunts during the day, and enjoys the beauty and ecstasy of a life spent close to nature.

8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S.)

Even though it was released in 2011, and the environment design was not as sophisticated then, Skyrim was one of the most gorgeous games. Now that modifications are available, you may improve the texture and general aesthetic of the game, making it even more realistic and outstanding.

Skyrim’s dark age to medieval setting allows you to explore a realm filled with beautiful woods and hilly locations. Because it’s an open-world game, you can go wherever you want. And, at night, if you wait a moment, you’ll be able to see magnificent, realistic auroras.

Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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