The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Trophy guide

Greetings, fellow gamers, and welcome to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Trophy Guide, where I’ll help you hunt down those elusive achievements and earn some serious gamer street cred.

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “CD Projekt Red, why do you have to make it so hard to get these trophies?” But fear not, my fellow witcher, for we shall navigate this vast open world as Geralt of Rivia and take down every monster in our path to find Ciri and earn those sweet, sweet trophies.

And let’s not forget about the Wild Hunt, the spectral army that wants to capture Ciri for their own purposes. They may be spooky, but they’re no match for our monster-hunting skills.

But let’s not kid ourselves; the real reason we’re all here is for the trophies. These in-game achievements are like badges of honor, showing off to other players just how skilled we truly are. In this article, I will guide you through how to earn all the trophies available in the game, so without any further ado, let’s begin!

Understanding Trophies in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

To unlock trophies in the game, players need to complete specific objectives. For example, to earn a Combat Trophy, you need to kill a certain number of enemies or complete a specific combat encounter. Similarly, to earn an Exploration Trophy, you need to explore a specific area or discover a specific location. You can check their progress towards earning trophies by accessing the “Trophies” section in the main menu.

The trophies in The Witcher 3 are divided into three difficulty levels:

1.       Bronze

2.       Silver

3.       Gold.

Bronze trophies are the easiest to obtain, while Gold trophies are the most challenging. You can earn a Platinum trophy by obtaining all the other trophies available in the game. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has 79 trophies – 68 bronze, 8 silver, 2 gold, and 1 platinum.

This includes 53 base game trophies and 26 from 2 DLC packs. Earning all the trophies in The Witcher 3 is not an easy task, but it is rewarding.

There are five kinds of trophies in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. These are:

·         Storyline Trophies

·         Combat Trophies

·         Exploration Trophies

·         Quest Trophies

·         Miscellaneous Trophies

Each of these trophies has different objectives and requirements. While some trophies are easy to obtain, others require more skill and dedication.

Let’s learn more about these trophies below:

1) Storyline Trophies

Storyline Trophies are earned by completing specific story-related objectives. These trophies are some of the easiest to obtain, as they are earned by simply progressing through the game’s main storyline. However, some of these trophies require players to make specific choices during the game’s story missions. Here are some of the trophies and how to earn them:

·         Lilac and Gooseberries (Bronze): This trophy is earned by completing the story missions and finding Yennefer of Vengerberg.

·         Something More (Bronze): This trophy is earned by completing the game’s main storyline. You get this trophy after you find Ciri.

These trophies are earned eventually as you play the main quest missions, and it doesn’t require you to perform any special actions other than completing the game.

2) Combat Trophies

Combat Trophies are earned by completing specific combat-related objectives. These trophies require players to showcase their combat skills by defeating enemies, completing combat encounters, or using specific combat techniques. Here are some of the trophies and how to earn them:

·         Kaer Morhen Trained (Bronze): This trophy is earned by performing 10 effective counterattacks in a row without getting hit or parrying. It is one of the easiest Combat Trophies to obtain, as it is part of the early game.

·         Overkill (Silver): This trophy is earned by bleeding, poisoning and burning an enemy simultaneously for a total of 10 times.

You need to perform certain attacks a specified number of times to get Combat trophies; these can be some of the most frustrating trophies which require good fighting skills.

3) Exploration Trophies

Exploration Trophies are earned by completing specific exploration-related objectives. These trophies require players to explore the game’s vast open world, discover specific locations, and complete specific exploration challenges. Here are some of the trophies and how to earn them:

·         Globetrotter (Bronze): This trophy is earned by discovering 100 fast travel points.

4) Quest Trophies

Quest Trophies are earned by completing specific side-quests or Witcher contracts. These trophies require players to complete specific side-quests or Witcher contracts, which are optional missions available in the game. Here are some of the trophies and how to earn them:

·         Brawl Master (Bronze): This trophy is earned by completing all 14 fistfighting quests in Velen, Skellige and Novigrad.

·         Gwent Master (Bronze): This trophy is earned by winning the Gwent tournament.

5) Miscellaneous Trophies

Miscellaneous Trophies are earned by completing various objectives that do not fall under any specific category. These trophies require players to complete various objectives, such as riding a horse for a certain distance or completing a specific minigame. Here are some of the trophies and how to earn them:

·         Butcher of Blaviken (Silver): This trophy is earned by killing 5 opponents in under 10 seconds.

·         Triple Threat (Bronze): You can earn this trophy by killing three enemies with three different methods in the same fight.

How Many Trophies Are Included In The Witcher 3 DLCs?

The Witcher 3 has two major DLC expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, which have their own trophies. Hearts of Stone has 13 trophies, while Blood and Wine have 13 trophies. These trophies require players to complete specific objectives and challenges unique to each expansion.

What Is The Platinum Trophy In The Witcher 3?

The platinum trophy in The Witcher 3 is like the cherry on top of a delicious sundae. The platinum trophy is awarded when the player earns all of the other trophies in the game. This includes earning all 53 base game trophies and 26 trophies from the two DLC packs. It’s the highest honor a player can achieve in the game and signifies that they have completed all the challenges and achievements the game offers.

Either way, earning that shiny little digital trinket is a sweet feeling. So, go forth and slay some monsters, collect some loot, and earn that platinum trophy!


In conclusion, earning all the trophies in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is no easy task, but it is a rewarding one.

With 79 trophies to earn, including a platinum trophy for completing them all, players can showcase their combat skills, exploration prowess, and completionist tendencies.

The game’s trophies are divided into five categories, including storyline, combat, exploration, quest, and miscellaneous trophies, each with unique objectives and requirements.

With two major DLC expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, players have even more trophies to earn. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s earn those trophies!


  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has 79 trophies: 68 bronze, 8 silver, 2 gold, and 1 platinum.
  • Trophies are divided into five categories: storyline, combat, exploration, quest, and miscellaneous trophies.
  • Platinum trophy is awarded when the player earns all of the other trophies in the game.
  • Two major DLC expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, have their own trophies.
  • Trophies require players to complete specific objectives and challenges unique to each category.


Nick Sinclair

Nick Sinclair, a gaming aficionado since the Commodore 64 era, studied Creative Computer Games Design in university before founding his own gaming company. Discovering a passion for content creation, Nick now helps gamers squeeze every drop of fun out of their favorite gaming hardware

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