Tips for Aspiring Game Designers

If there’s one career out there that’s set to be lucrative for many years to come, it’s game design. That’s because it’s one of the few industries that isn’t threatened by artificial intelligence and other technological developments. In fact, it will be aided by them in the future.

The game industry is expected to grow to a whopping size of $504.29 billion by 2030, highlighting how there’s no chance of jobs in any of the various offshoots disappearing. Game designers who want to get a slice of this ever-expanding pie in 2023 should consider a few key things before getting started.

What is the Most Thriving Market to Get Into?

There are several different branches of the gaming industry, each posing different challenges for budding game developers. Some sectors, such as consoles, require much larger teams, time, and capital for game creation. Other offshoots, such as mobile, are much easier for up-and-coming independent coders.

It’s wise to scour the market and analyze what games will likely remain popular over the next decade. Pick-up-and-play mobile games have been hugely successful, but with smartphone technology advancing, there’s a chance that more detailed titles will reign supreme soon.

Slot games are perhaps the safer bet for developers who want to get started. Players are in search of new safe online casino games that offer something different from what’s already available. Some of the newer online slots on the market include Lock it Link Night Life and Wheel of Fortune Elegant Emeralds. These titles both use new mechanics that are designed to appeal to players who want to try a fresh concept. However, they also stay true to traditional slot game elements, meaning they are still simple for developers.

What Tools Can You Use to Your Advantage?

Another important thing for developers to understand in 2023 is that there are loads of tools out there that make the game creation process more efficient than ever. There has recently been a rise in the number of shared game engines on the market. These give developers a template they can follow and build upon, meaning they don’t need to do a lot of coding from scratch. If a particular game inspires you, you could use the same engine when making yours.

Many developers are now turning to artificial intelligence to assist them with complex tasks. There are programmes out there that can write sets of code, if you give them specific instructions about what you want. Still, you’ll need detailed coding knowledge so you can check everything and alter mistakes. However, there’s no doubt this can speed up the development process massively.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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